The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 295 0295. What a coincidence!

Chapter 295 0295. What a coincidence! (10)

Under the complicated eyes of everyone, Zhuang Xinian walked down the podium gracefully.

She didn't have the consciousness of scaring her classmates at all. Instead, she looked full of confidence, thinking that she would definitely be able to be a sports committee member.

When sitting on the seat, Cheng Suru was still surprised, looking at Zhuang Xinian full of surprise and uncertainty.

She hadn't expected it at all. She looked like a weak, delicate little girl, but she was so powerful and wanted to be a sports committee member!

Really, my friends and I were stunned!
But after all, Mu Qingyun had been friends with Zhuang Xinian for six years. After the shock, he was able to clenched his fists to cheer up Zhuang Xinian very naturally, "Hey Zhuang Xinian! I support you! Hehe!"

Zhuang Xinian pursed the corners of her lips, suppressing the corners of her lips that wanted to rise, but her smug little eyes completely exposed her.

The little girl's eyes were shining brightly, and Jiang Shaoheng, who had been watching her all the time, was a little dazzled by the full of light. He had only seen this kind of light of the little girl twice.

The first time she practiced a complete set of taekwondo movements, with fine beads of sweat on her head, she clenched her hands into fists and told him excitedly that she did it!

The second time was when she held the winning painting of him and told him that it was a birthday present for him, and she gave it to him as a birthday present along with the award sent by the competition party.

This is the third time.

Since she wants to, let her wish!

Mu Qingyun, who was going to introduce himself first, was held down by Jiang Shaoheng, and then went up first.

The young man from Zhilan Yushu stepped onto the podium slowly, with a light and cold aura around him that clearly distinguished him from the others around him.

"Hi, I'm Jiang Shaoheng."

"...Finally, I would like to ask everyone to support Zhuang Xinian a lot. I am very grateful."

Jiang Shaoheng's narration from the beginning to the end was very plain, and he couldn't see any tension that he saw in other people, not even the slightest bit.

Even when Cheng Suru was on the podium, her voice would tremble a little because of a little nervousness. Although she adjusted it quickly, compared with Jiang Shaoheng, who has always had the same stable tone from the beginning to the end, it is obvious. I can see the difference.

However, this obvious behavior of canvassing votes set Jiang Shaoheng a precedent.

Then those who have no idea about the class cadres are more or less canvassing for their friends.

Finally, by the time the last student finished introducing himself, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

It is probably because there are too many children with excellent grades in the junior high school entrance examination this year, so there are 68 students in the first grade of junior high school in Pingshi No. [-] Middle School this year.

A classroom that was originally quite large became crowded instantly when it met these 68 people.

So it took a little longer to introduce myself.

"Okay, thank you for your self-introduction, students. Well, it would be even better if everyone can be like Jiang Shaoheng!"

"Then let's vote next time!"

"Determine your own class cadres!"

Afterwards, Mr. Lou handed out the small slips of paper that had been torn up before.

"The first vote to be cast is the monitor! Students, decide on this important position carefully!"

Teacher Lou's slightly witty words did not affect the students' decision to write.

After all... people are biased.

 Wenka went crazy...

  I feel like I'm such a failure...

  even want to give up...

  But I can't let you go...

(End of this chapter)

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