I have a sea in ancient times

Chapter 295 The 5th Ring Mission Achieved

Chapter 295 The Fifth Ring Mission Accomplished

Twilight falls.

Lu Hai looked at the completion of the fifth ring task.

[Number of captures: 6120/10000]

It exceeded his expectations. He thought he could only catch about 1000 at most today, but he didn't expect to exceed more than [-]. Depending on the situation, he will be able to complete the fifth ring task tomorrow and afternoon.

The primitive people on the tidal flats have all returned, and all of them are covered in mud, and some are even more exaggerated. Their heads are also covered in mud, and only two eyes and mouths are exposed.

When the sky got dark, if it wasn't for those white teeth, I wouldn't be able to see anyone at all.

Xiaobai started the diesel water pump, and now this machine has been used for primitive people to take a bath, and it is connected to a high-pressure nozzle to wash everyone in turn.

It may be because of children, but for some reason, she likes to play with water, and when she washes everyone, she always has a smile on her face.

Since sea water was used for flushing, Lu Hai also discovered a new problem. After bathing in sea water, a layer of crystals would appear on their bodies.

These crystals have a high salt concentration and adhere to the surface of the skin, which will cause the body to lose water continuously. Recently, the mineral water that Lu Hai has stored for the primitive people has been consumed very quickly, which is probably caused by bathing in sea water.

The problem of fresh water really needs to be solved, and we can't always buy mineral water for use.

According to Xiaobai's description, there is a small stream about two kilometers away from here, that is, the area where they used to live, and they used to drink water from the stream.

Lu Hai thinks that the water resources of the stream can be brought here, and a reservoir can be built here, so that fresh water can be used for bathing, and some water purifiers can be installed at the same time to ensure the problem of water resources.

Of course, there is another solution, which is to build a set of seawater desalination equipment.

There are a lot of these things on Xiaqi Island. According to Lao Lu, the number of residents on the island used to be twice as many as it is now, but due to the scarcity of fresh water resources on the island, there is often a shortage of water.

Slowly, everyone moved away, and some of the people who stayed behind spent money to buy seawater desalination equipment. The equipment is not expensive, but the desalination cost is too expensive.

Filter elements, maintenance, and power consumption are mostly problems. Even with fresh water equipment, most residents still save water.

During the period of water shortage, it was extremely difficult for the residents living on the island.

Lu Hai still remembers that period of time, taking a bath for too long, and soaking in a bath is even more impossible. When washing vegetables, the faucet cannot be turned on all the time. If it is turned on to wash vegetables, it will be scolded by family members.

During the days when fresh water was scarce, some people started a water selling business on the island. In the era when sea crystals were not widely used, there were several carts on the island that were dedicated to pulling water.

First pull the seawater and sell it to the seafood shop in the vegetable market. A ton of seawater can be sold for about seventy or eighty yuan, and at the highest point, it was sold for one hundred yuan.

After selling the seawater, they pull fresh water back from the city and sell it to the residents on the island. In fact, water transportation does not make much money. Sometimes the water truck will help bring some seafood to the vegetable market, and charge a shipping fee by the way. .

This water shortage situation continued until tap water was introduced on the island. Speaking of which, I really have to thank the government and the party.

With tap water, those desalination equipment are useless, and most of them are discarded there, and land and sea can be bought at a low price for use.

But considering the problem of too much power consumption, I can only give up. In a short time, I still have to ensure the power supply of the cold storage first.

Tomorrow, I will buy a bundle or two of water pipes to bring the fresh water from the creek. At the same time, Lu Hai drew a rectangle with white powder.

Tomorrow, let the patriarch dig a pond here, paint some cement on it, and use it as a reservoir.

After bathing the primitive people, Xiaobai went to work as a cook again. She seemed to be very interested in cooking, maybe because she watched Lu Hai cook a lot, and she would also try new tricks for fun.

For example, throw seafood and cook it with white rice porridge. These seafood are seafood that Lu Hai dislikes, such as aconitum, balang fish, stone nine males, and stone crabs that cannot be used on the table.

After cooking a few times.

The primitive people found that the taste was very good, and everyone liked to eat it very much. Xiaobai, who thought he had no status in the ethnic group because he had not yet given birth, also gained everyone's respect because of his status as a chef.

Watch them have dinner.

Lu Hai also started his own dinner. The main dish was of course blood eels. The soybeans had already been soaked, and the next step was blood eels.

Killing blood eels is easy.

Some will kill and knock bones, while others will be washed clean and scalded to death directly in boiling water. Xia Qidao's method is generally to directly scald to death in boiling water.

Lu Hai took out ten blood eels, washed them clean, and blanched them in boiling water. The blood eels became obedient in an instant, lying there obediently and motionless.

