Chapter 147 The wild meat is gone

For a while, twilight.In the cottage to the northwest of the deserted island.

"Uh, Xiao Cao, in the afternoon, did you hear a strange sound coming from the mountain? It's like the roar of dragons and tigers, did you hear it?"

Brother Han, who was peeing in front of the green plant with Xiao Cao, couldn't help but whispered in Xiao Cao's ear.

Xiao Cao listened, but didn't make any violent reaction for the time being, just continued to boo.

After a while, Xiao Cao frowned, and was startled thoughtfully...

In fact, in the afternoon, he also vaguely heard a strange noise in the mountain.

But what's going on, he can't figure it out?

What is even more puzzling is, how could there be such a faint sound coming from the mountain?
Afterwards, after Xiao Cao shook his head, he turned to look at Brother Han beside him, and said, " there a mountain god or something?"

That Brother Han said: "Nonsense. What the hell is a mountain god?"

"Then what do you think..."

"Fuck, I don't understand either?" As he said that, that brother Han suddenly whispered, "How about... wait for a chance, let's climb to the top of the mountain to have a look?"

Just hearing this suddenly, Xiao Cao started to frown...

Because he has to think about what kind of medicine is sold in this brother Han's gourd.

Besides, it's inappropriate to act alone with Brother Han behind the back of Big Sister Meng.

So, Xiao Cao simply said: "I'll ask Sister Meng later, what's Sister Meng's opinion?"

"Grass! You kid... the taste is quite special! Could it be that you are really fascinated by such an old lady?"


As for this moment, the three women, including Sister Meng, who were sitting around the fire in front of the cabin, were also wondering.

Because in the afternoon, they also vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the mountain.

"Uh, Big Sister Meng, is there some kind of monster trapped in this mountain?" Yujie Xiaoliu suddenly thought.


In fact, the strange sound they were talking about was the strange sound that came from the deep cave when Li Chen activated the mechanism to stop the waterfall.

Although Sister Meng and her group were behind the mountain, at that time, they still heard that strange sound.

Of course, they sounded differently.

When they listened, they felt that it was coming from the mountain, and they panicked a little.

Thinking back on it now, all three women are a little creepy.

Afterwards, Sister Meng said thoughtfully: "Perhaps this there really a god?"


After night fell, in the cottage in the southwest of the deserted island.

Li Chen and the other four sat around the firepit under the canopy in front of the west facing stone wall of the green area.

"Uh, Captain, let's explore today's waterfall tomorrow, will we soon reach the basin in the center of the island?"

Tan Jixia suddenly couldn't help asking.

And their Captain Li Chen took another puff of cigarette...

Old-fashioned, a bit like an old man who is used to all kinds of worlds, he is not in a hurry to answer.

Taking the opportunity, the cute girl Miao Keke interjected, "Uh, actually... that basin is really beautiful."

Tan Jixia couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her: "Did you see it?"

The cute girl said: "Standing at the waterfall, you can see some, right? Isn't the greenery in the basin very beautiful?"

Then, the cute girl said again: "Maybe there are really wild grapes there?"

Tan Jixia rolled her eyes again: "Aren't you only curious about savages?"

"I'm curious, okay?" the cute girl asked hurriedly.

Afterwards, Li Chen suddenly said: "Okay. You girls, go to bed first. Let's try to leave early tomorrow."

However, Su Qian'er said, "Uh, Captain Li Chen, the wild boar meat is gone, what should I do?"

Li Chen said: "Don't you still have longan and mango? There are also zongzi."

Then, he said again: "After eating for a few days, you are muddy, so it's time to change to a vegetarian diet, right?"

Immediately, he said again: "By the way, don't eat the remaining wild pork. Leave it to Heizi. Heizi is not a vegetarian."

Afterwards, Tan Jixia finally couldn't help but said: "Second brother, don't worry. When we get to the basin in the center of the island, there will definitely be endless food."

The cute girl got up suddenly: "Okay, listen to Captain Li Chen, I'm going to sleep."

Seeing this, Su Qian'er also hurriedly got up, and said in a slightly shy voice, "Uh, Keke, why don't you go to have a pee?"

Tan Jixia got up directly and got the torch, then lit the torch and said, "Okay, sisters, let's go to have a rest together."

However, after a while out of the canopy, Su Qian'er asked, "What is the captain thinking about?"

Tan Jixia said: "I must still be worried about the unknown danger. Today, the cute girl almost died? If it wasn't for Captain Li Chen, how could we have saved the cute girl?"

The cute girl who survived the catastrophe still had lingering fears, and hurriedly said: "Stop talking. Besides, I'm so scared that I'm about to urinate."


In fact, what their Captain Li Chen was thinking about was beyond the imagination of the three women.

Frankly speaking, he still hasn't given up on snatching the pirate ship and saving himself.

It's just that, how to fight wits and courage with those pirates, he hasn't figured out a better plan yet.

However, he still felt that it was feasible to snatch the pirate ship and save himself.

To be honest, it is not a problem to stay on this island for a long time.

Whether it is life or death, the key family members are still worried.

As for the foreclosure of the mortgage, it is second.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help squatting in front of the fire again, and lit a cigarette.

Suddenly thinking about it, on this island, I still smoke all the time, which is considered a kind of happiness.

Afterwards, when the three women came back from their urination, they saw that Captain Li Chen was still sitting there smoking, so they didn't bother him anymore.

It seemed like they were used to him by now.

It was as if he had a thorough understanding of his man.

Anyway, if he likes to smoke, he can smoke, and he doesn't dare to fool around anywhere.

Afterwards, after the three women got into the cave above the rock wall, suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke whispered in Su Qian'er's ear very curiously: "Uh, second child, I have a question for you. If Captain Li Chen really wanted to be dishonest to you now, what would you do?"

Suddenly hearing such a strange question, Su Qian'er blushed in panic, was stunned for a while, and then whispered in the cute girl's ear: "Okay. It's time to sleep. Didn't Captain Li Chen talk about it? Try to go early tomorrow I'm going into the mountains."

Then, she whispered in the cute girl's ear: "Anyway, you are sleeping next to Captain Li Chen tonight, so you can try it secretly tonight."

"I don't want it!" The cute girl blushed in panic, "Okay, sleep!"


(End of this chapter)

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