The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 130 Adjusting Plans and Strategies

Chapter 130 Adjusting Plans and Strategies

No. 14 days on the deserted island, in the cottage facing northwest, Sister Meng and her group finally built a small wooden house in that green area.

In order to better guard against that Brother Han, this time, a wooden partition was built in the cabin. The three women slept in the large room on the left, and the two men slept in the small room on the right.

Since there were no crabs to pick up in the cottage, under the leadership of Sister Meng, everyone was digging wild vegetables in the nearby jungle.

Like purslane and the like, it can be used both medicinally and as wild vegetables.

Anyway, if you can eat, you can't let it go.

While digging wild vegetables in the jungle, taking the opportunity, that brother Han approached Xiao Cao, whispering some whispers...

In short, this Brother Han...may have really confirmed that sentence: Dogs can't change eating shit.

Of course, as a man, maybe he can understand?

After all, it turned out that he was the captain, but now he was replaced by that big sister Meng, and he felt somewhat aggrieved.

As for Xiao Cao...but he doesn't respond to that brother Han.

When it was mentioned whether the man and the three women were still on the island, Xiao Cao whispered in that Brother Han's ear, "Can't you find out if you look for it?"

Obviously, it is impossible for Xiao Cao to mix with him now.

This made that brother Han even more depressed, and couldn't help but whisper in Xiao Cao's ear: "Grass, you boy... would you really like to be ridden on your neck by a group of women all the time?"

Xiao Cao said: "Everyone has their own choice. Anyway, I don't want to bother anymore. I think it's good to be on the team with Sister Meng."

"..." That Brother Han frowned, and was suddenly speechless.

Obviously, on this deserted island, if he was alone, he would not dare to mess around.

In case of encountering a python or something, there is no one to take care of it.

However, afterward, he still said unwillingly: "Based on my intuition, I feel that the man and the three women should still be living on this island?"


On the other side of the forest, Sister Meng and the other three women also noticed that Brother Han seemed to be messing around again...

"Hmph! What does that old bald donkey want to do?" the beautiful young woman couldn't help but whispered.

Sister Meng said: "Don't worry about it. Let him go."


At this moment, a big brown-black guy suddenly sprang out from the jungle to the north of the cottage...

This time, but a real big wild boar, estimated to have a tonnage of about three hundred catties?
Suddenly seeing that big guy, Sister Meng and the others were like cats in the westward jungle, they didn't dare to speak out.

He could only watch the big wild boar scurrying suspiciously in the green field...

In the end, they ran to their cabin to scratch the itch.

With that tonnage, how could the cabin withstand its itching?

After a while, the whole cabin began to shake and fall apart...

Finally, with a 'bang' sound, the cabin collapsed to pieces...

This frightened the big wild boar for a moment.

Sister Meng and the other cats were in the west-facing jungle, their brows were furrowed, and their hearts were panicked with hatred...

This beast!
But thinking of Old Wu who had his ass pushed over by a little wild boar, they didn't dare to say anything about how miserable it was.

In the end, I could only watch the big wild boar arching wildly among the collapsed pile of logs.

The wild boar arched and arched a woman's leopard-print bra on its head...

All of a sudden, the beautiful young woman was ashamed and angry, hmph, you bastard, you... are so annoying!

Because she finally found a water source, and washed her bra that hadn't been washed for more than ten days, and now it was arched like a wild boar.

If the bra was taken away by a wild boar, then on the desert island, she would have to wear it in a vacuum.

Fortunately, the wild boar walked halfway wearing a leopard-print bra, and the bra fell off naturally.

Looking at such a scene, that brother Han and Xiao Cao couldn't help but want to laugh, ha!

At this moment, the southwest is in the cottage.

After lunch, Tan Jixia and the other three women went to rest in the cave on the rock.

Their Captain Li Chen was sitting under the canopy smoking a cigarette...

At this moment, Li Chen, who was frowning, was thinking, will those pirates come again this afternoon?
At first, I was afraid of those pirates, but now I am looking forward to the arrival of those pirates.

Because only those pirates will have a chance to snatch the pirate ship.

To be honest, if it wasn't too far away, Li Chen would have wanted to swim secretly to the pirate island in the middle of the night.

But the distance between the two islands is too far.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to secretly swim in the sea in the middle of the night.

Moreover, the unknown dangers in the sea are also quite great.

Although it is considered worry-free on this deserted island now, I still want to be able to really leave this deserted island.

After all, survival on a deserted island is not a long-term solution.

Besides, it's fine for them to stay on this island, the key is that the family members are worried!

After a while, after the three women came down the bamboo ladder in front of the cave, Li Chen looked at them, but couldn't help saying: "Do you want to leave here?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the three women were a little dazed, wondering if the captain's head had a fever?

This... how to leave?
After waiting for a while, the second child Su Qian'er finally couldn't help asking, "Why did you leave?"

Li Chen frowned, and then said: "Take your time to find a way."

On the contrary, Tan Jixia understood what Captain Li Chen was thinking, which was nothing more than snatching the pirate ship.

Thinking that there are guns now, Tan Jixia simply said: "Then... how about we go to the cottage to guard this afternoon? If the pirates come, we will fight them and snatch the pirate ship?"

In fact, Li Chen really had this intention.

Of course, I am also conflicted now, wanting to enter the basin in the center of the island to explore the secrets, and want to snatch a pirate ship and leave...

But then, Su Qian'er said something to Tan Jixia, she said: "Sister Jixia, is this too dangerous?"

However, suddenly, the cute girl Miao Keke said: "What are you afraid of? We also have guns now, don't we?"

Li Chen frowned again, thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, I found out that those pirates seem to be busy robbing passing ships in the morning, and only have time to do other things in the afternoon. So I think... From now on, we will go up the mountain to clean up the stone steps in the morning, and in the afternoon we will go to the cottage and wait for rabbits. If the pirates really come, it may be a good time for us to leave this island? Of course, if they don’t come , we waited until the stone steps were cleared, so we simply went into the center of the island to explore the secrets. At least on this island, maybe the savages really exist? Otherwise... how to explain those big footprints?"


(End of this chapter)

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