The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 325 I want to leave the island too

Chapter 325 I want to leave the island too
Before Xiao Cao could finish his speech, this time, Li Chen, the captain, finally asked, "Actually, you want to sneak away with that bamboo raft and go to the sea to wait for passing boats?"

"...???" Xiao Cao was so ashamed again that he didn't know what to say?

I saw his complexion turned red and white from embarrassment, and he didn't dare to look at Captain Li Chen again.

Afterwards, there was nothing left to do, so Xiao Cao had no choice but to confide: "Actually, I only promised Sister help her carry the bamboo rafts to the seaside."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

In fact, he could tell that Xiao Cao really didn't want to leave.

But then, he said generously: "It's okay. Anyone who wants to leave is okay. We don't stop us. We are all trying to survive on a deserted island. So whoever can leave the island first, that's all right." It's a matter."

Then, Li Chen said: "This is not a shameful thing. In fact, even if we say it clearly, we don't have any objections. Besides, didn't I ask at the beginning, who has the courage to go to the sea on a bamboo raft? Waiting for the boat, can I help him make bamboo rafts?"

The more he listened to what Captain Li Chen said, the more ashamed Xiao Cao felt.

Next, Xiao Cao had no choice but to say honestly: "Actually, I also want to go to the sea to wait for the ship. But after thinking about what you said, Captain Li Chen, I still think it is not advisable and unreliable. So last night, Sister Meng When she asked me to secretly discuss this matter, I only agreed to help her carry the bamboo raft to the seaside."

Hearing what Xiao Cao said again, Li Chen had no choice but to smile, and said, "That's fine. Let's leave it at that."

Then, he changed the topic: "By the way, do you want to go to that pile of rocks together?"

Xiao Cao couldn't help but startled: "Is there... any discovery?"

"No." Li Chen replied, "Just to see."

While speaking, he continued to walk north to the pile of stones on the edge of the beach.

It's not that I want to see if the corpse is still there.

Just to see if there are any trails there?
Because the south side, he has already seen, there is no entrance to the trail.

From south to north, he has seen the entire circle of the dense forest, and there is no entrance to the trail.

If there is really an entrance to the trail, and if there is a winding trail leading up to the mountain at the east end, then perhaps... It can be proved that many people have visited this island before this.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the same situation as the previous island will happen?

If there are small ancient roads on this island, then maybe it will be really interesting.

Xiao Cao didn't understand what Captain Li Chen's intention was, so he had no choice but to follow Captain Li Chen ignorantly...

At the same time, Xiao Cao has been quietly looking east towards the sea...

It seems that I want to see if there will be a freighter passing there this morning?
In fact, Xiao Cao was still quite anxious.

I really want to leave the island as soon as possible.

After a while, when he turned his head to look at Captain Li Chen, Xiao Cao finally couldn't help asking: "There doesn't seem to be any pirate ships in this this sea area?"

Li Chen replied: "I don't know yet?"

Then, he added: "Maybe these days... the pirate activities are not so frequent or not?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiao Cao, and Li Chen asked again: "What? Are you in a hurry to leave the island?"

Xiao Cao took the opportunity to finally say something: "Today is already August 8th, and my son's birthday is August 11th. I think... it would be great if I could get home before my son's birthday as much as possible."

Hearing what Xiao Cao said suddenly, Li Chen was stunned again, and then he said: "There are still 9 days. Maybe there may be miracles in these 9 days?"

Xiao Cao finally smiled hurriedly: "I believe in Captain Li Chen."

Hearing what he said, Li Chen hurriedly said: "'s useless to believe me."

Then, Li Chen said again: "I also want to leave the island. I also want to go home quickly. Who wants to stay in such a crappy place forever?"

Speaking of this, Li Chen, the team leader, couldn't help but said: "Your son's birthday didn't catch up this year, and next year. My fucking mortgage has been cut off. It's a trivial matter, the key Yes, I have to be blacklisted by the credit investigation system. Damn, am I being wronged?"

Suddenly hearing what Captain Li Chen said, Xiao Cao was a little embarrassed again...

Because when you think about it, the matter of his son's birthday is really not worth mentioning compared to Captain Li Chen's mortgage cutoff.

At this moment, suddenly, inexplicably, there was a roar of an airplane in the sky...

This made Xiao Cao startled with joy: "Listen—the plane—"

Seeing Xiao Cao's excitement, Li Chen raised his head and looked up into the sky...

The roar of the plane was indeed heard, but he didn't even see the plane.

It appears that the plane is flying over the clouds.

"Hey—airplane—we have people here—"

All of a sudden, from the seaside, the excited yelling of the royal sister Liu Caiqiong came.

Li Chen turned his head and looked, only to see the Royal Sister Liu Caiqiong yelling at the sky in a panic...

Excited, it seemed that she was afraid that the plane would not be able to hear her, and in a panic, she hurriedly wrote a big 'SOS' on the beach with the branch at hand...

But Li Chen couldn't help but want to laugh, heh.

Afterwards, until the roar of the plane gradually faded away and disappeared in the sky, the imperial sister Liu Caiqiong had no choice but to give up in disappointment.

When Xiao Cao suddenly realized that Captain Li Chen beside him was very calm, he was startled in surprise——

In fact, Li Chen didn't bother to explain to them that this kind of plane flying over the clouds is useless even if you shout your throat out.

No matter how big the 'SOS' is written, it is still useless.

Unless it's really a rescue helicopter flying by at low altitude, otherwise these are fucking futile jobs.

Waiting for a while, staying at the edge of the dense forest in the north direction, and did not find the entrance of the trail. As the captain, Li Chen had no choice but to say to Xiao Cao: "It's done, let's go back."

"???" Xiao Cao was suddenly taken aback in bewilderment.

It's like he doesn't understand at all what Captain Li Chen is looking for?
After a while, Xiao Cao had no choice but to look east to the sea area...

Then, he said: "It seems that no freighter passed by there this morning?"

And their Captain Li Chen said: "It's useless to have it. Let's think of something reliable."

As they said that, their Captain Li Chen suddenly pointed to the rocky hill facing east, and then asked Xiao Cao: "There...can you climb up the rock?"

(End of this chapter)

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