I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 424 Chapter 459 Bronze Cauldron

Chapter 424 Chapter 459 Bronze Cauldron

"It didn't appear again. Sure enough, this world has declined to the point where it doesn't look like."

After waiting for a while, Chihuang didn't see it, and the Doudi who was killed just now appeared again, and he couldn't help sighing.

You must know that such a first-class world has unlimited power, which is completely comparable to a top powerhouse.

In these worlds, there is a huge amount of energy. Even if one day the universe is exhausted and cannot generate spiritual energy again, these worlds will definitely be able to persist until the end. Even in the face of the end of the age, you can still cultivate first-class powerhouses .

Under normal circumstances, with such a huge amount of energy, when these worlds are attacked by outsiders, they can completely summon all the brand marks in the world, and call out powerful men like the sea to serve them.

Moreover, it doesn't matter even if these strong men can't beat them and are wiped out one by one.

Heaven and Earth can use the huge energy to resurrect them one after another, and summon them out again.

Unless these brand marks are completely shattered and completely exhausted, the world will be in danger of being breached.

No matter how powerful a person is, they will feel afraid in front of such a strong sea tactic.

It is precisely because of this factor that many big forces will try their best to build their own first-class world and build a safe lair at all costs.

Even in the endless years in the past, if the blood monarch body wants to step into the realm of Dacheng, it needs to slaughter a world. Most of the time, what it finds is only some small worlds.

Only the extremely rare Tianjiao, no more than five fingers, can slaughter a big world, become a peerless powerhouse, suppress the universe, and shine forever.

There is no way, the defense of those big worlds is too powerful.

Generally, if the top forces go to war, as long as they cut off all the opponent's peripheral forces and force the opponent to retreat to their lair, it can be said that they have won a complete victory, and they can already withdraw their troops.

If you continue to fight, there will be no results. It will be completely useless. Maybe you will tear yourself apart and be killed by the opponent.

Therefore, after discovering that this world has been weakened to such an extent, as long as it is not enough to recover the energy of those strong people who have been cut off, Chi Huang felt deeply moved.

How many years have passed since the previous generation's blood monarch body, and the Yanhuang clan's suppression of the dark turmoil?

Even if the Dou Qi Continent was damaged due to the outbreak of a world-shattering war, it would take a long time for it to decline to such an extent, right?

Just feeling a little bit, Chihuang put most of his energy on the mainland again.

Even if those summoned powerhouses were killed, they would not provide blood to themselves. Therefore, the Scarlet Emperor was not interested in them at all.

In the distance, the war is still going on.

The fact that one of the strongest fighters on his side was killed so easily really shocked many fighting emperors.

Some people have even more murderous intent, annoyed that they were surpassed by a junior, and want to kill Xiaocao very much.

Someone's blood is boiling, and they can't wait to go to war.

Such a powerful opponent, no matter beheading him or being beheaded by him, is a happy thing.

There are also people who love talent and plan to weigh it out. By the way, teach him something in the battle so that this junior can grow stronger.

If he can survive this catastrophe.

After being silent for a while, several Doudi stood up again.

In the previous battle, they didn't show up at all, ignored this battle at all, and didn't bother to intervene. Instead, they seized this rare opportunity to observe this continent and reminisce about the past.

However, when the Sword Slayer Emperor died in battle, the most powerful Dou Emperors finally stood up and prepared to perform their duties.

After all, heaven and earth revived them, not to let them go for nothing, not to let them revisit their old places.

"Okay, very good, are you going to go together, or one by one, I'll take all the weeds!"

Seeing that these people gave him a sense of danger, no less than that of the previous Dou Di, and even stronger, Xiaocao became more and more excited, his blood boiled with excitement.

It's been a long time, there hasn't been such a cool battle.

Ever since I stepped into the high-level fighting saint, there is no one in this world who can fight, and no one is qualified to be my opponent.

I can only put the goal on myself, keep breaking through my limit, and keep getting stronger.

If you want to relive the taste of fighting, you can only go to those ancient races and find the treasures left by their ancestors.

Although in the process of practicing alone, his pace did not slow down much, but after all, he lost a taste and a feeling.

It's like, playing a game, from scratch to the peak, the feeling is naturally wonderful, immersive and enjoyable.

Buying a pinnacle account, although you can kill all directions and show off your might, but after all, it lacks some taste and cannot accumulate the love for games.

Sure enough, only by fighting can I improve faster and satisfy me!
While fighting against other Heavenly Tribulations, the grass is waiting for the opponent.

Those fighting emperors who stood up were the top batch of fighting emperors in this group, and their cultivation bases were all over one hundred.

Even if placed in the boundless universe, it is still a resounding powerhouse, enough to support a first-class force.

