I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 216 Space Exit

Chapter 216 Space Exit
A few days later, Gongsun Chijiu came to the exit of the space alone.

In the past five days, the situation on the battlefield can be said to be very strong, and everything is moving according to the plan.Just like the series of blitzkriegs launched by Germany in the early days of World War II, families were destroyed, and many forces killed by the opponent who had no power to fight back were routed and blood flowed into rivers.

Use the strongest elite force to carry out a surprise attack, one by one to find the door, fight more and less, use the strong to bully the weak, kill their over-limit strong, and also kill some ordinary troops as much as possible to disrupt their order.

After going deep into the enemy's rear on a large scale, interspersed with cutting, encircling raids, and beheading tactics, the ordinary army will attack and advance layer by layer without missing any corner. With the help of strength and equipment, all living lives will be killed.

In this mode of war, in just two days, all the forces in the north and south regions were either wiped out, or those who escaped the first wave of blows joined together to forcibly break through and intercept them. I went to the east and west directions to find the shelter of the other two heavenly forces.

Everyone thought that the people of the Junyuan Empire had made such a large-scale action, and the other two forces that could contend with it would never sit idly by and let the balance between the three be broken, watching the Junyuan Empire gradually grow , and finally endangered himself.

Gongsun Chijiu also thought so, maybe such a war would have to be fought until the time when Jiuxuan Jinlei started to act.

But the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations. On the third day, all the forces in the east and west regions were called together, and everyone was gathered together.

The other two heaven-level forces did send troops, but the target was not the Junyuan Empire, but launched an attack on other forces together with it.

Just like in the previous life, five hooligans united to suppress the world together. Even if a massacre of billions was carried out, no country could stop it.Even if they really let go of the estrangement and hostility between them and carried out sincere cooperation, it won't work.

The three major forces joined forces, and after a day of brutal siege, they wiped out all the forces.

Gongsun Chijiu was very surprised. There had been conflicts before. Although they had not entered into a state of declaring war, they were by no means friendly. The three forces joined hands had such a tacit understanding. It was like an alliance that had been fighting together for many years. same as the army.

The process was precise and short, and the results were brilliant. It can be seen that the Junyuan Empire must have put in a lot of effort to prepare for this battle.

But Gongsun Chijiu was stunned, as if he had won a lottery ticket and was about to redeem it, only to learn that the lottery company had closed down, with question marks all over his face!
You know, he thought that this would be a protracted battle, he had plenty of time, he was not in a hurry to control all the superpowers, and he still had time to complete the tasks step by step.

In two days, he had just controlled the superpowers in his area, and just as he was about to take a rest and continue his plot, the war was over.

Fortunately, after working together to solve the other forces, the superpowers of the three major forces fought again in the name of sparring, and divided the spoils according to the results of the battle.

The battle was very bloody, the sky was stained with blood, and the ground was stained red.

Fortunately, everyone had scruples, and if they didn't kill them, at most they would be seriously injured, and no one died in battle.

In the end, the Junyuan Empire took [-]% of the total, the Tiger Clan took [-]%, and the Turtle Clan, which had more than enough self-preservation and was not enough to attack, took [-]%.

Spending so much time and effort on such a battle would naturally not be idle, and there would naturally be huge benefits in it.

At least, the Jun Yuan Empire took back all the corpses, natural materials and earth treasures, etc., and processed them into energy bodies similar to crystal stones through special machines.Even those metal ores, armor broken on the battlefield, and scrap copper and iron were not spared, and all comers were taken back, and the usable materials in them were refined.

When cleaning the entire battlefield and harvesting the supplies in the area it occupied, the Junyuan Empire sent a large number of troops.Even half of the superpowers were dispatched, and most of those who stayed in the headquarters were injured generals.

It was also taking advantage of the last chance that Gongsun Chijiu left behind an incarnation to pretend that he was still in place.Attacked with all his strength, concealed all auras, and fought for thousands of miles.Every battle is to go all out, using the most powerful force directly to crush, forcibly controlling all the superpowers outside.

Even the over-limit strong men who stayed in the headquarters were accidentally discovered by Gongsun Chijiu with the reason of a strong man's remnant soul hiding in the Jihun tree (it was actually discovered in the dark market when he was in Qin State, It just happened to be reasonably used by him) gathered together, and when exploring in the secret room, he joined forces with the strong men he had just controlled, summoned them from the blood world, and suppressed them together.

The Junyuan Empire planned for a long time, and finally, in just three days, it wiped out other forces and won a glimmer of hope for its own survival.

But what they didn't expect was that in just two days, Gongsun Chijiu also paid some price to control all the superpowers in the Junyuan Empire.And through these superpowers, Gongsun Chijiu was also able to smoothly control the forces of the remnants of the Junyuan Empire, pull them into his chariot, and become the king's pioneer.

Now, when Gongsun Chijiu came near the exit of the space, he just wanted to test the guess in his heart. If he could succeed, he would go out directly and let the Jiuxuan Jinlei and the space formation fight.

Gongsun Chijiu's current state is not good, he can be alone, and he can see that his face is gray and silver, obviously he has suffered serious injuries.

The Junyuan Empire's plan was very good, and Gongsun Chijiu's conspiracy was successfully implemented. The only flaw, probably, was that it was unexpected that the eight emperors had already reached the level of Dao, and they were even able to survive the strongest attack. With the breath of Tao.

And Gongsun Chijiu is still on the road of "skills", like a husky who has got rid of the shackles.

road?What is that, can it be eaten?
The price for successfully suppressing the eight emperors is that Gongsun Chijiu has completely withstood the opponent's strongest attack that contains the aura of Dao. foundation.

Under the shackles of these avenues, Gongsun Chijiu's cultivation even stagnated.Although Gongsun Chijiu couldn't break through after building a new blood path tower without beheading 99 Dou Zong experts.

But now, Gongsun Chijiu wants to make a breakthrough. Before building a new tower of the blood path, he still needs to solve these road shackles first.

For the blood monarch body, this is naturally not a big problem.

After all, he himself is equivalent to the incarnation of the Dao, and he is one of the top ones.Even in the infancy stage, it can be said that it is easy to disintegrate the shackles built by the slightest breath of Tao, just wait for a while.

"Snow mastiff armor, fit together!"

Gongsun Chijiu summoned the metal armor, and now, we can only hope that he can give it strength.

If the armor is powerful and can suppress the Baiqu Liujin who is imprisoned here, he can have a well-organized and well-structured force to work for him, which can save a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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