Chapter 151 Clues
Gu Shi'an hurriedly followed her out the door in a daze, until she sat in the car, she had a chance to ask Chang Xi: "What are we doing there?"

She didn't understand what could be important enough to make Chang'an close its doors and suspend its business.

Chang Xi still grabbed her hand, kept looking ahead to tell the driver to hurry up, and said without looking back, "You'll know when we get there."

Her face was solemn, and Gu Shi'an became nervous for no reason, and didn't ask any more questions.

The atmosphere in the car was somewhat depressing, and no one spoke.The car didn't go to the suburbs, it turned around many small alleys, and stopped in front of an inconspicuous private house.

Chang Wei paid the fare and took Gu Shi'an out of the car.

She was wary, getting out of the car Gu Shi'an thought she had arrived somewhere.But it wasn't. The two walked a long way, and they stopped in front of a house with red bricks and gray tiles.He reached out to knock the copper ring on the door of the vermilion mansion.

In less than a minute, the vermilion door was opened from the inside.

The people inside often knew about it, so they respectfully called out to sister, and then led the two of them inside.

The house looked bright from the outside, but it was dark and depressing inside.The courtyard is empty, without any decorations, and no flowers and plants are planted.

Gu Shi'an looked around secretly while following Chang'an inside.The two entered the hall of the house, and there were several men in black suits standing in the hall.Seeing Chang Yan, he bowed slightly.One of the principals stood up and said respectfully: "Miss, the person is below."

He said and led the way.Take them all the way to the backyard.

The backyard was still bare, and when he walked to an inconspicuous place like a firewood shed, he led the two of them down again to a basement.

The basement was dark and damp, the lights below were dim, and the eyes couldn't adapt to it all at once.

The man stopped at the entrance, and said to Chang Xi, "The man is over there."

Gu Shi'an's eyes slowly adjusted, and then he saw clearly that there was something similar to a torture rack not far away, with people hanging from it.

The man's body was tattered, his eyes were closed, he had probably been beaten, and his face was numb.

He looked young, but 24 or [-] years old.

Gu Shi'an knew what was going on when he saw this. Before she could speak, the man in charge said: "The interrogation has already been passed, and I will explain when I can't survive it. But I have been refusing to explain who is instigating behind the scenes. of."

The man didn't know whether he was in a coma or something, and he didn't open his eyes.After the man in charge finished speaking, he immediately signaled the people around him to come forward.

The people around him immediately stepped forward, scooped out a ladle of water from a bucket placed by the side, and splashed it on the face of the hanging man.

I don't know what was put in the water, the man was shocked, and then slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes opened, similar to those in Gu Shian's memory.He just glanced at Gu Shi'an lazily, then lowered his head again.

His bones are very hard, and he can't see any fear at all.This is undoubtedly irritating, the person in charge took a step forward, wanting to give him some flair.But it was stopped by Chang.She said, "Find something to cover your face."

This is for Gu Shian to argue.

These things were prepared earlier, and someone immediately stepped forward to cover that person's face even more.

As soon as he stepped forward, the man raised his head and said in a hoarse voice, "There's no need to bother, she was tied up by me. I threw a note in her tent and tied her up in the stone forest."

His voice was hoarse, and he gasped for breath several times even when he said a word.

This is completely true.If it is not the person involved, it is impossible to know so clearly.

Gu Shi'an's lips trembled slightly, he clenched his fingers, and asked, "Who told you to put that note?"

"I put it myself." The man replied.

Gu Shi'an stared into his eyes, and asked, "How do you know?" She had always been skeptical about her father.Never revealed it, how could he know?

The man snorted, looked up at Gu Shi'an, and said, "Guess, everyone has weaknesses."

Gu Shi'an still didn't believe what he said, she knew that even if she asked him further, he might not be able to tell the truth.He asked again, "Who asked you to kidnap me?"

The man raised his head to look at her and said, "I should keep my mouth shut when someone else paid for it. No matter how much you torture me to death, I won't say anything."

He is very ambitious.

The person in charge sneered, and said: "It would be cheaper for you to let you die." After he finished speaking, he turned around and said respectfully to Chang Xie: "This kid's mouth is very hard, miss you go up first. "

Chang Yu didn't speak, took a step forward, and said calmly to the hanging man: "I advise you to tell the truth. Their methods, I think what you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg."

Her face was indifferent, completely different from her usual weak and petite appearance.

