I have a sea in ancient times

Chapter 314 The tuna is so big and thick

Chapter 314 The tuna is so big and thick

The truck is so full that there is not much room to bring some fresh squid home for sale.

In the end, Lu Hai only brought back about a thousand catties of fresh squid, and put the rest in the cold storage.

To tell the truth.

The taste of fresh squid is very good, and it can even be used directly to make sashimi. It is very delicious after being scalded in boiling water and dipped in a little soy sauce.

In particular, the squid caught by Lu Hai is not a big squid, but a boneless squid. It is not very big and tastes relatively delicious.

But now he has no time to taste it. In addition to the requirements for freezing tuna and swordfish, the transportation environment is also extremely strict.

A professional cold chain transport vehicle must be used, otherwise the temperature will rise and cause a second thaw, which will destroy the taste of the tuna.

However, those professional cold chain transport vehicles are relatively expensive. For Lu Hai, money should not be a problem.

The problem is that those cars are relatively big, and the road from the old factory is too small for those cars to pass.

Lu Hai felt a little regretful.

It was convenient at the beginning, but now I am trapped.

With the increasing output, this transport vehicle is a bit insufficient. Although it is possible to enter and exit the exploration space once a day, Lu Hai feels that this is still not an option.

After thinking for a while.

Lu Hai felt that if he continued to transport by land, he would have to change the base, perhaps a little further away from the upper bridge.

About three kilometers like this.

It will be a big project to move containers, wind power generation equipment, cold storage, floating docks and other equipment.

Lu Hai felt that it was too troublesome.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to widen the road around the island, but it is unrealistic to think about it. The leaders of the town wanted to widen the road a long time ago.

It's a pity that there are always some selfish fishermen who block the widening of the road for various reasons because the widened road occupies their vegetable fields and gardens.

After much deliberation, Lu Hai decided to give up land transportation.

It can be transported by ship instead.

At that time, it will save a lot of trouble to drive the fishing boat directly to the wharf of the Changwei Seafood Wholesale Market.

After returning to the real world.

Lu Hai drove the truck to the Changwei Seafood Wholesale Market, and sent a message to Director Yin and Lin Puyi respectively.

The pick-up time was staggered respectively.

Director Yin's side will arrive soon, and Lu Hai will hand over the seafood that he divided early in the morning to Director Yin's side.

Because Yunlan Hotel has no cold storage and the volume is very large, it can only rent a cold storage space of more than ten square meters on Star's side to store the purchased seafood.

When the goods are needed, STAR will send people to deliver them. Of course, these services are charged extra, but for a behemoth like Yunlan Hotel, it is really not bad.

After Director Yin handed over the goods.

He made a list for Lu Hai on the spot.

Tuna: 29 pieces

Sailfish: 15

Niugang trevally: 20 pieces

Dragon grouper: 5 pieces

Oysters: 6000

The total price is: 212 million.

After finishing the work, Director Yin sat down in the factory and drank tea, smiled and said to Lu Hai: "The new advance payment has been signed and approved by the headquarters, and the goods should arrive within two days. "

"It's okay, don't worry."

Lu Hai is still very satisfied with Yunlan Hotel. He does things vigorously and vigorously without so much fuss and care, unlike some domestic companies.

The approval process is very complicated.

After the signing of this signing and that signing, they are all playing football with each other. Some companies promised to settle the payment to customers at the end of the month, but the result was abruptly delayed for more than half a year.

The bigger the platform, the harder it is to drag.

In fact, everyone knows very well that if the money is delayed for a while, the interest alone can make a lot of money, and the current market is like this.

Most of them are easy to deliver but hard to pay, especially for construction materials.

Lu Hai has a friend who spends half a year doing business and half a year begging for money.

After a brief chat with Supervisor Yin.

Lu Hai received an invitation letter, which was a private banquet held by Yunlan Hotel, for black card users, at a winery in Europe.

According to Director Yin's words.

The board of directors of the hotel was very interested in him, and hoped to meet him. Lu Hai, who disliked all kinds of banquets the most, naturally didn't like to go, but he didn't bluntly refuse.

"At that time, if I can spare time, I will participate."

"I hope that by then, I can see Boss Lu at the banquet."

Not long after Supervisor Yin left.

The people from Lin Puyi's side also came over, and it was Mr. Wei who went to the meeting together last time to hand over.

The basic procedure is similar to that of Yunlan Hotel, the only difference is that they called a cold chain car to come over, and after the settlement was settled on the spot, they took it away directly.

Under their operation, it is said that these materials will appear on the dining table in the Neon Kingdom early tomorrow morning.

After the handover between the two parties.

After Mr. Wei left.

Lu Hai received a flirtatious message from Lin Puyi.

"Smelly brother, my sister loves you to death."

At the same time, several photos of the restaurant queue were sent.

"Your seafood is really amazing. My shop is about to close down, so I saved it for you."

There are also some customer comments on the store.

“The oysters in this shop are very delicious.”

"I feel like my soul has been saved, and with sparkling wine, it's just perfect."

"I really want to eat again."

"If only the other seafood in this store were as good as this."

Lu Hai read the comments.

Lin Puyi sent him another message: "Sister, I'm sure I'm going to suffer from insomnia again tonight. Mr. Dai sent me a photo just now. The tuna my brother sold me is so big and thick. I must taste it myself."

Lu Hai casually clicked to clear the chat history.

This woman is really a headache.

In reality, there are a lot of people who are stable, and they drive around like monsters on the Internet.

But the coffee she made was really good.

Lu Hai chatted with Sida for a while, but it was no longer like before, they would talk about household affairs and women. Since they opened the company, the two of them talked more about the company's affairs.

him these days.

I have been working overtime to do things, and I plan to integrate Pupu's seafood delivery in the same city with the ten new stores opened by Lu Hai, and strive to deliver fresh food to my home within half an hour.

Ever since Yunyun had a child.

Sida has indeed changed a lot, becoming more calm, no longer going to nightclubs and famous oriental temples, but becoming a workaholic, working non-stop every day.

For the boss Lu Hai.

I wish every employee was like STAR, so why worry about not making money.

I heard that during this period of time, the relationship between Sida and his father-in-law and mother-in-law has eased a lot, and Sida and Yunyun have received their certificates, and the school's application for suspension of study has also been approved.

It seemed that it was Yunyun's father who applied in person, but the reason for the application was not that she was pregnant and had a baby, but that she was unwell.

During this time, Star went to visit her.

Yunyun's father didn't show any embarrassment to him any more. Several times, Sida stayed at their house overnight.

It's always a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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