These Doudi looked at each other, and they knew each other's thoughts clearly.

With just a few eye contact, opinions were quickly exchanged and an agreement was reached.

Thus, the two fighting emperors retreated and gave way to the field.

A fighting emperor was still standing in front of him, his eyes were piercing, and his figure was as tall as a peak. Just standing there made people think that he was the leader.

Indeed, this strong man named Bingdi, although his personal cultivation base is also very strong, his combat effectiveness is also very top-notch.

But what he is better at is leading the legion to fight, but commanding others to fight and strategizing.

Although, every Doudi, except those lone rangers, can form his own Doudi army.

These Doudi legions were often the trump cards at that time, the elite of the elite.

Although, in the eyes of outsiders, they are all so powerful and unmatched.

However, among the Doudi legions, there is still a difference between superior and inferior, and their combat effectiveness is completely different from each other.

And Bingdi's legion is absolutely powerful.

Even if Emperor Bing didn't fight in person, the legion under his command had besieged and killed more than one Doudi powerhouse, and even crushed many powerful forces.

The other emperors also understood this, so they obeyed his orders.

Another retreating Doudi disappeared in an instant, hiding in the crowd without a trace.

That's right, this strong man named Movie Emperor proved his way through killers, and his best skill is assassination, which is to take the head of a general in the chaos of thousands of troops.

If it is a frontal battle, the film king may be the weakest of these powerful fighting emperors, but if he is allowed to hide, I am afraid that all the fighting emperors present will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will be in fear all day long.

There are a total of eight powerful fighting emperors, one has been beheaded, and two have withdrawn voluntarily.

Even so, there are still five people left.

Facing such a heavy pressure, Xiaocao couldn't help becoming tense, adjusted his state to the strongest point, and was already ready to go.

Even, Xiaocao was thinking about whether to act first, because he would suffer some injuries if he fought hard, and forcefully fight off a powerful Doudi, so as to relieve the pressure later.

However, contrary to Xiaocao's expectations, five powerful fighting emperors surrounded all directions and retreated from the surrounding area, but only one of them fought.

A burly man came out, his palms were thick and covered with a thick layer of calluses, he clasped his fists and said loudly.

"I am the Emperor of Ten Thousand Cauldrons. In today's battle, it will be a matter of life and death. Please!"

At the same time, the other four Emperor Dou retreated far away, out of the way.

Xiaocao couldn't help being stunned, even though the situation was favorable to him, he still couldn't help sighing in his heart, and somewhat despised the other party.

They are obviously able to gang up on themselves, but they want to engage in personal heroism. These guys are too naive, right?Do you really think this is a solo fight?

This is not a duel, but a battle of life and death!
However, what Xiaocao didn't know was that the appearance of Heavenly Tribulation may be to kill a certain person and maintain the dignity of the way of heaven.

But the appearance of these fighting emperors, even though they are also part of the Heavenly Tribulation, are not just for the Dao of Heaven.

Although they will do their best, they will not show any mercy.

However, this is more like a test!

The test is whether the grass has enough strength to shoulder the important task of guarding this world.

Even, it is to make this world rise again, revive, and shine in the universe, with infinite glory and extreme glory.

After all, they saw just now that the state of this world is not very good. Compared with the era they lived in, it is not so good.

If it wasn't for that familiar smell, if it wasn't for the same laws of heaven and earth, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to recognize it.

In such an embarrassing situation, a real strong man must be born to activate this world.

For this reason, they can pay a high price to pass on their favorite tricks and teach them to outsiders.

The premise is that that person must be approved by them.

Of course, not everyone thinks this way, just like the Sword Slayer Emperor who was killed just now, he didn't leave any legacy.

After all, people have been dead for so long, and some people have become completely indifferent, and don't want to interfere in the affairs of the outside world, and don't want to care about the outside world.

Anyway, he is already dead, no matter how big the outside world changes, can you kill me again?

However, there are still people who miss this world, the world where he was born and raised.

It is precisely because of this that such a seemingly stupid situation will appear at the moment.

Although Xiaocao didn't understand the reason, the opportunity has appeared now, how could he not seize it?
So, Xiaocao charged straight up, but changed his tactics.

The hand of the Emperor of Thousand Cauldrons formed a seal at a very fast speed. There were thousands of movements in an instant, but it only took one second.

In an instant, above the sky, a huge bronze tripod unexpectedly appeared.

As soon as the bronze tripod first appeared, it was extremely coercive, suppressing the world, towering over the universe, and looking down on the common people.

It seems that it is a noble crown, in front of which, no matter how powerful a person is, they can only surrender.

Even gods and demons can only kowtow and beg for mercy.