The man raised his eyes and gave her a sideways look, snorted, and said, "So what? Since it fell into your hands, I have no intention of getting out alive."

He was very calm and closed his eyes after saying this.

Chang Yan looked at him coldly, and after two or three seconds, he turned around and said to the person in charge, "Dig three feet to find out all his information. Didn't he say that people have weaknesses? Is it? It’s enough to treat the person in the same way as the person.”

The man clenched his fists tightly when he heard this.But Chang Ji didn't look any further, and walked up with Gu Shi'an.

I don't know if it's because of the cold underground or what, but Gu Shi'an's body trembled slightly.It wasn't until she got outside and saw the sunlight that her tense nerves relaxed a little.

Her face was pale, and her palms were cold.Chang asked her if she was not feeling well, and she shook her head.Looking back at the cellar at the back, he asked, "How did you find him?"

After such a long time, she thought she couldn't find it.

Chang Wei pursed his lips slightly, and said, "It's not the first time he has done this kind of thing, and he will always show his feet."

Her statement was simple, and she did not say where she found this person.

Gu Shi'an didn't continue to ask questions to the bottom of the casserole.I don't know where it is, but staying in this place is depressing.She didn't think about how the people here would deal with the hanging man after they left, she raised her wrist to check the time, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Time wasted here, and it took more than two hours to go back and forth.The store was closed at noon today, so I don't know what's going on now.

Chang also looked back, this man's bones are hard, and he probably won't be able to ask any questions in a short time.She nodded and said yes.

When she got to the door, someone came over and asked Chang if she needed a car to take her off.Chang Li directly refused.

This is in an alley, and it is not easy to get a car. You have to go outside to get a car.The two of them didn't speak for a long time. After walking for a long time, Gu Shi'an said, "Ah, I know my affairs well. You don't have to do it for..."

She often associates with these people, and she is worried in her heart.

It's just that she was interrupted by Chang Li before she could finish her sentence.Chang Wei looked at her and said, "Shi'an, are you being polite to me?" After a slight pause, she continued in a low voice: "Sometimes, once you take a wrong step, you can't do it with all your resources. Turn back."

There was some sadness in her tone, and before Gu Shi'an could speak, she continued, "Don't worry, I took this life back with great difficulty, and I will cherish it and protect myself."

Her tone was serious.

Gu Shi'an fell silent and did not speak again.

Now that the business has been suspended, Chang is not in a hurry.She is familiar with this place, so she simply took Gu Shi'an to eat a time-honored beef brisket noodles at the entrance of the alley.

The noodles here taste good, and what's even better is the free side dishes made by the boss himself.There are more side dishes here than in other places. Sometimes there are more than a dozen kinds, and sometimes there are five or six kinds, which have completely become the characteristics of this store.

Chang Ji obviously came here often, let Gu Shi'an sit down, and she went to get the plates and side dishes by herself.This is noon, when people are the most.The two waited for a full quarter of an hour before the noodles were served.

The noodles here are also handmade by the boss himself, which is much chewier than those eaten outside.

Probably to make the atmosphere more relaxed, Chang introduced the delicious side dishes of this restaurant to Gu Shi'an while eating.

It was past two o'clock when the two returned to the store, and there was a sign outside the door saying that the store was closed, but no one came.

The two just opened the door and entered the store when Xiao Wu and the others who were waiting anxiously in the store greeted them.Seeing the two of them, Xiao Wu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I'm finally back. I still have an appointment in the afternoon, and I don't know how to explain it to the client yet."

Chang Li smiled now, picked up the apron on the side and tied it up, and asked, "How did you explain it to the two customers who made reservations in the morning?"

Xiao Wu rolled his eyes and complained: "You still care about how I explain it? Just leave this mess and leave without saying anything. I'm about to be complained to death."

Chang Xi said with a smile: "I left the mess, didn't I dare to throw it away because you can handle it?"

This compliment made Xiao Wu very happy, and said: "I sent coupons to those two, saying that next time they call to make an appointment, no matter how busy they are, I will arrange it for them once and it will be settled."

Speaking of which, he looked at Chang Qi and asked, "Miss Si, you were in such a hurry just now, what did you do?"

Naturally, this question would not be answered, so he answered something and headed towards the kitchen.

Xiao Wu's curiosity was strong, and he immediately looked at Gu Shi'an.Gu Shi'an also wouldn't tell him, so he dealt with it vaguely.

