The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 218 0218. Don't be afraid, I am here.

Chapter 218 0218. Don't be afraid, I am here. (13)

Jiang Shaoheng followed them all the way to the site of the landslide.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Shaoheng rushed forward with them, and the people behind had no time to catch the child.

The anxious appearance seemed to be some important person of him among the disaster-stricken people.

Can it be important?That's my future wife!

In the end, the captain of the rescue team still felt that something was wrong, so he directly transferred the phone to the mayor's office, found Jiang's father, and asked if Jiang Shaoheng's situation was true.

When Father Jiang received the call, he wanted to catch this little bastard right away!

Is that where he can go? !

Didn't he know that there was a landslide just now? !

How dare you move forward? !
Is it because he doesn't want to live anymore or the two old guys don't want to live anymore? !

But after being furious, Jiang's father quickly realized that this son was taught by him, and he knew exactly what kind of temperament he was, and now he suddenly ran to the disaster site so aggressively...

Something flashed through Jiang's father's mind, and his face instantly became ugly!

He thought that when his son was so crazy last time, something happened to the dealer's girl. Could it be that this time...?
"Now, immediately send me the list of those affected by the disaster, the detailed list! It's specific to the name and family status!" Father Jiang calmly issued a new order to the other end of the phone.

"Yes!" Although the captain of the rescue team wondered why his superior suddenly issued such an order, as a soldier, his duty is to obey the order, so he didn't think about why, but quickly responded 10 minutes later. Send the necessary data and information.

Father Jiang quickly checked the list of victims, and found that Zhuang Xinian's name was on the list, including the kid from the Mu family!

This matter is big!

Father Jiang didn't dare to be careless, he immediately took out his mobile phone, and dialed the Zhuang family couple and the Mu family couple one by one.

Such a big thing happened to the children, as a parent, you can't help but know!

After receiving the call, Papa Zhuang, Papa Mu, and Mama Mu all booked an overnight flight to fly back. Mama Cai didn't even have time to ask for leave. She rushed out of the city hospital in her white coat and holding her mobile phone!
The heavy rain continued to fall, with no tendency to stop.

In this case, it is very unfavorable for search and rescue, because the heavy rain will wash away some smells, and search and rescue dogs cannot catch the smells.

And it is not suitable to use electronic search and rescue equipment on rainy days, because even if the equipment is waterproof, the degree of humidity will affect the accuracy.

Jiang Shaoheng wore a large raincoat and followed the search and rescue team to search for life information inch by inch.

With every inch of land he walked, Jiang Shaoheng's heart became colder, because there was no news of Zhuang Xinian and the two of them.

"Come on! There is life information here!" A sudden shout attracted everyone's attention.

Jiang Shaoheng was the first to run over, and his reaction speed was no less than that of professionals.

As the stones, sand and soil were moved away with shovels, the people inside were gradually revealed.

Jiang Shaoheng closed his eyes in pain, it wasn't Zhuang Xinian!

It was a pair of adults, but one of them had lost his vital signs, and it looked like he died on the spot.

Jiang Shaoheng's heart trembled fiercely!
These four words were like a sledgehammer that directly smashed Jiang Shaoheng's brain!
 Second more.

  There is another interview tomorrow.

  O happiness and pain at once!

  Come count the votes and let me pass!
  Love you guys!Comparing!
(End of this chapter)

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