The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 673 0672. High school life is so fun!

Chapter 673 0672. High school life is so fun! (22)

After Zhuang Xinian finished hugging each other, Gu Fangfei turned her head and asked her, "What are you going to do? You asked for leave and went home?"

The little girl sat at her own table, and was immediately slapped down by Cheng Suru who was waiting there to eat. While eating, she sobbed and answered vaguely: "No, I am going to the painting club tomorrow, and I will talk to the teacher. Retreat to draw a competition work!"

Half a minute later, Cheng Suru and the three of them moved their chairs and sat beside Zhuang Xinian, staring at her.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Before Zhuang Xinian had time to swallow what was in his mouth, he turned his head and was startled by the three pairs of staring eyes, and coughed violently.

Fortunately, he quickly covered his mouth with a tissue so that the contents of his mouth would not be sprayed out.

Like a tool, Fang Linlin handed her the water glass that Zhuang Xinian put on the table, and continued to stare at her.

After Zhuang Xinian tidied herself up, she ate the rest of the meal, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and began to tell her little sisters about the exciting news.

"Didn't I be called away by Taotao when I was eating at noon? I just went to the club office to talk to the teacher about the admission assessment. I showed the teacher the emails that I regarded as the winners, including the ones my dad uploaded to the mailbox. Some of my paintings in the book, the teacher directly said that I don’t need to be assessed, and I can join the club!”

"Then, tell me that there is a themed competition during the National Day, the provincial one, and ask me if I want to go. If I want to, I will go directly to the studio to report from tomorrow. I must submit it within the seven days of the National Day holiday. Of course I want to come up with a satisfactory painting for the competition, so the teacher said that he will explain my situation to the class teacher, so that I won’t have to go back to class to take the exam!”

When the little girl said this, her eyebrows were beaming so much that one wanted to rub her little face!
"In fact, I think it's okay if you don't have to go back to the dormitory." Fang Linlin pushed her eyes and lifted the hardcover book in her hand.

Gu Fangfei crossed her legs, folded her arms around her chest, and looked at Zhuang Xinian with her chin slightly raised, with a cold expression of "I'll die for you".

Cheng Suru laughed, moved away from Zhuang Xinian silently, sat next to Gu Fangfei, and said in agreement: "Or, it's okay to move to sleep outside the door, after all, the dormitory auntie wants to check Sleeper, we can't lose one person in our dormitory, the point deduction is not worth it."

After Fang Linlin finished speaking, she nodded seriously: "Yes, that's right, it's not worth it, so, tonight, you can move out to sleep!"

Zhuang Xinian widened her big eyes, suddenly covered her heart in pain, raised her trembling hand and pointed at the three of them: "You! You guys! How dare you treat your little angel like this!"

"No, from the moment you said you don't need to go to the classroom with us tomorrow, you are no longer our little angel, but the little devil we want to destroy!" Fang Linlin threw away her book and stood up He rushed towards Zhuang Xinian.


The little girl huddled on the chair, and was forcibly held down by the three sisters and ravaged in various ways.

Five minutes later, she was released from the encirclement, wiping the tears that didn't exist in the corners of her eyes aggrieved, but the three people who ravaged her looked refreshed.

It's like a big scene or something.

 OK, one more update.

  Let me be healthy, who hasn't voted, favorited, commented and walked together~
(End of this chapter)

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