Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 543 The Queen's Strange Form 3

Chapter 543 The Queen's Strange Form 3
"You dare to do it, if you feel touched...then repay me in the future!"

Baitang deliberately said it as a matter of course, like a joke.

Yun Jia only smiled lowly, "Your Majesty, of course this servant will repay you."

After combing her hair, Baitang left the room.

The maid said that the emperor had something to do and had left.

"Fortunately left."

Baitang said something in a low voice.

Yun Jia and another court lady who was closer to her gave her a strange look.

After lunch, Baitang saw that the weather was fine, so he went out for a walk.

Yu'er has been by her side.

Baitang's plan is to find a gazebo with a nice view, make a pot of good tea, and then listen to what these ghosts have to say.

When she was in the room, she was in a closed state and occasionally made noises, the maid must think she was weird.

If it is outdoors, keeping them far away, they will not be able to hear their own words, but they can still see the overall situation, and anyone who approaches can be seen at a glance.

"Your Majesty, should we still go to the Liuying Pavilion?"

Baitang didn't know where it was, and nodded casually.

Walking out slowly, I found that it was a place very close to the imperial garden, and it was located on a pond.

She sat in the gazebo, keeping the court ladies far away.

After feeding the fish, I sat in the gazebo and drank tea.

"Baitang, your life is really good now." Yu'er sighed.

Baitang shook his head slowly, "You only see the surface, such days are numbered."

"What does it mean?"

Baitang said: "I'm just wondering when the emperor will show his true colors."

Xiao Luzi said: "Baitang, I didn't have a chance to tell you yesterday. Concubine Xiao went to the Leng Palace once when you were not around."

Baitang took a sip of tea, glanced at the maid waiting in the distance, and spoke softly.

"Which Concubine Xiao is that Concubine Xiao whose daughter climbed onto her?"

Xiao Luzi nodded: "It's her. She probably wanted to go there specially while the emperor was away. Who would have expected to see you."

"Oh, what a pity it missed."

Xiao Luzi said, "It's not pitiful, she looks very angry. Concubine Xiao is almost the most narrow-minded woman in the palace, and she has been favored all the time recently. I'm afraid she will..."

(End of this chapter)

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