I have a sea in ancient times

Chapter 319 ? Aomori Oma Town

Chapter 319 Aomori Oma Town

Lu Hai had a simple meal in this unnamed izakaya. The shop was a bit small, but it was complete with five internal organs.

Lu Hai, who loves noodles, ordered a Japanese ramen.

It is said that people in Nihong Country love soy sauce, and the soup is relatively salty. After taking a sip of ramen soup, Lu Hai said it was acceptable.

The price of a ramen is about 800 yen. If you convert it, it is about 50 RMB, and a large glass of beer is 500 yen. Compared with domestic prices.

It is still relatively expensive, but compared with those in the food street, it is much cheaper. After all, the rent here is cheap.

Of course, there are also some office workers who only eat the most ordinary beef rice without miso soup. It only costs 600 yen, and they can drink pure water in a cup.

In the store, each station has a small faucet similar to a water purifier. Press it, and pure water will flow out. Those who have not ordered soup can drink this.

After drinking a lot of noodle soup, Lu Hai felt that it was a little salty, so he tried to drink a cup, and it felt good, similar to mineral water.

Mai Sakurajima looked at Lu Hai puzzled.

I found that this distinguished guest seemed to be very used to this kind of dining environment, and immediately mixed with everyone, and even chatted with everyone about anime.

But thinking about those people in the store making a fuss just now, his face still felt a little hot.

"A new show in April, I am looking forward to Secretary Fujiwara, I want to watch her dance again."

"I would also like."

Lu Hai replied: "But compared to Secretary Fujiwara, I look forward to Rem-chan."

The beer man said with emotion: "Rem-chan is everyone's goddess, but in the new season, there are very few scenes of Rem-chan, and she is almost offline."

"It's sad!" Lu Hai said with emotion.

The young man who likes to drink beer got excited and patted Lu Hai's Jianjian: "Brother, I'll buy you a drink."

"Yes." Lu Hai nodded.

Lu Hai, who wanted to eat more delicious food, ended up chatting with this beer man about Two-dimensional while drinking, and by the way, talked about his favorite actress.

"I like Saito Asuka."

"I like Akina Nakamori."

"Wow, what a long name. Speaking of that era, I prefer Izumi Sakai, and I like her "My Friend" very much."

"It's the ending song of Slam Dunk."

Lu Hai didn't expect that he would get along with this beer guy by accident. He could talk about everything from anime to celebrities, and even talked about some topics that made Mai Sakurajima blush.

Some topics are common to men, such as some actresses who have dedicated their lives to a "great cause".

Before he knew it, Lu Hai drank a lot of wine.

Sure enough, besides the model of "The Lonely Gourmet", there is another way to eat and drink with others, which is also very cool, especially if you find like-minded people.

In Lu Hai on Xiaqi Island, to be honest, there was really no one to chat with, including Zhao Youxue, and Lu Hai also had reservations.

After all, in China, talking about this kind of topic is often ridiculed by people, and even looked down upon by the social elite, thinking it is childish or something, but here, there is no such obstacle.

The personal butler, Mai Sakurajima, stood aside, watching the group of big boys chatting with a smile, and felt that this guest was not as scary as imagined, just like the big boys in this city.

After leaving the izakaya.

Lu Hai went back to the hotel, and Mai Sakurajima lived in the spare room on the same floor. If she told something to happen, press the 0 button on the landline, and she would come over immediately.

Probably because of drinking some wine, Lu Hai didn't accept the bed, but slept very soundly.

Sakurajima Mai, who was half asleep and half awake, waited all night, but did not receive any service from the guests.

And early the next morning.

A very beautiful woman drove him away. After seeing the woman, Mai Sakurajima put away the messy thoughts in her mind on the spot and started a new day of work.

Women always have fantasies.

And most of the time, it's unrealistic.

The place Lu Hai and Lin Puyi are going to today is Oma Town, Aomori. This is the most famous tuna fishing base in the Neon Country, and the tuna produced here is also of the best quality.

The most expensive net abalone in the world also comes from Aomori County, and Master Huagu, the "master of heaven" in the abalone world, is also in this place. It seems that Master Gong in the factory has a little friendship with him.

Aomori Oma Town is at the northernmost tip of Honshu Island in the Neon Country. You can choose between airplane and Shinkansen. The Shinkansen is the high-speed rail of the Neon Country.

When Lin Pu asked.

Lu Hai chose the Shinkansen without hesitation. The plane takes about one and a half hours to fly, while the Shinkansen takes about three and a half hours.

Generally speaking, the Shinkansen in the Neon Country is not bad, similar to domestic ones, probably because of the high fare, it seems that there are not many people taking it, and he and Lin Puyi actually booked an entire carriage.

Once there.

Lin Pu suggested whether to go sightseeing, but seeing the ever-decreasing mission time, Lu Hai felt that he had directly entered the topic.

After arriving at the train station.

There was a man named Uncle Hua who drove over to pick them up. He seemed to call Lin Puyi Mr. Lin, and depending on the situation, he should be an employee of their company.

On the way to Oma-cho.

This Uncle Hua is also from Licheng. After coming to Neon Country more than 30 years ago, he met a local woman and settled down here.

I have been working as a fisherman in Oma Town, Aomori for these years, and I am very familiar with everyone in the local area.

Under his leadership, Lu Hai came directly to the pier, and Uncle Hua pointed to the tuna fishing boats that were intended to be sold.

"These ships are quite new. Boss Lu, check to see if you are satisfied."

Lu Hai observed that the fishing boats here are generally relatively small, and many of them need to be operated manually, and most of them are fishing boats for one-time fishing. It is difficult for one person to complete a large amount of tuna fishing operations.

It may have something to do with the local fisherman Qing's insistence on using Ben to fish. It has to be said that the people of the Neon Country are particularly fond of cutting corners. Most fishermen here think that the tuna caught by Ben is of the best quality.

Therefore, even in places rich in tuna, most of the fishermen here do not buy longline fishing boats. Of course, this is also related to the origin of the tuna.

In Aomori, there is no need to buy ocean-going fishing boats at all, because bluefin tuna will migrate past here every fixed season.

So small boats can also catch bluefin tuna, but these fishing boats are not suitable for land and sea. If I use this kind of boat, I think I will be very tired.

After watching the fishing boats, Lu Hai asked, "Uncle Hua, are there any longline fishing boats, bigger ones, better automated ones, the ones that require as few employees as possible."

Uncle Hua frowned slightly.

"Yes, but those ships are relatively large and expensive. I can take you to have a look."

"Okay." Lu Hai nodded.

Under the leadership of Uncle Hua, the group drove to Luhai and arrived at a larger pier. The fishing boats moored here were all large, including trawlers and longline fishing boats.

(End of this chapter)

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