The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 707 Prepare to leave the canyon

Chapter 707 Prepare to leave the canyon
Now for the H country actress, the most difficult thing to rest is every night.

Because the movement of the cabin opposite is really a bit loud.

After all, the sound insulation effect of this cabin is very poor.

Moreover, at night, the entire island is quiet, as quiet as death, so any movement can be heard clearly.

She didn't seem to have thought that the seemingly petite Nina had such a loud cry.

The ear-piercing "uh" or "ah" really made goose bumps in her bones.

This made the H country actress toss and turn at night, even frowning.

She didn't seem to expect that Li Chen Ouba's physical strength was so good.

Tossing and turning at night, the H country actress was also thinking in her heart, if only she could be given a man right now.

It's just a matter of thinking about it.

In this deep canyon, if you want to find another man, it may be more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Of course, thinking that the heroine is not her, she is more of a loss.

However, gradually, she realized what kind of environment she was in now.

She also felt that what Li Chen Ouba said was right, she should really leave here.

In this deep canyon, at night, she didn't even dare to get up to urinate.

I can only hold back abruptly.

Because the silence at night is really too penetrating.

Even in the daytime, there will be some inexplicable timidity.


The next day, a long-lost morning red finally appeared in the eastern sky...

Li Chen, Nina, and the H-country actress couldn't help getting out of the dense forest excitedly, and then stood on the cliff in front of them, looking at the eastern sky with a happy smile .

"The sun is finally coming out!" Jeon Hye Kyo was very excited.

Seeing her excited look suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but think of the cute girl Miao Kekelai...

Because of her look at the moment, she looks too much like the cute girl Miao Keke.

When thinking of the cute girl, the former captain felt somewhat apologetic.

In fact, he has always understood what the cute girl is thinking.

It's just's a thing of the past.

Looking at the sunrise after a while, Nina couldn't help but excitedly said: "Li Chen..."

While calling Li Chen, she excitedly reached out and pointed towards the sunrise...

Li Chen looked in the direction of Nina's finger, and couldn't help showing a long-lost smile...

Suddenly, he couldn't help but said, "I think it's time for us to find a way to get out of here!"

It's just that Jeon Hye Kyo asked suddenly: "Is there any way for us to leave here?"

Li Chen said: "You have to get out of this canyon. If you stay in this canyon, you will never be able to leave it."

So, Nina suggested: "Then let's... let's go to breakfast!"

Although Nina's Chinese is not very fluent, she can barely speak a few words.


Afterwards, the three of them went back to the dense forest and returned to the green field in front of the cabin.

Nina pushed aside the fire and prepared to light a fire to heat up the dried fish.

There are still some leftovers from the pot of fish caught last time.

Now for the three of them, there is also an advantage, that is, the food they need must be a lot, as long as there is a little, the three of them can barely fill their stomachs.

Jeon Hye Kyo, who was gradually returning to the state, suddenly couldn't help asking: "Li Chen Ouba, if we can't leave here all the time, what should we do?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, before Li Chen could answer, Nina said optimistically, "I think... there will be a solution. As long as we... go to the beach."


After breakfast for a while, Li Chen and Nina started to pack their things.

Nina put all the food they had left into the rattan back pocket.

Li Chen prepared bamboo bows, bamboo arrows, and a tree branch.

As for the two branches of the tree branch, this time they are only inlaid with hard bamboo tips, because there are no iron or metal pieces.

Anyway, that's about it.

As for the hatchet, this time it is completely gone.

As for whether the three of them can successfully leave the island this time, maybe it depends on luck?
Later, when Li Chen handed Quan Hye Kyo a bamboo bow, Quan Hye Kyo was a little confused: "Oh... Li Chen Ouba, this... I don't know how to do it."

Li Chen: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless at this moment, I really don't know what to say?

Even Nina was speechless as she watched.

After thinking about it, he looked at this country H actress again. There was nothing wrong with it, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "No, it doesn't matter. You just keep it. It's a spare."

After hearing what he said, Quan Hye Kyo reluctantly stretched out her hand to take the bamboo bow.

In contrast, the seemingly petite Nina is much tougher.

She immediately put a bamboo bow on her back and a bamboo quiver on her waist...

This seemingly petite girl is full of wildness at the moment.

However, Li Chen looked at her with some distress...

Because she also has no clothes, just two bunches of leaves hanging on her chest and waist, and her feet are bare.

However, thinking that she should have already adapted to all this on this island, so Li Chen didn't say anything.

Next, he put the rattan back pocket on his back and took a tree branch.

As for the rattan back pocket, there was actually nothing there, except for some dried grilled fish, some bananas, two jugs of fresh water, and some medicines that Nina had spared.

It seems that Nina is very caring and has prepared some stems and leaves of the plant that she avoids eating during pregnancy.

In fact, this... Jeon Hye Kyo also secretly put some in her trouser pocket.

This actress, she also seems to be prepared, feeling that...maybe it is unavoidable that there will be some stories with Li Chen oppa?
By the way, about the two jugs, they should have been left by Nina's elders.

Before leaving, Li Chen couldn't help but turn around and look at the grave of the wild dog Heizi...

It wasn't until she followed him to the grave of the wild dog Heizi that Quan Hye Kyo knew that the wild dog was dead.

Nina seemed to have some feelings for this wild dog Heizi, and she was looking at Heizi's tomb, muttering for a while.

Looking at Heizi's tomb again, Li Chen's heart felt inexplicably heavy...

At this moment, he doesn't know what to say?
Just thinking in my heart, all of them are dead.

It seems that besides thinking about it like this, I really don't know what to say?

Afterwards, when she got out of the dense forest and went down the stone ladder road, Jeon Hye Kyo couldn't help asking, "Oh, Li Chen Oppa, shall we come back here?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Li Chen could only frown, thought for a while, and then said: "I hope... it's better not to go back here, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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