The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 189 Observing the Maze Formation

Chapter 189 Observing the Maze Formation

At this moment in the morning, in the cottage facing northwest of the deserted island.

Xiao Cao has brought a bunch of rattan and is researching and groping for weaving rattan rope.

Sister Meng watched from the side, but couldn't help but said: "No. The rope is not made like this."

Xiao Liu hurriedly asked Sister Meng, and she asked, "Then how should we make it up?"

Because Xiao Liu felt that Xiao Cao's weaving was a bit decent.

Sister Meng frowned and thought about it, and then said, "Wait a minute, I'll think about it again."

Then, Sister Meng said again: "I grew up in the countryside when I was a child. I have seen such work as weaving ropes. It's just that I haven't touched this for 30 or [-] years, and suddenly I kind of forgot about it."

Thinking and pondering, after a while, Sister Meng took a handful of rattan, and then began to try to weave rattan ropes based on her childhood memories...

After a while, Xiaoliu couldn't help being startled when she suddenly saw that Big Sister Meng was making a pattern, "Ah!? know how, Big Sister Meng!?"

Xiao Cao also suddenly said happily: "That's right! The rattan rope I saw on the southeast cliff was like this!"

Taking the opportunity, Big Sister Meng showed off a little proudly: "How is it? I'm the best big sister, right?"


At this moment, inside the northwest mountain range.

When Li Chen and the other four people and one dog arrived at the location of the original waterfall again, they still felt somewhat psychologically shadowed.

Even the wild dog Heizi was inexplicably cautious.

Especially looking at the deep and damp cave under the original waterfall, I feel a little inexplicably terrified.

No one knows if there is anything hidden in the deep and damp cave.
In short, Li Chen didn't dare to go in to explore the secrets.

What made them feel even more terrified was the bottomless pool below the Qingshiban Road.

Although the waterfall stopped flowing, the water in the pool still did not decrease.

As for whether the bottom of the pool is connected to the sea, there is no way to know.

It's just that Li Chen suddenly thought, if it is really connected to the sea, then when the tsunami... the water in this pool will overflow, right?
After walking through this section, the four of them still didn't forget to look back...

Especially the cute girl Miao Keke, who really has a shadow on that pool.

When she passed by the entrance of the stone cave just now, she was extra cautious, for fear of falling into the deep pool below again.

Suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help muttering: "Strange? Why...didn't there be anything here during the tsunami? Could it be that the surrounding mountains...have no gaps at all?"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qianer asked another question: "If this is the case... how will the basin in the center of the island be drained during heavy rains and flash floods? If there is no drainage system, it may still be flooded, right? "

And right now, their Captain Li Chen didn't have the heart to study this at all.

He was just wondering how to enter the basin in the center of the island is the key.

It is useless to study the drainage problem at all now.

Walking along the Qingshiban Road for a while, turning his head and taking another look, Li Chen suddenly found that this location is the best, just enough to roughly see the basin in the center of the island...

Suddenly Captain Li Chen stopped walking, turned around and stared at the center of the island below in a daze, so the three women also stopped and turned around to look in the direction of Captain Li Chen's gaze... …

Gradually, they also seemed to see that the green plants in the center of the island really had a shape.

It seems that at the entrance where they arrived last time, the spinosa forest... a bit like the Eight Diagrams Array.

After seeing the shape, they also began to wonder, and always felt that there were still some artificial traces.

The Cymbidium spinosa forest that nature can...can grow Bagua formations! ?
Just when they saw the clue and were about to be happy, they suddenly discovered that it seemed to be more than just a gossip formation.

After passing the Bagua formation, there are still many forms ahead.

There are even some forms that have no rules to be found.

In short, they had never seen that form before.

Just standing here and looking at it is confusing, and it will be even more confusing when you enter the spinulus forest after a while.

After a while, their Captain Li Chen couldn't help smoking a cigarette out of habit.

But there is no fire to light a cigarette, so I can only hold it in my mouth.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Li Chen frowned again, took a rough look, and said, "It's not as easy as we imagined to enter the basin in the center of the island?"

To be honest, right now, he was a little bit about to retreat.

Suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke couldn't help but said, "Why don't we just burn those green plants?"

And their Captain Li Chen said: "It's so densely packed, can we burn it?"

Think about it too, those green plants are not like the thorns of firewood and vines covering the stone steps.

If it can be set on fire, what about her cute girl?

After a while, Su Qian'er said gloomily: "It's a pity that there is no pen and paper, otherwise, we can draw according to those shapes now."

So, their Captain Li Chen said: "I can only remember it with my head. You all have a good look at it. Everyone remember it."

Hearing what he said, so, next, the three women began to carefully look at those forms...

Afterwards, the cute girl said: "I remember almost."

Then, the cute girl said again: "It's so complicated there, maybe we can really find treasures on this island?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help saying: "No one can leave this island, so what's the use of having treasures?"

And their Captain Li Chen said: "Okay. That's it. Let's move on. Let's talk when we get there."


Then, four of them and one dog, they started to move on again.

When she crossed the araucaria for a while, the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help being amazed again.

Frankly speaking, this natural scenery is really beautiful.

And their Captain Li Chen went to the front to pick the dragon fruit first, planning to eat something first.

Among such barren mountains, maintaining physical strength is the most important thing.

The cute girl couldn't help but said: "Do you still remember the location where we saw the savage last time?"

Su Qian'er thought for a while, and then said: "It seems to be in front. It seems that we have to go under that plane before reaching the position where we saw the savage last time."

When the three women followed up, their Captain Li Chen said: "Okay, let's rest for a while and eat something first."

As soon as the words were finished, there was another roar of a tiger coming from the center of the island below.

Surprised by the roar of the tiger, the four of them couldn't help being startled timidly——

The wild dog Heizi also shrank back timidly.

Li Chen, who always felt a little panicked, couldn't help but said: "Girls, are you sure you really want to go to the center of the island?"

(End of this chapter)

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