Chapter 826

Yan Su didn't expect the "True, Good and Beautiful" heroine to say anything that would satisfy her, so she packed up her things and said, "Mr. Lan, your kindness doesn't have to be so extensive. I don't even have the same surname as her. You don't even have the same surname." Why do you think that since she is my blood mother, I must see her and listen to her?"

Several other teachers in the office looked at Lan Tian, ​​and Lan Tian suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, and felt very wronged.

She did something good, why did she become like this?

Tears rolled in her eyes, Lan Tian raised her head, suppressed her tears, and said to Yan Su, "Mr. Yan, I admit that your seriousness in some aspects is very useful, but she is your mother, and the grace of giving birth is greater than heaven. , she gave birth to you in October, she is your mother, the bones are broken and the tendons are still connected, you are too indifferent to her!"

Yan Su was about to leave, but when she heard this, she smiled coldly, "Since you know her, don't you just know this?"

Lan Tian was puzzled.

Yan Su continued, "Then do you know that she gave birth to me but never raised me for a day? Did you know that she stole the compensation money raised by my grandma's desperate sale of houses and cars? Did you know that when her biological mother was lying on the hospital bed, she only cared about me?" Do you have the last house for the old man to live in his old age? Do you know what my grandma did at her funeral?"

The office suddenly fell silent, and the silence made everyone feel an unprecedented pressure.

Immediately afterwards, talking and laughing students passed by the door, and soon the silence that made everyone feel uncomfortable disappeared.

Yan Su took one last look at Lan Tian and said, "Teacher Lan, last time I was defending the two criminal students and your high reputation, this time it's me. I don't know who will be lucky enough to get your kind gift next time." , but I'm sure I hate your self-indulgent kindness, and I don't want it to happen to me again."

After Yan Su left, the office was silent for a while, the two young teachers didn't speak, and Yu Xi, who had just listened at the door for a while after class, didn't speak, only Teacher Zhou smiled in embarrassment and rescued Lan Tian.

Lan Tian froze for a few seconds, then ran out with her head down.

The students in the other classes have left, and most of the people in Class [-] are still in the classroom. Even Nuo has a question that he doesn't understand. What did Dale say.

Suddenly, Del Chun slammed onto the table and cursed.

Everyone else looked over, and then they heard Dai Erchun scold, "Fuck, the head teacher of the first class seems to have that serious illness, does she think she is the most understanding in the whole world? The two law-breaking nurses in her class If you want to save face, it’s okay to protect it, but what are Teacher Yan’s parents, you want her to be a good person there and tell her what to do? They even come to the office to make trouble, is she here to apologize or to show off that she has a good family, all relatives, and is well-loved?"

The others were all confused, and they didn't know what happened until they asked, and they were all very angry.

They have all heard about Yan Su's family background, so people like Guan Zeming, He Li, and others with Yan Su's background have untied their knots after talking. Teacher Yan has no parents to care and love, but he has become a very good person. It's not that you can't live without that family relationship, so why bother to degenerate?

But the fact that they have untied their knots doesn't mean they don't feel sorry for Yan Su's experience.

Besides their parents, they also have many relatives. Grandparents and grandparents regard them as treasures, but what about Teacher Yan?
(End of this chapter)

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