Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 209 Finding His Clues 2

Chapter 209 Finding His Clues 2
She was silent for a moment, "It's okay, I can't come out, and neither can she. It's worth it."

"Empress Zhao?" Baitang's expression changed slightly, "Is this barrier about her?"

Luo Ran didn't say much, and asked another unrelated topic, "What are you doing here? Why are you looking for me?"

Speaking of this, Baitang immediately opened his sleeves, "Look, is my poison really cured?"

Luo Ran took a closer look, "How is this possible? How did you do it? Could it be that found Feng Yan again? You must have found Feng Yan. Where is she? Did you let her go quickly?"

Once these things were mentioned, Luo Ran became a little confused again.

Baitang kept his tone calm, "Luo Ran, calm down and listen to me. I didn't find Fengyan, and I have no way to find her. After that day, the emperor grounded me, and I couldn't step out of the cold palace at all. But... that night, I met a ghost."

Luo Ran listened quietly.

"That ghost... I've seen so many ghosts, but I've never seen one like him. He must have been a very special person when he was alive."

Baitang vaguely remembered his appearance again.

"I didn't believe it at first when he said he could cure my poison, but then he really sucked the poison out for me."

"Suck it out?" Luo Ran stared at her with wide eyes, "He sucked it out with his mouth? How is it possible, this poison cannot be dissolved out of thin air, it must be the blood of Feng Qingyang or Fengyan."

Bai Tang shrugged and said, "Then I don't know, anyway, I didn't see any blood from him. But Luo Ran, when he sucked the poison out for me, it was really painful. Even my sleeping palace lady was scared. I was awakened by my shouting, and broke out in a cold sweat. Thinking about it now, I don’t want to go through it again.”

"Who would be able to suck out the poison of Fengyan..." Luo Ran thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

"It's a pity, so you don't know who he is." Baitang was somewhat disappointed.

There are almost no clues to find him. The only hope is Luo Ran, but she doesn't know either.

(End of this chapter)

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