I am the Qin Emperor

Chapter 164 Fight against Wan, win or die

Chapter 164 Fight against Wan, win or die

There are so many grievances generated by millions of sea people, even if less than one-tenth of them can be transformed into negative emotions, those waves of energy can be called huge. After Gongsun Chijiu followed the army into the headquarters of the Zhenhai Fleet, he stopped there , During this period of time, I have been busy refining and eradicating this negative emotion.

But outside, it’s already a mess. To be honest, Qin’s high-level officials were confused at first, and the original plan was to gradually weaken the mad shark clan, and then give it a fatal blow when it weakened to a certain extent. .

Who would have thought that the Shark Clan would have a decisive battle in the Sea Prison, an absolute competition of hard power, in the bloodiest and cruelest meat grinder battle, to decide who is the overlord of this million-mile sea area.

However, Qin still had to fight. If he flinched and avoided the battle, according to the customs of the sea, he would automatically admit defeat.At that time, all ethnic groups will rush forward, and maybe those who have already been incorporated will bite back and tear a piece of flesh from the loser.

Even if the Qin State is on land, it is impossible to be beaten to destroy the country by some creatures in the sea, and the price will be paid in blood.The sea area that our ancestors took after hundreds of battles and paid bloody sacrifices will fall and fall, and the coastline will never have peace, and will be harassed by the sea people day and night.

Therefore, Qin had to face the battle. After being a little confused for a while, the high-level officials quickly made a decision after a series of negotiations.

Qin State carried out a general mobilization for war.

Batches of retired soldiers and reserve soldiers were incorporated into active duty and were undergoing final drills; sects and families were recruited, and a large number of strong men gathered in the imperial capital from various places, and were finally incorporated into the army, not only the strong , These sect families also contributed a large number of disciples, enough to form an army of one million people; summoning platforms were set up one by one, even down to the town level; The criminals in the city, even the criminals in the criminal camp, were brought out, and after a deterrent raffle, they were also included in the army. If they survived, all the stains in the past would be wiped out. They will all be washed away and regain their freedom...

Warehouses were opened one after another, and weapons and armor that had been sealed for hundreds of years were taken out and equipped on soldiers.

One after another granary was opened, and a large amount of grain was transported to the front line.Not only the military rations, but also civilian food were requisitioned, and everything was forcibly nationalized except for the five-month living allowance.It's just that during the expropriation, the officials also issued a lot of IOUs. After the victory, with these IOUs, they can receive three times the grain requisitioned. If they fail, then everything is unknown.

The Zhenhai Fleet is also actively preparing for battle. All the warships stored over the years have been taken out. There are more than 2000 ships, which can accommodate 500 million people to fight on them.

Not only that, military factories all over the country are also actively operating, refining and consuming a lot of weapons.

Qin State fully mobilized and prepared the whole country for war. Even if they had just defeated the Shark Clan, they did not despise them in the slightest and went all out.

Because, the state of Qin once experienced a decisive battle in the Sea Prison. It was still in the period of Venerable Dao Jue. The ethnic group where the strong are in charge is completely reduced to second-rate.

And such a scene of prosperity was shattered because of the decisive battle in the sea prison between them, and it has not recovered until now.

Qin Guo, as the secret behind-the-scenes manipulator, promoted the last sea prison decisive battle, and had personally participated in the battle, so he naturally had the deepest fear of it.

Qin Guo likes to see such a scene where strong men fall one after another, and the blood of the dead sea people stains the entire sea area red, but he doesn't want it to happen to him.

The state of Qin is preparing for the war in an all-round way, and the sea area is not idle. The scale of mobilization is even larger, and the number of participants in the war is even larger.

The mad shark tribe can be said to be crazy, not only the patriarch, but after learning that they are going to the sea prison for a decisive battle, even the little kids know what that means, and they all fell into hysterical madness.

To put it bluntly, if there is still a glimmer of hope even if the Qin State is defeated, the Shark Clan will completely lose their retreat, and they will fight against each other.
All kinds of pill resources don't need to be piled up on him like money, and he has to improve his strength as much as possible before the decisive battle.Even if you can't use it, it doesn't matter if you don't have the slightest effect. Isn't there other clansmen with low strength?The pill resources that used to be priced at sky-high prices are now given away at almost the price of cabbage, just to increase the odds of winning.

There are even more Shark Clan powerhouses who have stepped out of the clan, looking for those affiliated clans, forcing them to join the war, and threatening to use force if they dare not follow.

There are also strong people who went to other neutral ethnic groups, or used what happened in the Cangwhale clan as an excuse to intimidate Qin to exterminate the Hai clan; or they were tempted by interests; or forced by force.

Some ethnic groups resented Qin State for instructing the black hands of the Cangjing clan, thinking that they lost face and their dignity was completely ignored and trampled.Before anyone from the Shark Clan could find them, they had already sent someone over to contact them, and they wanted to send soldiers and horses from the clan to participate in the decisive battle in the sea prison.

Some ethnic groups are forced to send troops to fight under pressure.

In the end, the Shark Clan raised an army of tens of millions, sharpened their swords and guns, and waited for the final decisive battle.

The state of Qin, the sea area, seems to have entered the cold war period, and is recklessly expanding its military and preparing for war.

The State of Qin is ready to melt the last piece of iron spoon into an arrow, and send the last one who can breathe to the battlefield. The ethnic groups in the sea area are also psychologically prepared to be wiped out.

Unlike the cold war that could not be fought in the end, there must be a battle between Qin and Haiyu, and it will not stop unless one side's blood is completely drained.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye in this tense atmosphere, and the sea tribes gathered from all directions had already set off. In five directions, millions of sea tribes were like a moving continent, heading towards the sea prison.

Qin's troops also marched out. From the tens of millions of troops they had gathered, they carefully selected a total of 300 million native soldiers and went to the sea prison for a decisive battle.

Qin's fleet can transport far more than 300 million soldiers, but more than half of the soldiers here are carrying mounts to fight together, which naturally takes up a lot of space.

Among the 300 million soldiers, 250 million soldiers have stepped into the rank of fighters, and the rest are high-rank fighters.

Among the troops assembled by the Qin State, it is natural that there are not only more than 200 million people who have stepped into the rank of Doushi. In fact, this group of elites has reached more than 400 million.But just in case, if it is defeated in the sea area, Qin will not be completely desperate, and there is still a glimmer of hope for recovery. Naturally, it is impossible to take all these elites away.

In addition to soldiers and mounts, Qin State also carried a full 200 ​​million monsters. Almost all the strong ones among the monsters raised in the forest of monsters were taken away, and only the princes, nobles, elders and generals from all over the country still kept them in their homes. A small number of Warcraft powerhouses.

Accompanying him were as many as 500 million Sea Clans. Naturally, these were the Sea Clans who surrendered or voluntarily surrendered in the battles over the years. There were only more than 700 million Sea Clans in total, and Qin directly took more than half of them out.

In addition to the fact that in that kind of meat grinder battle, even if the Warcraft Sea Clan dies in battle, they can use waste to fill the stomachs of the soldiers.Qin Guo is also planning for the future. If something unexpected happens, these unstable factors will be greatly weakened, and there will be no storms.

In addition to these regular soldiers, the strong men of the Qin State came out in full force. Except for the Xuanshan sect who owned the strange wood, and the two Dou Zong strong men of the Gongsun clan stayed outside the imperial capital, there were only ten fighting men left. A puppet of the respected level.

In addition to these strong men and powerful puppets, another reason Qin Guo dared to come out was because the Soul Palace sent strong men to help.

(End of this chapter)

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