Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 329 The Haunted House Ghost 3

Chapter 329 The Haunted House Ghost 3
"I have no idea!"

Baitang laughed softly: "You have a bit of backbone, but you are doing useless work. If I hit harder, you can really die. Don't think that if you die, I won't be able to find that ghost!"

"You let him go!"

The two little ghosts who suddenly appeared in front of them were afraid and refused to admit defeat.

The somewhat bloodthirsty energy in his eyes has not weakened in the slightest.

Baitang tilted his head, moved the kid in his hand to the side, and looked at the two newcomers, "Do you want to join too?"

The two little ghosts avoided answering.

I have to be ruthless!

She exerted a little force on her hand, and the little devil's head fell off from her hand, and it was wiped out before it hit the ground.

"Don't think I'm a vegetarian, you things that don't even have a body, you still want to harm people!" She grabbed another one, "Say it?"

"I... I said... you let go, it hurts."

The leader solved it, and it was more efficient.

"Little ghost, don't try to fool me. After letting go of you, it is easy for me to catch you again."

She let go of her hand and threw the kid on the ground.

A ghost stood at a distance from her, staring at Baitang with a sullen face.

"I'll ask the question first, and you answer it. Did he ask you to kill people here?"

The kid looked at each other and shook his head.

"Don't try to lie to me. If it wasn't like this, why would the kid who just died would rather die than tell where he is?"

Finally someone Ken spoke up, "We're going to drive everyone out here!"


The little ghost said: "This is our home, we hate people, no one is allowed to live here."

"How long ago? Who killed you?"

The little ghost paused and shook his head, "I don't remember. I just know that one day, a bad guy came in and killed us all... all of us..."

"Where was this place before?"

"It used to be a ruined temple." This was not the voice of a kid, but the voice of an old man.

Baitang raised his head, and there was a faint figure standing in front of him, leaning on a cane, with his head bowed.

The figure is not very real in the dark, like a blurred image.

(End of this chapter)

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