Then throw it into the casserole, put a few slices of ginger to remove the fishy smell, then put the soaked soybeans in, and simmer slowly on low heat. This dish needs to be simmered for a long time.

The longer the stew, the more fragrant the soybeans will be.

The blood eel soup is better.

To make such a dish, in a seafood restaurant on Xiaqi Island, it costs at least 200 yuan, and for Lu Hai, who puts ten blood eels, it is estimated to be more expensive than Buddha Tiaoqiang.

Speaking of which, Lu Hai has never made Buddha Jumping Wall. After Master Gong's dried abalone is ready, he can really try it. After all, dried abalone is one of the main ingredients of Buddha Jumping Wall.

In the process of waiting.

Lu Hai caught another ten blood eels, and these were going to be used to make blood eels in soy sauce. This is also a famous dish of Xiaqi Island, very fragrant.

It is not inferior to Kabayaki eel at all. I personally feel that it is even more delicious than Kabayaki eel. It is delicious to serve with rice.

The method of this dish is also very simple, just blanch the blood eel. When Lu Hai cooks this dish, he will cut the blood eel, because it is soy sauce water, so if you want to taste it, you still have to cut it.

Just cut it into five centimeters, put it in the pot, put ginger and spring onion, after sautéing, put soy sauce, then add water, put the blood eel down to cook, you can add some sugar.

Cover the pot to collect the juice.

Before the juice is almost dry, you can put some garlic sprouts. If you like spicy food, you can put some red peppers. After putting them in, simmer for a while.

Wait for the juice to be collected almost.

You can start the pot.

A plate of blood eel in soy sauce worth [-] yuan is ready. Lu Hai looked at the blood eel and soybean soup in the casserole. It tasted very fragrant. He poked the soybean with chopsticks and it was soft enough to eat.

A cup of soup.

A dish.

One bowl of rice, Lu Hai felt that this was enough for today, to be honest, that soy sauce blood eel could make him eat three bowls of rice.

After removing the casserole lid.

The soup inside is still boiling, the soup is very fragrant, and a strong umami taste, accompanied by the unique fragrance of soybeans, permeates the whole room.

Lu Hai took out the soup spoon, scooped up a small spoonful, blew a few mouthfuls, put it in his mouth, and tasted it.

Very fresh and sweet, with a hint of ginger. This kind of sweetness is not the greasy sweetness of candy, but a kind of fresh sweetness. It is difficult for Lu Hai to describe that kind of taste.

Lu Hai scooped out the soybeans and soup, and left the blood eel at the bottom of the pot. Speaking of which, Lu Hai has always been extravagant and wasteful.

He usually doesn’t eat the seafood he uses to make soup. For example, after Shi Jiugong boils the soup, Lu Hai usually only eats the soup. Chai, not tasty at all.

There is a feeling of tasteless chewing, and it doesn’t hurt to throw it away. After the blood eel soup is cooked, the essence is also in the soup. To be honest, the blood eel meat after the soup is not so delicious, and the taste is not as good as the faucet. Fish is good.

Really want to eat meat.

It still needs steaming and soy sauce water, which is why Lu Hai made the blood eel soup, and is also making a plate of soy sauce water blood eel.

After trying the blood eel soup.

Lu Hai tried the blood eel in soy sauce. The blood eel has almost no thorns, only a spine in the middle. The salty aroma of soy sauce water makes the blood eel very good.

To eat a piece of blood eel, you need to serve it with one or two bites of rice. This thing is really good with rice, very fragrant, even more fragrant than braised pork, and has a better taste.

When you get tired of eating, just drink a few mouthfuls of soup.

After eating a bowl of rice, Lu Hai couldn't help but eat another bowl, and in the end he went straight to a CD operation.

If you eat too much lobster, abalone, and oysters, you will really get tired, but this dish is not good at land and sea. Even if you eat it tomorrow, you will not be able to help drooling.

Speaking of which, a long time ago, this was really just a slightly expensive home-cooked dish, but with the reclamation of tidal flats, the number of blood eels decreased.

becomes very expensive.

Even a big family like theirs on the island can't eat whatever they want. They have to make an appointment in advance and find a master to dig for it.

Otherwise, as soon as they got on the pier, they would all be snatched up.

After Lu Hai finished his meal.

Xiaobai was already waiting to wash the dishes. This little girl really grew up and became more and more diligent. Lu Hai wanted to give her the leftover blood eel from the soup.

But thinking about the pot of seafood porridge she just boiled, it might not be worse than his side, think about it or forget it, don't do to others what you don't want, let the pigs eat it.

Lu Hai poured the blood eel meat into the pig bowl of the little wild boar. After the little wild boar had been grazing for several days, after smelling the aroma, it was like a hungry wolf rushing to eat.

Eat it up and down.

It looks very fragrant.

