Chapter 503
"Time?" He snorted coldly, "The sun will go down soon, what else can I do."

Li Xun Huan was still sweating profusely, his face turned pale.

Duan Tianling glanced at him, "Daoist Li should rest first."

"It's useless for you to go now, Mr. Duan. You sent so many people to search the mountain but couldn't find it. What can you do by yourself? Even if you go out now, it will be dark at the foot of Mojia Mountain. What do you think?" What can you do in the mountains when it's dark?"

Duan Tianling didn't make another move, "Then what can we do? You said there are many monsters on Mojia Mountain, even if the sent people find her, they may not be ordered to bring her back."

"Look at her fate tonight. If you have to go up the mountain tomorrow, I won't stop you."

After thinking for a moment, he looked extremely difficult.

"Is she going to be busy tonight?"

Hearing this, Li Xunhuan knew that he would not insist any longer, so he heaved a sigh of relief.

"She is not a short-lived person, on the contrary... her fate is very special. Nothing will really happen."

Duan Tianling whispered: "Of course I know she is special. Originally, I also thought that she would be fine even in Mojiashan, because she..."

After a pause, she continued: "But she is in a daze now, and her life and death are uncertain. Why did this happen, she can't be so weak..."

Li Xun Huan was slightly startled when he heard some words that he didn't even know.

"Master Duan is saying..."

Duan Tianling's eyes sank, "Isn't she...she knows magic..."

"She will?" Li Xun Huan was shocked, "Could it be that my mirror was shattered, and it was not someone else but herself?"

"I don't know, I'm not very sure about it. Maybe there's another reason, maybe... There are ghosts and ghosts in the palace pretending to be her."

Li Xunhuan fell silent.

Duan Tianling said, "I'll wait another night. If I don't see anyone tomorrow, I'll go to Mount Mojia myself. I hope Daoist Li recovers soon and see what's going on in the palace."

Li Xunhuan nodded.

The sun has completely set, and the afterglow in the clouds is gradually dimming.

On Mount Mojia, those free-growing ancient trees began to look dark.

The huge branches form almost a web.

(End of this chapter)

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