I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 251 Poison Fairy

Chapter 251 Poison Fairy
After many strong men came to the city and assumed a posture of surrender or kill, even the strongest man in the sect, Xie Bi Yan, the strong man of the Dou Zong, chose to surrender after being defeated in a face-to-face meeting.The others looked at each other, and after looking at each other, they also chose to surrender cleanly.

After the powerhouses above Dou Ling were all planted with blood by Gongsun Chijiu and controlled life and death, the Wanxie Sect, which was in great prosperity for a while, finally came to an end.

Afterwards, Gongsun Chijiu ordered all the people to be moved to a vast plain in the territory of the Izumo Empire, where he led all the powerful people to the Sky Poison City of the Izumo Empire.

Sky Poison City is regarded as a holy place in the hearts of countless poison masters of the Izumo Empire, because some of the strongest forces of the Izumo Empire in the past have set up their headquarters here to accept the worship of poison masters from all over the world.Here, even the members of the imperial family of the Izumo Empire do not have the slightest right to command, and it is an independent country, China.

Poison Master, a profession that is despised by almost everyone in other places, and the number is quite rare, has developed extremely flourishingly in the Izumo Empire.In every city, people wearing the robes of poison masters can be seen almost everywhere. In the Izumo Empire, there is a scene that is rarely seen in other countries, that is, the sale of poison.

In every city in this empire, there are shops dedicated to selling some poisons. As long as all poison-related things can be purchased in these places, the more toxic things are, the more expensive they will be.

There is a kind of vindictiveness in the Izumo Empire, which is countless times more than other attributes of vindictiveness. People in the Izumo Empire call it poisonous vindictiveness.

Poison Dou Qi has countless subdivisions, but they are generally the same, and they all contain severe poison.Of course, this abnormal toxicity is naturally not a normal attribute, but a man-made mutation product.Ordinary people, before becoming a fighter, need to soak their bodies in some poisonous water, and then practice in it.In this way, as the toxicity slowly invades the body, it will eventually blend with the fighting energy in the body, and after staying for a long time, the originally normal fighting energy will become poisonous fighting energy with different effects!

Compared with ordinary fighting qi, poisonous fighting qi does have some advantages in terms of lethality, but poison is poison after all, and this thing does not distinguish between enemy and friend.As the practice intensifies, the body will also become weaker and weaker under the corrosion of toxicity, unless it can be promoted to a strong fighter. Otherwise, the lifespan of ordinary people who cultivate the poison attribute is not to mention compared with the same level of strong people, or even Much lower than ordinary people.

Moreover, all kinds of toxicity are mixed in the body, which will always lead to deviations in some people's personalities, and this also leads to quite chaos in the Izumo Empire. Compared with other countries, the phenomenon of learning and fighting will undoubtedly be much more frequent.

Moreover, perhaps because of the poisonous qi in the body that can attack the mind at any time, the people of the Izumo Empire are also more crazy when practicing, because everyone knows that if they do not reach the level of the king of fighting, then sooner or later the poisonous fighting qi they cultivate will Will swallow this life.

And with this kind of oppression of death, the cultivation ethos of the Izumo Empire is indeed a bit crazy, and because of this, to be honest, there are more powerful people hidden in the people of the Izumo Empire than in other places. few.

It's just that these strong people seldom join any big forces. Instead, they fight on their own and practice desperately, hoping that they can completely escape the poisonous erosion in their bodies.

Although the Izumo Empire is in chaos, it is much better than the Black Horn Region. After all, there is still a Sky Poison City and the imperial family suppressing it here.

In general, the position of Sky Poison City in the Izumo Empire is equivalent to the Dragon Slaying Sword and Yitian Sword in the martial arts world. Whoever can occupy it can command the world, and within the Izumo, everyone dares to obey!

An Izumo Empire is nothing, Gongsun Chijiu's goal is all the poison masters in the Izumo Empire.

Although the poison masters are powerful, their poison attribute vindictiveness is at least three points stronger than that of ordinary people, and this is not counting their strange and colorful poisons.

But they have one biggest flaw, that is their lifespan. Although others can't beat the poison master, they can still kill the poison master alive, and then they can settle accounts after the fall and retaliate against their descendants and relatives.

Still can't beat the old ones, can't you still beat the young ones?

Unless they can be promoted to Dou Wang, but how difficult it is to become a Dou Wang strongman, there is no one in a million, to say the least.

