Chapter 836

Yan Su, who has already emailed the relevant leaders, still doesn't know what the students in Class [-] are going to do for her.

Take Deerchun as an example. Her parents are very ambitious and powerful. She was taken care of by a nanny since she was a child. When she grew up, they found that their education for their children seemed to be insufficient, but they didn’t know how to discipline them. , they either impose their subjective will on her, or only give her money to satisfy her, coaxing her to do this and that.

Before that, she never thought of suing her parents about this kind of thing. If she wasn't underage, she wouldn't want to talk to her parents.

But this time, her parents could finally come in handy.

When Gu Lian was in the hospital, he knew that Yan Su had returned home, and he went home directly after get off work.

Yan Su was doing something on the computer, Gu Lian took a closer look and found that it was a tender announcement, but the time had passed long ago.

He pulled up a chair and sat down beside him, and after watching for a few minutes, he realized that Yan Su was writing a thesis.

"How did you come up with this?" he asked.

Yan Su: "Start with my own professional skills and bring him down."

Gu Lian couldn't help laughing, thinking that Yan Su, who was so serious and thoughtful, was very cute, and he said, "Didn't you already send the email?"

Yan Su: "That's just a test. If Lan Shaolang or the people from the Lan family had already greeted the above, then they wouldn't say that they treated my email as air, and they might even warn me along the network cable. What I'm writing now The paper is for the investigation team, Lan Shaolang had an accident on a project site, they covered up the accident, and the media didn’t report it, so I reported it.”

She was frank and frank, saying that she had reported Lan Shaolang, and she was not worried about whether Gu Lian would think of her because of it, and felt that she would take revenge if she cared about everything.

Gu Lian: "What do you want me to do?"

Yan Su glanced at him speechlessly, "It seems that if I told you to leave everything alone, you really wouldn't interfere. If that's the case, you can do whatever you want without asking me."

Gu Lian's heart softened, and he stretched out his arms to hug her, "When I was in the hospital today, I thought it would be great if you could be softer, so that I could stand in front of you and take care of everything for you...but in this way If you don't, you are not you, and you are not the you I like."

Yan Su didn't speak, Gu Lian hugged him for a while, got up and said, "Brother seems to have some information about this project, I'll ask him to send it over, you write first, I'll cook."

He called Brother Gu, and when he heard his younger brother asking for help, Brother Gu was overjoyed, and immediately sent the information he had prepared to Gu Lian.

He also said: "Don't worry too much, a patrol team from above happened to arrive in City C, and they are hitting the guns."

Gu Lian: "I'm not worried."

Yan Su doesn't need him to worry, he just feels sorry for Yan Su's strength occasionally.

Brother Gu smiled, and said, "That's it, I'll take a look at it. If we can use this to get rid of some moths, it will be a good thing for the entire education system of C City." , let her let go and do it."

After Big Brother Gu sent the information, Gu Lian first received the information and then passed it on to Yan Su. When Yan Su integrated the materials to extract useful information, he was cooking in the kitchen.

When the food was about to be ready, Yan Su's thesis was almost finished.

"Stop first, and write after eating." Gu Lian said.

Yan Su stared at the computer intently, then nodded casually, "Got it."

Gu Lian didn't urge her, and went out to continue preparing dinner.

After a while, Yan Su stretched out while he was setting the plates.

Not long after Yan Su sat down on the chair, Gu Lian put all the dishes on the table, and squeezed her shoulders again, Yan Su's stiff shoulders and neck instantly relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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