The bronze tripod sank slowly, and countless spaces were shattered, making the mainland creak under the pressure, as if it couldn't bear it.

It seems that the vast continent with a distance of hundreds of millions of miles cannot bear such a bronze tripod that is only a kilometer long.

It seems that when this bronze body falls, it is the day when this continent sinks.

When it sank, even with the strong body of the grass, it felt a little hard, as if it was suddenly carrying tens of millions of tons.

"It's just in time, give me a punch!"

Faced with such a heavy pressure, Xiaocao smiled instead of anger, faced up to the difficulties, and attacked head-on.

Xuecao once again used the Bengtian Fist, his most powerful move, directly using it to the extreme, blasting out more than a thousand punches in a few moments.

The grass roared up, waved its fist, punch after punch, and smashed viciously on the bronze tripod.

Such a heavy bronze tripod was enough to crush a vast continent, but Xiaocao, relying on a pair of fists and relying on his body, forcibly stopped the sinking trend.

The heavy bronze tripod swayed left and right after being blown up, as if it might be overturned at any time.

When it was swaying, thousands of miles, even tens of thousands of miles of space were collided and collapsed, and were directly hit.

On the mainland, in its corners and corners, large pieces fell off, and tens of millions of tons, or even tens of thousands of tons of soil, were just shaken off and fell into the sea.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Thousand Cauldrons also quickly intertwined the Yin Jue, frantically urging the bronze cauldron, instilling the energy in his body continuously, trying to suppress it.

The bronze tripod was already very scary, but now it was frantically driven, and it became even more terrifying, and its weight doubled ten times in an instant.

At this time, even if it was as strong as a grass, it could not hold up before the sudden increase in weight and was shot down below.

The bronze tripod followed closely, as if trying to sink the entire continent, they wanted to suppress the grass and kill it here.

Beside, there was a burst of exclamation.

Many fighting emperors didn't expect that the Wanding Emperor would directly use his most powerful treasure and launch his lore as soon as the battle started.

In their minds, this would be a long duel, a fight between dragons and tigers, which would benefit them a lot from the sidelines.

But right now, the two sides directly used lore, and instantly competed to determine the winner.

Not being able to see the wonderful fight disappointed many emperors, but after thinking about it, they became happy again.

That's good, at least, you don't have to go up and kill yourself.

Seeing this scene, the most powerful fighting emperors were somewhat depressed.

If even this person can't do it, with the current situation of the world, I don't know how many years it will take before such a strong person pops up again.

If it doesn't work, it won't appear in the future.

However, despite the disappointment in their hearts, they will never show mercy.

Because, at this moment, they represent Heavenly Tribulation, and they have their own responsibilities.

Heaven is ruthless!

Just when the emperors were happy and disappointed, the situation changed again.

The bronze tripod crashed down, as if it wanted to crush everything.

Of course, the bronze tripod will not really fall, and it will not sink the entire continent in order to kill one person, causing countless lives on the continent to be buried.

However, when the Emperor of Thousand Cauldrons hadn't stopped the bronze tripod's sinking pace, the bronze tripod was rapidly slowing down, and finally stopped obediently.

At this time, there is only a short distance of a hundred miles from the mainland.

It is this short hundred miles, like a moat, so that no matter how hard the bronze tripod is, it cannot sink, and it is blocked there forcibly.

"Fuck, he blocked this too?"

Emperor Dou exclaimed, sweating profusely.

You know, when he was in the same era as Emperor Wanding, he had seen its power before.

Even though it is just a bronze vessel, it is infinitely powerful, even among the emperor's vessels, it can be regarded as the first-class powerful.

In the past, such a bronze tripod had a strong record and beat countless powerful people to silence.

There used to be several small worlds that were forcibly sunk by the bronze tripod, and all life inside was wiped out.

This bronze tripod has blasted countless stars, and even shot down the sun.

Only Emperor Dou died under this bronze tripod, no fewer than thirty.

Among them, there is no shortage of Dou Di powerhouses with cultivation bases over a hundred, and there are also strong people whose cultivation bases even surpassed the Emperor of Ten Thousand Cauldrons.

Countless lives were lost in his hands.

However, such a powerful weapon that even Emperor Dou was deeply afraid of was forcibly blocked and sniped by a different kind of Daoist, relying on his mortal body.

Such an unimaginable scene almost frightened the Emperor Dou out of his wits.

The other emperors, because they were not in the same era, didn't feel that much, but they also realized the seriousness of the problem and knew how powerful that alternative demonstrator was.

After all, they also felt a lot of pressure when the bronze tripod was showing its power.

However, the other powerful fighting emperors all showed joy and were pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Emperor Dou suggested: "Why don't we fight together?"

(End of this chapter)

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