Lu Hai patted the pig's body, and felt that it had grown up again. Pigs are really amazing creatures, they can get fat even by eating grass.

The color of her body is getting darker and darker, not as cute as before, but now she looks more like a walking lump of meat.

after eating.

Lu Hai took the little wild boar and walked by the sea for a while to digest the food in his stomach.

It's almost time.

Lu Hai came to the newly built cold storage and looked at the parameters on the LED panel. After two hours of continuous cooling, the temperature inside had dropped.

It is only about three degrees now, and it is estimated that after driving for a day, the temperature required by Lu Hai can be reached. Taking advantage of this time, Lu Hai used a car to pull some sea water.

Put it in the freezer.

In this way, the next time you come to explore the space, you don't have to buy ice cubes.

After doing this.

Lu Hai checked the time, took the trio with him, and continued with the plan to capture eel seedlings.

During the period when Lu Hai went to Shanghai, Lin Puyi's investment money had already been in place, and the breeding factory had already imported 300 million American eel fry.

As for the 200 million eel fry that Lu Hai promised, there is still a shortage of more than 100 million eel fry, so during this period, he still has to work overtime at night.

In order to improve fishing efficiency, Xiaobai and King Kong Barbie drove the small fishing boat this time, and the fishing efficiency of the two boats together is relatively high.

In the past, only 20 tails could be caught in one night, but now the two boats can catch about 35 tails. The only disadvantage is that the land and sea can no longer lie down.

I have to help and do it myself, and I have to pay attention to the movements of the small fishing boats. There are still more rocks at the mouth of the sea. If it hits a rock and capsizes, where can I find a primitive person like Xiaobai who is so considerate and considerate?

Probably because the migration of eel fry has reached its peak, there are a lot of eel fry tonight.

Accidentally, Lu Hai stayed up all night just like he did in Shanghai a few days ago.

Come back to your senses.

I found that the sky had turned dark blue, and only a few stars were left twinkling. It seemed that it would be dawn soon.

Lu Hai said hello to Xiaobai, it's almost here today, eel fry will lurk to the bottom of the sea after dawn, and it will be difficult to catch them at that time.

The catch this time is very large, far exceeding the expected 35, and it is estimated that there are 50. Like today's amount, we will do it twice.

Next, there is no need to catch eel fry. Of course, catching eel fry is very profitable, even more than he earns from catching other seafood.

200 million eel fry will not have much impact on freshwater eels, and even catching 1000 million eels on land and sea will not have a particularly large impact.

But to be a human being, one must pay attention to a certain degree, some things are almost enough, there is no need to do the kind of thing that cuts off children and grandchildren because of one's own selfishness.

In the 70s, the fishermen in Zhoushan must have never imagined that after the big yellow croaker harvest, it was the last catch.

In 18, an unexpected disaster also happened to the eel fry in the Neon country. In Kagoshima, only 0.5 kg of eel fry was caught in half a month.

The catch of eel fry in 18 was only one percent of that in 17, and there was a serious shortage of eel fry, which caused the price of freshwater eel to skyrocket.

Overfishing, combined with the cruel rules of nature, will accelerate species extinction.

Lu Hai, who was already physically exhausted, was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open after working all night. After eating a bucket of instant noodles with everyone, he went to take a bath and lay down on the bed to sleep.

When you open your eyes again.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and he had slept for more than nine hours. To his surprise, a window popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations to the explorer for completing the fifth ring task, rewarding 200 exploration points, 1 character attribute point, and 10% roulette luck. 】
Explorer: Land and Sea
Personal property: 10750000 yuan

Space level: level 10

Exploration space: 32000 acres

Cooldown time: 15 hour
Exploration points: 2015 points

Roulette lucky value: 50%
Remarks: The 1000 points obtained from the task cannot be used temporarily.
Properties panel:
Power: 12
Stamina: 10
Agility: 10
Perception: 12
Distributable points: 5
Remarks: The 5 allocation points obtained from the task cannot be used temporarily.

[Excuse the explorer, do you want to continue the mission of the sixth ring?]


Lu Hai first washed his face, brushed his teeth, and stared at the window in front of him in a daze. According to his previous guess, the difficulty of the sixth ring should be quite high.

I thought about it for about five seconds.

Lu Hai clicked to continue.

[Sixth Ring: Explorers are requested to use fishing rods to fish 10 giant groupers, 10 tunas, 10 sailfish, and 10 GTs within five days, and the weight of each fish must reach 50KG. completed by himself. 】

【Long grouper: 0/10】

【Tuna: 0/10】

【Swordfish: 0/10】

[GT: 0/10]

[Mission countdown: 4 days, 23:59:40]

After seeing this task, Lu Hai didn't want to talk anymore, he was greedy for your hammer, knowing that it would be very difficult, so he was so cheap [Continue] At least think about it for a while.

It's time to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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