Chapter 492 Rising Water Level
Especially when he realized that the whole ship seemed to be stretched by the front and rear anchor ropes and stood still in the sea. As the captain, Li Chen suddenly felt that something was wrong...

After that, he was so frightened that he got up in a panic.

Surprised by the situation, Xiao Cao also got up quickly.

Immediately, Captain Li Chen hurriedly threw a raincoat at him and said, "Put it on quickly!"

At the same time, Captain Li Chen also panicked to put on his raincoat...

It's just that the few women in the cabin still don't realize it and are still fast asleep.

However, after getting drunk, it is indeed a good sleep, the kind that even Lei can't wake up.

But right now, the situation is urgent, and I don't care about these women anymore.

Li Chen took a searchlight in a panic, and said to Xiao Cao: "Go! Go out and have a look!"

So, the two of them, who were already wearing raincoats, went out of the cabin with a searchlight on...

In the night rain, the wind was strong, and the wind was whistling...

What the searchlights saw was the heavy rain slanting...

The two people who had just arrived on the deck suddenly felt a chill——

The two of them in the night rain were really too small and thin, and the light from the searchlight was also extremely weak.

Braving the wind and slanting rain, Li Chen hurriedly picked up the hatchet from the deck...

Immediately after looking back and forth with the searchlight on, Xiao Cao's heart trembled——

"Team, Captain, what about...?" Xiao Cao asked tremblingly.

Because the spools of the front and rear anchor ropes have been stretched to the end.

At this moment, the ship is no longer docked at the beach, but seems to be rising above the sea...

After scanning with the searchlight again, I was surprised to see that the water level was already halfway up the hill of the isolated island.

Even though the sea was always rough in the rain at night, the boat was stretched by the anchor rope and didn't move much, except for a left or right sway...

Crawling on the side of the boat again, I took a look at the water level with a searchlight, and it has seriously exceeded the warning line.

Soon it will be close to the position of the deck.

But the only thing that is certain is that the front and rear anchor ropes are solid.

But if this continues, the water level will rise again, and the entire ship will stretch the front and rear anchor lines until it is filled with water...

In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to frantically run towards the stern with the searchlight on...

Xiao Cao is also busy to keep up.

After reaching the stern, Li Chen hurriedly handed the searchlight to Xiao Cao, but Li Chen put it on the stern in a panic and got down on the ground...

He reached out and tried to tug on the anchor line.

But it has been stretched so tightly that it cannot be pulled at all.

No matter how hard his hands were in the strong wind and slanting rain, he couldn't pull the anchor line...

This thing...the front and back are tense, how can it move?

But, at this moment, an anchor rope must be loosened.

Otherwise, the ship will be doomed!

However, in this case, the anchor line at the stern can only be loosened.

Because as soon as the anchor rope at the bow is loosened, the ship will flee into the ocean.

Only by loosening the anchor rope at the stern, the ship will continue to approach the isolated island...

Thinking, no way, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to reach out and take the hatchet that was put aside...

"You stand still!"

Suddenly hearing the captain say such a sentence, Xiao Cao hurriedly responded: "Yes! Good!"

So, he saw Captain Li Chen suddenly slashed down on the anchor rope with a hatchet...

'Teng! ' After the sound, the whole ship suddenly rushed forward...

In the end, Xiao Cao was still standing unsteadily, and fell to the deck with a 'poof'.

Li Chen turned around and crawled over in a panic...

"Xiao Cao! Are you okay?"

As Xiao Cao got up in the night rain, he hurriedly said, "It's okay. I'm fine."

Hearing that he was fine, Li Chen hurriedly picked up the searchlight and handed it to Xiao Cao...

Immediately, he said: "Then hurry up to the bow to tighten the anchor rope. I'm going to the cockpit to start the boat."


Next, the two of them worked together, and Xiao Cao went to the bow to take in the anchor rope.

As for Captain Li Chen, he hurriedly ran to the cockpit.

After starting the boat, I hurriedly turned on the navigation lights, and braved the wind and rain, heading towards the isolated island...

Xiao Cao, who was standing at the bow of the boat, saw that the boat was approaching the isolated island, and then he let out a long sigh in his heart: "Huh——"

At this moment, the water level of the ocean has reached the halfway up the hillside of the isolated island...

As for whether this small isolated island similar to an earthen hill will be completely submerged by the water level in the end, I don’t know?

But at this moment, that's the only way to do it.

On such a windy and slanting rainy night, with huge waves, it was obvious that he did not dare to sail into the ocean easily.

However, the only good thing is, it shouldn't be a tsunami?

If it was a tsunami, a big wave would cover it, and the boat would have died long ago.

So it should be just a night of strong wind and slanting rain. With the waves, the water level is gradually rising.

When the ship was gradually approaching the top of the mountain, the captain Li Chen hurriedly ran out of the cabin again...

The terrible thing is, in the rainy night, none of the six women woke up during the two of them's quick maneuvers.

Li Chen ran to the bow of the boat, and under the illumination of the navigation lights and searchlights, he jumped off the boat...

At this moment, the whole ship is almost at the same level as the mountain.

Next, Li Chen stood on the top of the hill and yelled at Xiao Cao at the bow: "Quick! Throw that branch over!"

Xiao Cao had no choice but to follow suit and threw the tree branch over the hill.

Captain Li Chen picked up the branch, and thrust it hard into the hill.

Then, he hurriedly said: "Okay, now throw the anchor over."

Because the anchor at the stern is useless now, there is only a single anchor at the bow, so it can only be fixed on the branch of the tree.

Otherwise, it will not be able to anchor, and the ship will not be fixed firmly.

What's stupid is that there are no trees on this bare mountain, otherwise it would be firm if it was tied to a tree, wouldn't it?

But this tree branch is just inserted on the top of the mountain like this, it is really not firm.

Fortunately, there were still some stones on the top of the mountain, so Li Chen had no choice but to brave the night rain to move a lot of stones to hold down the anchor rope...

Seeing this, Xiao Cao suddenly jumped off the boat with the searchlight on, and rushed to move stones with Captain Li Chen.

After a busy meal, the two of them felt that the anchor rope was firmly pressed by the rocks, so they stopped, standing on the top of the mountain and panting for a while...

"Grass! Damn!"

Suddenly, Captain Li Chen scolded sullenly, and Xiao Cao asked in a trembling voice: "Captain, this...water level...will it rise again?"

Because if it rises again, the entire mountain will be submerged.

Then the ship has nowhere to dock and can only float on the ocean.

In particular, using the searchlight to illuminate the front, rear, left, and right, it is even more trembling——

Because the surrounding seawater is already surrounded by this mountain...

Moreover, the rain is still pattering.

The wind seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Standing on the top of the mountain like a head, just listening to the whirring wind, I was quite timid and frightened...

(End of this chapter)

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