At noon, picks are often laid down, and the store will be busy in the afternoon.Because of the closure at noon, two more tables were specially added in the afternoon, and each table was given a free dessert.

Gu Shi'an couldn't leave the shop because he was so busy, he was busy until after eleven o'clock, and then he took a rest.Several people couldn't eat at night, and they didn't gobble up until all the guests left.

When the door was about to close at night, I often answered the phone again. I don't know what the person over there said.When he closed the door and sent Gu Shi'an to the station, Chang Li said in a low voice: "They have already gone to investigate the details of that person, and there should be news soon."

Gu Shi'an nodded and said, "There's no rush, I didn't have any hope at all."

Since Chang Yu said to check the details of that person, it shows that the person's mouth is hard, and he must have never revealed any news.

She really didn't have any hope. Neither Chen Xiao nor Qin Tang had any news, and she didn't know where Chang Xun found him.

"It shouldn't be long before we can find out," Chang said again.There was a car coming in front of her, so she stopped it.

Gu Shi'an said hello and told her to rest early, and then got into the car.

When she got in the car, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Originally, she wanted to tell Qin Tangren that she had found it, but in the end she didn't tell him.Although people have been found, but now there is no result.I don't know who is behind it.Even if you tell him, it will only make him worry more.

Gu Shi'an was brooding about the car accident. After thinking about it for a long time, he still called Assistant Sun.

Assistant Sun didn't know if he was busy or what, so he didn't answer the phone.She didn't answer the phone until she was about to hang up.Called Miss Gu.

Gu Shi'an was silent for a while, and asked, "Has the car accident been dealt with?"

Assistant Sun didn't expect that she was asking about this, so he was slightly taken aback and said, "It's all been taken care of, what's the matter?"

Gu Shi'an said no, paused for a while, and then asked, "What did the traffic police say?"

"I didn't say anything, it's just that the brakes of the car suddenly failed, and that side is solely responsible. Mr. Chen's car has already been sent for repairs. Do you think there is something wrong?" He asked tentatively after finishing speaking.

"No, just ask." Gu Shi'an replied.

Assistant Sun didn't ask any more questions, and hung up the phone after a few polite words.

Gu Shi'an stood still after hanging up the phone, and put the phone back into his pocket after a while.

She had to go to the interview, so she stood for a while before going to change.

There were too many things in her mind, and she almost got on the wrong station when she was in the car. Fortunately, the driver reported the name of the station again, and she quickly jumped out of the car.

The position recruited by this company is her old job, and she handed over her resume and some of her previous works.The interviewer was not sharp, but simply asked her a few questions, left her resume and asked her to go back and wait for news.

The interview was undoubtedly a physical job, even though Gu Shian had gotten used to it, he still let out a sigh of relief when he came out.

She looked around and was about to find a nearby bus stop when she heard someone shouting, "Shi'an?"

Gu Shi'an turned his head and saw Li Ran walking over in formal attire.The makeup on her face is exquisite, compared with her, she is very shabby.

Gu Shi'an never expected to meet her at all, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

On the contrary, Li Ran quickly walked to her side and said, "I happened to come here to work, and you came here to..."

There was a smile on her face, and she slightly brushed the broken hair around her ears, with a variety of styles.

Gu Shi'an smiled faintly, and said frankly, "I'm here for an interview."

Naturally, Li Ran was not surprised at her resignation.Smiling slightly, he said, "Is it the one on the seventeenth floor?"

Since she works here, it's not surprising to know this.Gu Shi'an replied yes.

Li Ran now showed a concerned look, and said, "I am quite familiar with the manager of their HR department, do you want to say hello to him?"

Gu Shi'an smiled slightly and said, "No, I don't need to bother you, Senior Sister Li."

She refused straight away, and Li Ran did not insist.He looked at the time and said, "It's already noon, do you want to have a meal together? There are quite a lot of delicious restaurants near here."

She has always been paying attention to her and Chen Xiao, and now that she has separated from Chen Xiao, she must have known about it.I don't know if he invited her to dinner for another purpose, or if he just wanted to have dinner together.But no matter which one, Gu Shian was not interested.

She just smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Li, I have an interview later, so I don't need it."

Li Ran showed a bit of regret on his face, and said, "Okay then, come and call me next time."

Gu Shi'an said yes, kept smiling and said a few polite words before going to the station.

