The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 453 0452. The last one, successfully selected!

Chapter 453 0452. Last place, successfully selected! (33)

Zhuang's father came up to let the little girl go down to eat.

Zhuang Xinian hastily replied twice.

In fact, she still wanted to chat with Jiang Shaoheng for a while, but she also knew that Jiang Shaoheng should rest, so she reluctantly said goodbye, "Brother Shaoheng, good night!"

Jiang Shaoheng smiled, said "good night" as well, and then went offline.

Zhuang Xinian obediently went down to eat.

After eating, I went into the studio.

She didn't forget a week's homework tasks.

The draft has already been typed on the small drawing board once, and although Edward has not been consulted, Zhuang Xinian still draws it on the drawing paper with confidence.

What are you afraid of!

It's a big deal to repaint later!

Probably this is Zhuang Xinian's advantage, she is not afraid to start over!
It was very late in painting, when Zhuang's father pushed open the door of the studio, a few balls of paper rolled away.

Zhuang's father went in and took a look. There were paper balls all over the floor. He bent down to pick up a few balls and spread them out to have a look.

It looked like someone was drawn, but Zhuang Xinian's draft was only the roughest one, and Dad Zhuang couldn't tell who it was.

Spreading out those few sheets of drawing paper and holding them in his hand, Father Zhuang walked to Zhuang Xinian's side. The little girl was still drawing, but Father Zhuang knew at a glance that the one he drew now was not as good as what he had in his hand. What about the ones you hold!


Zhuang's father called her.

It's not that Zhuang's father interrupted her on purpose, but at this time, no matter how Zhuang Xinian paints, it's useless. She is restless and impatient.

Zhuang Xinian stopped writing, and raised her head in frustration to look at Father Zhuang, her eyes were full of hurt.


Zhuang's father didn't say anything else, just said: "It's very late, you should go to bed, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Zhuang Xinian sat still.

This is her own daughter, how can father Zhuang not understand her?

Seeing her like this, he gently touched her head, "Come on, tell Dad, who do you want to draw?"

Zhuang's father can be sure that it will not be someone the precious girl is familiar with, otherwise she will not be so troubled.

Judging from the drawing paper I just picked up, it doesn't look like an oriental face either.

"A Western artist, but he has been dead for many, many years..." Zhuang Xinian's voice was a bit muffled.

Looking at the swirls on the top of his daughter's hair, Zhuang's father asked her, "Then do you know this artist?"

Zhuang Xinian honestly shook her head, "I don't know, I just saw him in the wax museum."

"Nian Nian, it's not enough to understand a person's surface, there is also the inside."

Zhuang's father stopped talking, and stopped looking at his daughter's thoughtful appearance after speaking, but told him to go to bed again before going out.

Zhuang Xinian sat in the studio and thought for a while, suddenly it seemed as if he had a sudden understanding, picked up the vacuum cleaner to clean up the paper balls that he had thrown all over the floor, and after tidying up the easels, he obediently Go back to sleep.

Knowing a person is not only through his appearance, but also the spiritual level is equally important!

Although he has passed away for so many years, he still has his works!

A painter's artistic preservation is his spiritual preservation!

Both inside and out!

This is Zhuang Xinian's understanding after hearing what Zhuang's father said.

Then for the next five days, Zhuang Xinian lived a step-by-step life.

Once you know the characters, it will save a lot of effort to draw them.

Because emotions can be substituted.

(End of this chapter)

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