Chapter 289 Finally Seeing the Dawn
After getting a pile of dry firewood onto the rocks on the second floor, Li Chen started to work again, shaking off some dry leaves from those dry branches.

Immediately, he turned around and took the dry flint, picked up a small stone and struck it...

It's just that Xiao Cao, who was squatting by the side, was a little puzzled, and hurriedly asked: "Captain Li Chen, can this work?"

Because in Xiao Cao's view, it is two stones colliding.

It wasn't until after a while of knocking that the pile of dry leaves finally caught fire, Li Chen turned his head and whispered in Xiao Cao's ear: "This is a flint and steel, understand?"

"Hit, flint and steel!?" Xiao Cao was still in a daze, wondering where did Captain Li Chen get this treasure?

Afterwards, Li Chen didn't have time to explain the origin of the flint and steel, he just reached out and took a handful of dry branches, and added...

When the fire finally ignited, he suddenly said happily: "Okay. Girls, young and old, come around. Hurry up and roast. Warm up first."

All of a sudden, the eyes of those women who were already seriously ill finally brightened up in panic, as if they finally saw the dawn and hope!

So, one by one, they moved over in a panic.

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen glanced at it calmly, and suddenly saw that the second child, Su Qian'er, was able to move over to enjoy the fire, and he finally felt relieved.

At least it was hard to come by.

However, Su Qian'er, Miao Keke, Liu Caiqiong, and Sister Meng, the four women were all weak and pale.

Should all be severe anemofrigid colds?
It's just that there is no pot now, and I can't make medicinal soup when I look for herbs.

Tan Jixia suddenly approached and said, "Captain, the four of them... what should we do?"

Li Chen frowned, still looking helpless...

Thinking about it again, he, who was squatting by the fire, just took out the box of wet cigarettes gloomily.

It seems that I don't care about so much for the time being, so I can only dry a cigarette first.

Xiao Cao looked at it and said, "Captain Li Chen, give me one too?"

Therefore, Li Chen also threw the whole cigarette case towards him.

Next, Xiao Cao also imitated Captain Li Chen, squatting by the fire to smoke.

By this time the cigarette was almost dried up, and their Captain Li Chen only wanted to light the cigarette first...

Suddenly took a deep breath, and then exhaled with the smoke, "Huh—"

The heart and lungs suddenly opened, and finally felt a sense of refreshment.

It seems that after that, the thinking is also active.

After squatting by the fire, smoking a cigarette and warming up, the sky finally dawned...

However, there was still no sunrise, and the sky was still overcast.

However, it did not rain for the time being.

Just looking at this day, Li Chen is frowning again...

Grass, Ma's, what the hell!

After Xiao Cao also smoked a cigarette, he finally became more energetic, so he took the initiative to ask: "Captain Li Chen, what should I do next...?"

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Captain Li Chen, let's think of a way, I think the four of them... are a bit serious!"

Unexpectedly, Su Qian'er still said firmly: "It's okay. I'm fine. Don't worry too much about me."

However, after squatting by the fire for a while, I really felt much more comfortable.

After their Captain Li Chen looked around again, he suddenly got up and said, "It's done. Xiao Cao, come with me."

Seeing this, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly signed up: "There's me too. I can do it too. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Later, seeing Tan Jixia getting up in a hurry, Li Chen said: "You stay and take care of the four of them."

Immediately, he looked at the women again, and he said again: "Then what... you'd better take off your clothes and bake them, it's easier to do it. Don't worry, we'll...should be back soon Not coming?"

Because it's early in the morning, I still have to go find food.

And water or something.

Of course, it would be even better if I could find a piece of metal or something to temporarily make a frying pan, and all problems would be solved.

Soon, Captain Li Chen led Xiao Cao and Qin Xiaowan down from the corner of the rock.

And the wild dog Heizi also followed.

However, this time, it was dawn, so Li Chen turned around and went to the nearby dense forest, and chopped down three branches.

Temporarily make three tree branches. Although there is no metal head, it can still be used for self-defense.

Then, the three of them each held a branch, and led the wild dog Heizi along the beach, heading east...

Suddenly, they saw some plastic bags, mineral water bottles, etc. drifting from the sea, so Li Chen led the two of them to fish some.

By the way, wash those mineral water bottles and put them in a plastic bag for Qin Xiaowan to carry.

It's just that Xiao Cao and Qin Xiaowan are still a little puzzled, what do they want these useless things for?
Li Chen didn't explain either.

Going all the way to the east, there is still a long and narrow beach corridor...

However, along the seashore, the long and narrow golden sandy land is quite spectacular.

Of course, they are not in the mood to appreciate such natural scenery right now.

It's just that with the morning breeze blowing, the vision is broadened, and the mood is still much more comfortable.

After walking all the way, there was still no breakthrough discovery, so Xiao Cao couldn't help but said, "Why is there nothing on this island?"

Listening to Xiao Cao's words, Qin Xiaowan just gave him an inexplicable look, and then didn't say anything.

But she was thinking in her heart that Xiao Cao was still the same, lacking in faith.

After continuing to walk forward, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help waving the branch in her hand excitedly and pointing: "Captain Li Chen, look—over there—"

In fact, Li Chen has already seen it. A small piece of wetland finally appeared on the edge of the beach in front of him.

In the wetland, there are three or four coconut trees with some coconuts on them.

Suddenly, Xiao Cao finally couldn't help but burst into joy: "I finally found something!"

However, their Captain Li Chen was not happy.

Because what he was thinking about was still those four patients.

I walked around and didn't find any metal pieces.

However, when he got to those coconut trees, he couldn't help but thrust the branch in his hand into the sand with some excitement, and hurriedly walked up to one of the coconut trees.

When Xiao Cao and Qin Xiaowan were surprised to see Captain Li Chen climbing up the coconut tree, they were a little dumbfounded——

Thinking of the crowds this time, after climbing up the coconut tree, Li Chen temporarily picked off all seven or eight coconuts from the tree, and threw them down into the sand below.

Then, soon, he climbed another coconut tree, picked seven or eight coconuts and dropped them down.

When he was done, he came down from the tree and threw a coconut to Qin Xiaowan first, and then threw a coconut to Xiao Cao.

Then, he cracked open a coconut and said: "It's done. Let's eat a coconut first. Because we have to work. We have to be busy this morning."

(End of this chapter)

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