Turning around, the smile on her face disappeared.Probably because of meeting Li Ran, she suddenly felt a little tired.Close your eyes and take a nap when you get in the car.

Now it is a saturator in the job market. She interviewed two companies in a row, and there were a lot of interviewees.The reply she got was to go back and wait for the notification.

It was hard to find a job during this time, but she accepted it calmly and was not in a hurry.

Before she called Qin Tang to say that the person who kidnapped her last time had been found, Qin Tang called first.Ask her if she is free tomorrow.

She is idle during this period of time, so there will be no time.Just answered yes.

Qin Tang on the other end of the phone didn't say much, he just told her to go to bed early, and he would ask the driver to pick her up tomorrow morning.

Gu Shi'an asked him where he was going, but he didn't say anything.After saying that I will know tomorrow, I hung up the phone.

Gu Shi'an tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep, the next morning Qin Tang's driver called and said that he was waiting for Gu Shi'an downstairs.

Gu Shi'an didn't expect him to come so early, he got up in a hurry, washed up and went downstairs.

Qin Tang was actually sitting in the car, Gu Shi'an froze for a moment, and then got into the car.He asked, "Why are you here?"

Qin Tang handed her the breakfast he had prepared earlier, and said, "The flight at nine o'clock."

Gu Shi'an didn't even think about traveling far away, so he didn't stay for anything.Now he asked blankly: "Where are we going, I don't have any luggage."

Qin Tang motioned for her to have breakfast first, and then said, "Go to City R. It doesn't matter if you bring your luggage or not. If everything goes well, I'll fly back this afternoon. If you can't come back, just go to the supermarket to buy those things."

Since he was coming back soon, it really didn't matter whether he brought this luggage or not.Gu Shi'an still doesn't know what he did in the past, so he asked again: "What are you doing there?"

Qin Tang didn't speak for a moment, and after dozens of seconds, he said: "The person who saw your father last time has been found, and he is in City R. After meeting him, he should know the details at that time. "

He made such a phone call out of nowhere, Gu Shi'an had already guessed something.Hearing this, he fell silent.

Qin Tang went on to say: "He was here a few years ago. After retiring, he went to R City to live with his daughter's family. I have already made an appointment to meet at noon."

It took some effort to find this person, he has been out of the mall for many years.I also changed my phone number when I went to City R. If I hadn't heard someone mention it by chance, I still couldn't find him.

Gu Shi'an nodded now and fell silent.

For the next time, the two of them didn't speak any more.Arriving at the parking lot of the airport, Gu Shi'an just got out of the car when he saw Chen Xiao open the door and get out of the car not far away.

He was wearing a formal suit, and he was well-dressed.Probably because he didn't expect to see Gu Shi'an at the airport, he was slightly taken aback.

When he saw Qin Tang coming out of the car, he almost immediately looked away and dragged his luggage away.

Qin Tang obviously saw him too, but he didn't say anything, and took Gu Shi'an to the other side.

They arrived quite early, Qin Tang checked the time and went to the nearby shop to buy two cups of coffee.When she took a small sip of coffee, Chen Xiao came out from nowhere.The suitcase in his hand was gone, and he was talking with someone who looked like an assistant beside him.

He obviously saw the two of them, but he didn't stop or say hello, and walked directly to the waiting hall.

Qin Tang's eyes fell on him, but he quickly took them back.

It was already a coincidence that they met at the airport. Who knew that he was on the same plane as them when they boarded the plane.And his position is in front of them.

Qin Tang was not surprised at all, he asked Gu Shian if he wanted to sleep after getting on the plane.

Gu Shi'an couldn't sleep at this time, he shook his head.

Although he was sitting in front, Chen Xiao did not greet them.

His relationship with the opposite sex has always been good. Before the plane took off, there were stewardesses who were courteous to him.

He always wanted to make fun of him before, but now he likes to be unreasonable.The stewardesses left angrily.

Gu Shi'an didn't pay attention to him, and became dazed while sitting.

Her complexion was not good, and when the stewardess came to ask what she wanted to drink later, she said a cup of coffee.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Tang said lightly: "Drinking too much coffee is not good for the stomach, so replace it with orange juice. Thank you."

He was so polite that the stewardess couldn't help but blush.Just as he was about to respond, Chen Xiao in front said, "Two cups of coffee."

He clearly said just now that he would not drink anything, and this was completely intentional.

(End of this chapter)

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