The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 682 0681. High school life is so fun!

Chapter 682 0681. High school life is so fun! (31)

"Oh!" Zhuang Xinian proudly took out his meal card from his pocket, shook Tan Bing and walked towards the window on the far side.

"Auntie, here are two little hot dogs! Both are black pepper!"

Tan Bing ordered the meal skillfully, then took the two hot dogs given by his aunt with one hand, and swiped the card with the other. The movements were so skillful that it seemed that he came here often.

"Here!" Tan Bing handed one of them to Zhuang Xinian, and led her to find a random place to sit down.

Zhuang Xinian can say that this is the first time he has eaten grilled sausage outside, because before Jiang Shaoheng heard what she wanted to eat, he bought it outside and made it for her himself.

I'm afraid that she will toss herself into the hospital after eating unhygienic food outside.

Because Zhuang Xinian was born prematurely, her health was not that good when she was a child, especially when such a dangerous thing happened back then.

Sending her to practice taekwondo was just to let her exercise and strengthen her body. She didn't really want her to learn fighting, but why did Zhuang Xinian turn it into a weapon for him to conquer other people later on? , I have to ask Zhuang Xinian herself.

So, when he got this hot dog, Zhuang Xinian observed it very curiously, and found that it seemed to be no different from the one made by Jiang Shaoheng himself, except that the one sold in the cafeteria had black spots on it, and the one at home did not. That's all.

"What are you looking at? Eat! A hot dog tastes good when it's hot, and it tastes bad when it's cold!" Tan Bing's hot dog had gone two-thirds during the short period of Zhuang Xinian's observation.

Seeing that Tan Bing's bamboo sticks were almost all exposed, Zhuang Xinian stared in surprise.

"Don't look, if I didn't want to show that I can eat too much in front of you, I wouldn't have to share so many stutters with just one intestine." Tan Bing swallowed the last bite of the hot dog and put the bamboo stick Putting it on the table, looking at Zhuang Xinian with her chin resting, the fingers of one hand kept tapping the rhythm on the table.

Zhuang Xinian keenly noticed that Tan Bing's eyes were not actually looking at her, but on her hot dog, and silently put the hot dog into his mouth.

As soon as I took the first bite, the taste of black pepper exploded in my mouth, but it only had the taste of spices, not the taste of real black pepper.

The hot dog is also quite tender, and generally speaking, the taste is not bad, so Zhuang Xinian learned how to talk about the ice, and quickly solved the hot dog.

"Eating supper at school is actually not entirely for the sake of being full. If it is for the sake of being full, you can just make instant noodles in the dormitory. The reason for coming to the cafeteria is to be greedy. How about it? Is there anything else you want to eat?" Tan Bing asked with a smile, while holding the meal card on the table and knocking on the table, his eyes kept scanning the windows.

Zhuang Xinian shook her head: "No, I'm not very greedy, I just followed Sister Bing to see it today, I can't eat more of these, if my little brother finds out, then I'm finished!"

Tan Bing suddenly smelled the smell of dog food: "Your little brother?"

Zhuang Xinian tilted her head and smiled: "That's right, his name is Jiang Shaoheng, and he's in Class [-], the class next to me."

"Both of you are from the elite class?!" Tan Bing looked at Zhuang Xinian in surprise, then frowned: "Why is the name Jiang Shaoheng so familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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