The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 404 Chatting with Babes is Difficult!

Chapter 404 Chatting with Babes is Difficult!
Hearing Lina suddenly say, "Including you will not be able to leave here", it seems that a death sentence has been issued, so Li Chen frowned again and was startled——

Under the moonlit night, when Lina turned her head and saw Li Chen's expression, she smiled inexplicably...

Then, she couldn't help but whispered again: "Mr. Li."

Only then did Li Chen come to his senses, and then he turned his head to look at her again...

Lina smiled at him calmly: "Mr. Li, should think about lead your team members, spend every day here with me, and enjoy the fun here. everything."

Then, Lina said again: "Actually, it's not bad here. It's not as bad as I imagined. The fish here is very rich. I have a fishing rod, and I can catch some strange fish every day, but they are all delicious. "

Saying that, Lina smiled again...

Suddenly seeing this foreign girl like that, she is quite charming.

It's just that Li Chen is still secretly thinking about other ways to leave the island?
Next, Lina said: "Mr. Li, frankly speaking, I sympathize with you very much. I also understand you. But you are still alive, and you are already lucky. So when you have no way to leave here, you should learn to I want to enjoy everything here. In fact, everything here is really not that bad. At least I can see the most beautiful sunrise and sunset in the world.”

However, after looking at this foreign girl again, Li Chen couldn't help asking curiously: "Which country are you from?"

Lina smiled inexplicably: "Let me tell you my name, guess what?"

Before Li Chen agreed, she said, "My full name is... Lina de Mozambique."



Li Chen was stunned again, and then asked: "The underground social dark net you mentioned earlier is..."

"Oh..." Lina couldn't help but startled, "It's a magical social circle. There are all kinds of hobbies. But there are more perverts."

Hearing that this foreign girl always misses the point, Li Chen is so anxious...

So, next, he had no choice but to simply ask: "Then why do you want to come here?"

"Oh... this..." Lina felt a headache, and it seemed that she still didn't understand it.

After thinking about it, she said: "I think... everyone will have inexplicable impulsive moments? At least that's how I came to this ghost island inexplicably."

"???" Li Chen suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Damn, chatting with foreign women is hard work!

However, next, Lena finally explained: "At that time... I wanted... I wanted to experience something I had never experienced before. I thought it was cool and exciting. At that time, the American guy was organizing this frenzy When I was planning the Island Project, I thought it was cool and flashy, so... I also... I think you understand?"

Li Chen frowned depressingly again, and then asked, "Why did that American guy organize this desert island project?"

"???" Lina was a little stunned.

After a while, she shrugged suddenly: "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Li! I don't know what the Miguel really thinks? At that time, his organizational language was... to go to a deserted island to challenge the limit."


Li Chen almost vomited blood.

It feels like asking for nothing.

This information is useless at all.

But the only thing worth noting is... this foreign girl really has a good mentality!
She doesn't seem too pessimistic?

And Lina seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately she said: "Oh, by the way, that girl from Huaguo...Zhu Wenting, she told me at the time that she just wanted to be brave once and challenge herself. Said... After she graduated, she has been doing nothing. She can't afford a house or a car, and all she meets are scumbags. Once back to Party A in life, come to a real self, so...she also joined this desert island project."

"???" Li Chen was speechless again for a while.

Because this information is useless at all.

At most, it can only interpret the mentality and thoughts of each of them when they came to the desert island.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Li Chen had no choice but to ask again: "By the way, when you came to this island, did those climbing ropes and wire ropes... already exist?"

"Yes!" Lena nodded, "That's right! When we came here... those were already there!"

This caused Li Chen to fall into deep thought again...

If they had those wire ropes, climbing ropes before them, at least they could prove that someone had been to the island before them.

Those people before...have successfully left the island?

Afterwards, after entering a huge cave, Li Chen couldn't help being surprised and shocked.

I feel that the uncanny workmanship of nature is really amazing.

On the sandy ground in the middle of the cave, beside the fire, Tan Jixia and the other five women were squatting there to clean up the dead tiger, peeling its skin, convulsing its muscles, and ripping out its intestines...

The wild dog Heizi stood by, waiting to eat some offal.

Just seeing that scene suddenly, Lina was stunned again——

oh my god-


And Xiao Cao stood beside the natural hot spring pool in the east corner of the cave with great excitement...

Suddenly seeing Captain Li Chen coming in, Xiao Cao hurriedly said excitedly: "Uh, Captain Li Chen, here..."

When he suddenly saw the steaming hot spring pool in the east corner, Li Chen was also very excited...

Hold the grass!

Here... there is also a natural hot spring pool?
It turns out that this foreign girl enjoys it so much here!

Excitedly rushing to the natural hot spring pool in the east corner, Li Chen stretched out his hand excitedly to check the water temperature...

Then, to no one's surprise, Captain Li Chen turned around and said to the six women with a smile, "I'm sorry, ladies! Don't look this way!"

"???" The six women were stunned, not knowing why.

Then I saw their Captain Li Chen say to Xiao Cao: "Damn! Take off! Go in and soak for a while!"

While talking, he didn't care about the three or seven or twenty. He stripped off his clothes and rushed into the hot spring pool shirtless and wearing a pair of big shorts...

"Oh—Oumaiga——" Lina suddenly felt hot eyes.

However, she still couldn't help taking the opportunity to take a shy glance at Captain Li Chen's muscular body...

It seems that her impression of the beer belly of the man in Hua country has changed in an instant.

Oh, my turns out that Huaguo men...also have such muscular men!
Oh, Oumaiga... Is my heart beating faster...

Squatting by the fire and watching Tan Jixia and the other Qiong'er who picked up the dead tigers, she suddenly saw that Captain Li Chen had entered the hot spring pool, and she blushed inexplicably...

Because when she was soaking in the hot spring before, she accidentally peed in the hot spring pool secretly.

And at this moment, Xiao Cao saw that Captain Li Chen had already entered, so he didn't care so much. He just followed Captain Li Chen and entered the hot spring pool wearing a pair of big shorts...

Li Chen, who lay down in the hot spring pool, couldn't help but let out a howl of joy: "Wow——cool——"


It's just that Xiao Cao couldn't help sniffing his nose: "What's the smell? Why is it so weird?"

Hearing this suddenly, Qiong'er was secretly shy again.

Unexpectedly, their captain Li Chen said: "This is what the hot spring pool smells like."


Qiong'er almost laughed out loud.

At the same time, she blushed again inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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