It can be said that the birth of a poisonous attribute fighting king means that at least ten thousand poison masters will die silently, being backlashed by the poison in their bodies.

However, Gongsun Chijiu was able to solve this problem perfectly. Besides his strength, there is also another important factor in the Xeon of Blood Dao, that is, his inclusiveness.

Don't say it's poisonous, even if it's the light attribute, it can still be cultivated in the way of blood.

Therefore, it would be a good choice to gather all the poison masters, give them the blood path skills, and form them into an army.

Even if he is only thinking about his own life, the poison master will burst out with infinite fighting power, will disregard the lives of others, will be full of passion to create a mountain of bloody corpses, use other people's lives to solve the hidden dangers of his own life, and even make people suffer. Take it one step further!
Such an army with strong combat effectiveness, full of desire for battle, and no need to worry about loyalty issues will be invincible in all battles.

And the strength of an army will surely allow many weak people to learn. At that time, the way of blood will also flourish and become popular in the mainland!

By the way, many poison masters gather together, and the poison system will also become stronger in non-stop peaceful or bloody collisions.At that time, even the little fairy doctor with the Enandu body will benefit a lot from it, and may become even stronger.

After conquering the Izumo Empire, there will naturally be a lot of territory, just give it to the Snake People at random, and gain a loyalty.

Of course, such things are useless, and Gongsun Chijiu will naturally subtly use means to control the snake-human race in his hands.

At that time, using the Qinglian Earth Heart Flame, or Falling Heart Flame, and doing it yourself, you can completely revive the ancient blood of snakes and conquer the world for yourself!
Moreover, being so close to the Jia Ma Empire, Gongsun Chijiu can keep track of Xiao Yan's movements at any time, and even interact with him...

In Gongsun Chijiu's view, in this continent, the only one who can pose a threat to him is Xiao Yan, another protagonist.

As for the others, no matter if they are the powerful ancient clan or the scheming soul clan who have been deployed for thousands of years, they are not any opponents.

As long as you make good use of the advantage of being in the dark, become king slowly, accumulate food widely, build walls high, and develop in secret for a period of time, when you have accumulated a certain amount of strength, you can push away all the ancient races at that time.

The most important thing is that the poison body of Enan controls all the poison masters, and Queen Medusa controls the snake people.Although it is still impossible to compete with the Junyuan Empire faction, at least they will not let their family dominate, and they can also achieve a healthy competition.


It can be said that mastering the Izumo Empire is a good thing that kills many birds with one stone!

Tiandu City covers a vast area and has a population of over one million. It is extremely lively, and there are countless wonderful things happening every day, which people love to talk about.

Now, the Wanxie Sect has retired, and the Poison Sect of the Little Doctor Immortal has been strangled before even its sprouts are revealed.During this blank period, the city was occupied by a force called "Heavenly Centipede Cult"!

This force is extremely remarkable. Since its establishment, it has stood out from many emerging forces in just a few decades.Like a strong dark horse, it overwhelmed all the established forces and became the undisputed strongest in the Izumo Empire, occupying the number one throne without ever wavering.

And the one who created this faction and single-handedly brought him to glory is a legendary name, Poison Concubine!

It is said that she was originally one of a group of young slaves who were captured and bought by a strong man to test the toxicity of the poison he had developed.

Unexpectedly, all the slaves in her batch died, and even the next few batches of slaves died in the experiment, but she still survived.

The strong man was overjoyed, thinking that he had found an excellent experimental subject, taking good care of her, eating and drinking, and even teaching her exercises, so that she could last longer and make more contributions to his experiments .

Unexpectedly, this process lasted for nearly ten years.

No one knows how many kinds of toxins were planted in her body during that time, ten thousand or one hundred thousand?
In short, just like becoming a doctor after a long illness, she has accumulated unimaginable poison knowledge in the process, and even because of her personal experience, personal experience, and understanding of poison, she is still behind the strong man who bought her. superior.

So, in the tenth year of becoming a test subject, she made a move and poisoned the strong man to death with a non-toxic poison that she had concocted.

That year, she was fifteen, strong, and a great fighter.

That strong man is called Du Duan, a Dou Wang who even the Dou Huang would not want to provoke.

After she got out of trouble, she committed a shocking crime. Within one year, she found seventeen fighters who were fighting kings, poisoned them one by one, and took away all the information related to the poison, so that All the grass and trees are soldiers.

