Psychic Queen: Beware of ghosts in the harem

Chapter 148 Blood Stains on Hands 3

Chapter 148 Blood Stains on Hands 3
Even if it's a black cat, her face control is acceptable.

But this toad is too ugly, it's still khaki, with spots all over its body that I don't know what they are, it looks annoying.

"Hee hee—" Ling Fei smiled strangely, "It came out."

Baitang couldn't stand it any longer, he was afraid that the toad would jump on her body, so he could only move his body to the side bit by bit.

"Concubine Ling, don't be impulsive, move slowly."

Baitang held his breath, fearing that Concubine Ling's sudden madness would scare the toad and make it jump wildly.

She almost sat on the ground and crawled to the side before she felt relieved and felt safe.

If this toad jumped on her, even if she didn't die, get injured or get poisoned, she would feel uncomfortable all over.

I always feel that if I touch this thing, there will be its mucus on my body.

What a disgusting feeling.


Baitang seemed to think of something, but before she had time to think about it, she saw a surprising scene, which made her forget the movement of getting up from the ground, and just sat on the ground and watched.

Concubine Ling smiled strangely, and stretched her finger towards the toad.

The toad swallowed one of Concubine Ling's fingers in one bite. She was still smiling at first, but gradually her expression became distorted. It was hard to tell whether it was pain, timidity, or other emotions.It's like some kind of pleasure that is about to be released.

That toad must be sucking her blood.

Baitang himself didn't know what expression he had now, he felt chills all over just looking at it, and completely forgot what to do next.

If she was pulled away, would Concubine Ling die suddenly?

If you don't pull it away, will Concubine Ling be sucked to death?
Probably not in the latter case. Judging from the situation, it is not the first time that Concubine Ling has been sucked blood, but she is still alive now, just in a weird way.

Baitang didn't even have the strength to shout, she wished she could close her eyes, seeing this kind of species made people feel uncomfortable.

But in fact, she didn't dare to really close her eyes.

When people close their eyes, they actually feel the most insecure, because they cannot see what is about to happen.

She was afraid that after she closed her eyes, if the toad jumped towards her, she wouldn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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