Chapter 695 Elune

The next day, in the middle of the ocean, on that temporarily unknown island.

It wasn't until after this morning that Li Chen suddenly felt that his thoughts were a little active...

Only then did he realize that he and Nina lived in seclusion on the mountainside of a deep canyon.

Halfway up the mountain, there happens to be a natural flat land and dense forest.

Surrounded by dense forest, there is a natural green space.

Around this natural green space, there are several cabins.

But apart from a few cabins, there seems to be nothing else.

There are only a few homemade bamboo bows and arrows, a few coir raincoats, a few bamboo hats, and a few spears made of bamboo poles...

There are some fruit trees in the cabin, such as lychee tree, mango tree, banana tree, jackfruit, traveler banana, and so on.

For breakfast, Nina made banana slices. I don't know what she mixed them with, but they tasted good.

The fresh water is the water that Nina collected from the traveler's plant in a bamboo tube.

Now here, apart from him and Nina, there is also a comatose H country actress, and then there is the wild dog Heizi.

It is estimated that the bastard Heizi is also hungry, and he ate a lot of mixed banana slices in the morning.

Apart from these, there is nothing, no smoke, no lighters, no hatchets, no guns, and no cannons...

Some are just Nina.

Thinking about what he and Nina did last night, apart from doing that crazy thing, there seemed to be nothing else to do?

However, although the affair between men and women is a bit addictive, but there are too many, too frequent, it seems a bit boring?
It even makes the whole person feel more and more empty, lonely, and even empty in the head.

He didn't know if he was marrying Nina?
Anyway, there is no sense of ceremony.

Some are just... The two seem to be together naturally?

And then... the two of them were together, inexplicably crazy.

Maybe it's because there's nothing for the two of them to do in the cabin at night?
At this moment, Li Chen really wanted to find a cigarette to smoke.

But after searching everywhere, there was still no smoke or anything like that.

Finally, when Li Chen was standing on the rocky cliff halfway up the mountain, Nina suddenly smiled and whispered behind him: "Hey, Li Chen..."

It seems that she can only call him by his name awkwardly, and she doesn't understand other Chinese.

The two still have a language barrier.

Only when the two of them are doing the most primitive thing can they understand each other.

Of course, despite the language barrier, Li Chen still understands that Nina is a simple and good girl.

When he turned around and looked at her, he saw that she was smiling shyly...

It's just that smile is really bright like a flower.

Suddenly, Li Chen felt as if he had been fascinated by that smile and couldn't extricate himself.

He felt as if he couldn't get out of here for the rest of his life?

It's just that when he thinks of Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er and those women, he always feels some inexplicable self-blame in his heart...

Because he has realized that those women should have been buried in the ocean?

It should be that even the corpse capital can't be found?
It should have been swallowed by those mysterious species in the ocean?
Whenever he thought of this, he didn't know what to do?

I just know that I no longer have the title of captain.

He is that ordinary Li Chen.

Suddenly, he felt somewhat inexplicable regret...

Because he suddenly thought, even though he knew that his ultimate fate might be to be buried in the ocean, he still wanted to go home...

It's just that the price of wanting to go home... is too heavy!
Several women who looked like flowers were buried in the ocean in the end!
If I had known this, it would be better to just stay on one of the islands and wait for rescue.

Even if you can't wait for rescue, you can still live well, right?

Just like how I am with Nina now... It seems to be fine?

Nina came over suddenly, smiled shyly, and hugged him innocently and attachedly...

Then, she just raised her head and looked at him all the time, as if no matter how she looked, it was not enough.

At this moment, Li Chen seemed to understand what a deep love is.

Maybe like Nina?
Even though I just watched like that, I felt that life and death did not want to be separated anymore.

In his memory, the second child, Su Qian'er, had looked at him blankly several times.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand that second child Su Qian'er...should like him?
It's just that such a beautiful big boss was buried in the ocean in the end...

Thinking, thinking, this former Captain Li Chen suddenly shed tears...

Seeing him crying suddenly, Nina felt so distressed!

She raised her hand in a panic to wipe away her tears...

"Gana Kaji is cool..." Nina said suddenly distressed.

It's just that Li Chen didn't understand either.

What Nina meant was: Men can't shed tears.

However, the more this happened, Li Chen's tears fell more and more...

Nina panicked suddenly, not knowing what to do?

In a hurry, thinking, there is no way, I saw that she had to stand on tiptoe in a panic, and desperately kissed Li Chen.

Being so fixed by her, once Li Chen felt it, he couldn't help hugging her very eagerly...

Next, Li Chen himself didn't know that he was doing it for a certain purpose, he just felt that he really wanted some kind of catharsis at this moment.

Afterwards, looking at Nina again, he actually said something deeply apologetic: "I'm sorry, Nina!"

He didn't know why he said such a sentence?
Maybe it's really a deep love and pity. I think she is too delicate to bear his ravages, right?

Or maybe he realized it himself, and he was purely cathartic in some sense?

What's more, during that incident just now, the figure of the second child Su Qian'er suddenly flashed in his mind.

However, although Nina felt his apology, she couldn't understand the three words "sorry".

After that, she just said with a shy smile: "Eluni..."

It means: I love you.

Although Li Chen couldn't understand, he still felt her pure love.


Afterwards, the two of them really had nothing to do, so they went to see the H country actress who was still unconscious.

On Jeon Hye Kyo's ankle, there is obviously a wound bitten by a snake.

But I don't know what kind of medicine Nina gave her?

It looks like black mud, and it smells pungent and unpleasant.

However, Li Chen felt that the medicine should be effective?

Otherwise, it is estimated that this country H actress has already choked up?
Now, it might be a miracle that she can still maintain a state similar to a vegetative state?
Of course, now Li Chen is also looking forward to her awakening as soon as possible.

After all, she understands Chinese, so they can still communicate with each other, right?
This and Nina... have a language barrier, and it's really uncomfortable.

Of course, in his heart, he was still thinking about leaving here...

(End of this chapter)

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