The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 474 0473. A 2-Day New Journey

Chapter 474 0473. A 20-Day New Journey (4)

Edward wasn't that unreasonable either. Seeing how tired they were, he asked them to stop and rest.

After all, he is not young anymore, and there is no way he can walk to the destination in one breath without taking a break like when he was young.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after getting Edward's order to rest, but they were too tired to cheer.

Everyone didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, and just sat down after sweeping some rotten leaves with moisture with their feet.

It is understandable that girls love to be clean, but of course there are special practices in special times.

Some girls are more unacceptable, and they just spread some waste drawing paper on the floor and just sit down.

Zhuang Xinian is very smart. As early as Edward said to stop and rest, she quietly moved to a relatively clean stone and pulled Tang Yuan over. The stone blocked it.

So, when all were sitting on the ground, the two of them had a rock to sit on.

Others have certainly seen this happening, but what can they say?

There is only one stone, and the first thing people see is to consider whether they can sit on it first, not to mention that she is not exclusive to one person, and is shared with others.

But after Zhuang Xinian sat down, she looked at Edward who was still standing and panting, and told Tang Yuan to let her move over a little bit, and then the two of them made room for a small space.

"Edward! Come here and have a rest!"

Zhuang Xinian yelled loudly in Edward's direction, Edward turned his head, and saw the empty seat that Zhuang Xinian and Tang Yuan had specially reserved.

Edward was not polite, he still needed to take the students to continue walking, and had to get enough rest.

However, there was really not enough space for three people to be squeezed into one stone, so Zhuang Xinian stood up after resting for a while, leaving space for Youyi and Edward.

For Zhuang Xinian, physical recovery is always faster than others. After all, when she was training Taekwondo before, it was common to run out of physical strength, so Zheng Fan taught them a way to recover physical strength a little faster.

After resting for about ten minutes, everyone felt that they had almost recovered. Edward also felt that he could hold on to the place where he wanted to take the students, so he greeted them to continue walking up.

The scenery on the mountain changes very quickly.

At least as far as Zhuang Xinian and the others walked all the way, when they were at the foot of the mountain, the surrounding plants changed in two or three ways.

They didn't know where Edward was going to take them, but Edward didn't walk fast, as if he wanted them to experience the scenery on purpose.

Since Edward was not in a hurry, they were even less in a hurry. They all gathered together in twos and threes, pointing to a place to discuss something, as if they were out for a spring outing.

People who learn to paint, what else can they discuss?

It's nothing more than whether it looks good or not, how it looks like when painted, and so on.

Tang Yuan also dragged Zhuang Xinian to look around, but she was not too far away from the team, only two or three meters away.

What was originally a column of dragons has almost become a circle now.

Edward didn't restrain them either, this area was a safe zone, and he wasn't afraid of accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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