Chapter 306

During the meal, Yan Su asked about the Wang family, Quan Zheng was taken aback for a moment, but then became a little happy, "Why do you think of his family?"

He was still wondering if Yan Su was jealous after hearing those rumors.

In the end, Yan Su told him coldly, "Check the Wang family carefully, otherwise the Quan family will be the same as the Gu family now."

Quan Zheng was taken aback, the smile in his eyes faded, and he said with a serious face, "How do you say that?"

Yan Su changed what she said to Meng Changqing to Quan Zheng again, and the Quan family stood on the side of the Gu family, and some wicked people would take this opportunity to step on the Quan family to climb up.

Quan Zheng was silent, thinking of what Lou Zishu said.

At the beginning, Yan Muxue falsely spread the news, saying that they were going to get married when he and Yan Su didn't like each other, so as to humiliate the granddaughter of the Wang family, but it caused enough hatred for Yan Su.

It just so happened that these two days were full of news that he and Yan Su were together again, judging by the behavior of that Miss Wang, I'm afraid she hated Yan Su to the core.

And the Wang family is indeed not honest.

"I'm just guessing. Believe it or not, you can find out by looking it up." After Yan Su finished speaking, she buried her head in eating wontons.

Quan Zheng's heart is heavy, Yan Su will not guess casually, she must know something when she said so.

He finished his meal full of thoughts, put all the dishes and plates in the dishwasher, and asked Yan Su after washing, "Are you afraid of living alone?"

Yan Su had a "what are you talking about" expression on her face, which underestimated her too much.

Quan Zheng was well aware of her character, so he hurriedly said, "Then you take a walk to refresh yourself, and I'll go home."

Yan Su: "Well, pay attention to safety. Also, don't underestimate any woman, otherwise you will suffer a big fall."

Quan Zheng said with a smile, "I have never underestimated you."

He went out and closed the door, and when he was waiting for the elevator, he suddenly realized that Yan Su's words might not only be a counterattack to his "dare to live alone", but also a reminder to him.

After reminding Quan Zheng, Yan Su went to bed.

Before the layout is well laid out, it is a dream come true for the Wang family to want activists.

Whether it's old Quan and Quan Zheng, or the eldest lady Quan Yun who is already a lieutenant colonel, and the second master Quan who is a businessman, there is no one in the Quan family who is easy to mess with.

Now it's just waiting for the Wang family to be unlucky.

The next day, Yan Su woke up very early. After washing and changing, she was about to go back home, but when she opened the door, she saw Quan Zheng sitting in the living room on the phone.

His expression was more solemn than last night, and he was talking about the five major families and Yan Muxue, so there should be news from Lou Zishu.

Seeing Yan Su come out, Quan Zheng said a few more words before hanging up.

"Why did you come here? There should be a lot of things to do now." Yan Su said.

Quan Zheng pointed to the thermos bucket on the table, "My aunt made porridge and made some breakfast, you can eat some first."


Yan Su originally wanted to go back home early to have breakfast, but Quan Zheng brought it to her mouth, so she naturally wouldn't be polite.

Quan Zheng said, "I'm a little busy. My second uncle, my aunt, and my eldest sister are in charge of family matters. Lou Zishu led people to follow him for two days and found out the news. As you said, they are indeed buying and hoarding supplies in large quantities. , It’s just strange that no one has noticed such a big movement.”

Lou Zishu also found it incredible after the investigation, and even made a special trip to ask a few places to inquire about the news, but without exception, no organization was aware of it.

The five major families do not have the power to hide the truth, so what is the problem?
(End of this chapter)

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