In the second year, a Dou Huang powerhouse was murdered.

The only thing better than those fighting kings is that the fighting king escaped after being poisoned and spread the news.

Relying on his strong strength, the fighting emperor temporarily delayed the onset of toxicity, and found three friends of the fighting emperor in succession.But he couldn't get rid of the poison in his body, and finally died from the poison. He howled in pain for three days and three nights. It was his friend who couldn't stand it anymore and gave him a good time to let him go.

When the news came out, the whole country was shocked.

After finding out who the murderer was, the eighteen Dou Wang Dou Huang experts, relatives, friends, disciples and disciples all came to the door, wanting to take revenge.

Strong people who were interested in that strange poison were also attracted. In the end, almost 20% of the strong people in the entire Izumo Empire gathered, and no fewer than [-] experts participated in this big roundup.

But even with such a huge lineup, enough to destroy the family and slaughter the sect, they couldn't catch her.After losing many people, she let her escape instead.

More than [-] people have dug three feet in that area, but they have not been able to find her trace.

That year, when she was sixteen, she had just entered the realm of fighting spirits.

Three years later, she led a group of poisonous insects to make a comeback, and openly approached a sect that had participated in the roundup back then.It took only one hour, and more than 8000 people, including one fighting emperor and four fighting kings, were all poisoned to death.

Afterwards, she slaughtered all directions and liquidated everything. The blood flowed like a river, and she ran amok without hindrance!

The people of the past united again, and the lineup was even further expanded. Almost all the sect families participated in it, and more than [-]% of the powerful people participated in this demon removal operation.

Even the royal family dispatched [-] cavalry to participate in this hunt!

The result exceeded everyone's expectations!
That is undoubtedly a catastrophe!
After three months of fierce fighting, tens of thousands of people died, and hundreds of thousands of strong men died. On the list of the dead who could pave a ten-mile corridor, she was not there.

That year, she was 19 years old, and she was a fighting king.But the number of Douhuang powerhouses who died in her hands has exceeded double digits.

That year, she walked into Sky Poison City and lived here for a long time, with supreme authority in her hands, commanding the world!

That year, she called herself "Poison Fairy", and once the decree came out, she was better than a million troops!
Most of the strong people who opposed her in the Izumo Empire became the dead souls in their hands, and the rest were frightened, and either left their hometowns and fled abroad; or they all retreated to the mountains and forests.

Just like Xie Biyan, who only entered the alliance at the beginning, and then retreated due to emergency, did not participate in that battle at all, and hid in fright.

Even though he was promoted to Dou Zong and his strength was far superior to before, he still didn't dare to show his face and stayed back.

Even if the "Poison Concubine" disappeared and passed the position to an unknown woman; even if the Heavenly Centipede Sect was renamed, and the former subordinates were either dead or hidden... still dare not jump out openly and compete for the Heavenly Poison in a grandiose manner City, only dare to send a pawn to spy on domestic trends.

It is conceivable that Poison Concubine is terrifying when a Dou Zong powerhouse is forced to such a shrinking state.

After Gongsun Chijiu listened to Xie Biyan's story about the Poison Concubine, he could already see the Sky Poison City.

Tiandu City is said to be a city, but it is more like an accumulation of castles. Each person's house is a small castle, a small and independent space.

As for the city wall, there is none.A better-sounding and widely spread saying is that the defense of Sky Poison City does not rely on the so-called city walls, but relies on the swords in the hands of the people living inside.

And in private, everyone is saying, shit, it's obviously poor!

And the fact is exactly like this, ordinary soil and rocks piled up into a wall are not very useful, but can be used as a landscape.If any strong man fought nearby, the aftermath of the battle would be enough to destroy the city wall.

And the earth and rocks that can withstand the impact of the strong are too expensive, and the quantity is extremely rare. It is not enough to build a palace, let alone a city wall that stretches for hundreds of miles.

Sky Poison City is forbidden, and outsiders must fold their wings and walk obediently if they are ten miles away.

Someone found a business opportunity and rented horses here, originally for the prestige of Tiandu City, but unintentionally supported a large number of people.

In layman's terms, Gongsun Chijiu came to mess things up, so how could he still abide by the rules set by the other party?

Nearly two hundred people swaggered and flew over directly. Not only that, but they also desperately exuded momentum, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were looking for chirping.

Such a blatant provocation quickly attracted the attention of the whole city and alarmed all the experts.

(End of this chapter)

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