farmer's wife

Chapter 135 Stimulation

Chapter 135 Stimulation
The Xiao family naturally didn't know about some small actions arranged behind Uncle Wu's back.

After Uncle Wu left, Xiao Lie and Fu Yan took care of Xiao Nuo Nuo together with peace of mind, and the days seemed to go back to the past in the blink of an eye.

It's just that there are many fickle children in the family, and life is more lively and joyful.

Regarding Uncle Wu's coming and going, the three members of the Shi family were sensible and never asked about it.

And Xiao Jian was even more unclear.His current troubles are nothing more than the fact that his master asked him to memorize a few books, practice a few big characters, and Nuo Nuo cried in a blink of an eye, which made him puzzled...

Fu Yan's body recovered, and someone at home helped take care of the child, so she picked up needlework again, drew patterns for Li Ting, and then taught her apprentices.

The days are dull and fulfilling, and for her, she is already satisfied.

They live peacefully here, but the other side of Xiao's big house is irritated because of Uncle Wu's secret intervention.

As for this matter, Xiao Dabao himself was hiding it secretly.

If no one finds out, it may be that Xiao Dabao will not take it seriously after indulging Xiao Dabao in the end.

It's a pity that Uncle Wu sent Ye An to check the Xiao family's big house behind his back, and found out about Xiao Dabao, which made people stare and push him.

Because of what Xiao Dabao committed, most of the family's land and money were paid out.

The life of Xiao Qiang's family took a turn for the worse.

In order to earn two more coins, Xiao Qiang took his son Xiao Dabao to the city's pier after the year to find work.

Xiao Qiang is getting older, and his body is still strong. He works as a coolie on the wharf moving boxes, and can earn more than ten or twenty yuan a day.

But the work on the dock was much more tiring than that in the field, within two days, Xiao Dabao couldn't take it anymore.

Xiao Dabao had to stop and rest four or five times after carrying the suitcase.

He didn't feel anything when he was resting, but the man walking behind was not happy, and he scolded in a rough voice: "If you can't do it, just run away, you are blocking your grandpa's way!"

Xiao Dabao was already exhausted and angry, but when he heard that arrogant voice, he turned around angrily.

That man's skin was dark, his hands and body carrying the suitcase had bruised and thick tendons, and his physique was burly, one of them could be worth two Xiao Dabaos.

He shook his iron fist: "Why? Still not convinced! Get out of the way for grandpa!"

Xiao Dabao swallowed, lowered his gloomy eyes, and moved out of the way.

"That's right, if you can't suffer this, don't be ashamed here. Hahahahaha..." The man smiled and walked away.

Xiao Dabao endured his anger and kicked the pebbles on the road vigorously.

When they got home, Xiao Qiang and Xiao Dabao's shoulders were red and broken.

Cui Xinghua distressedly took out the medicated oil and wiped it on them.

Cui Xinghua: "Boss, do you think our Dabao has suffered so much, or..." Or just forget it.

Xiao Qiang glanced at Cui Xinghua angrily: "What do you eat if you don't work? Wait for the pie to fall from the sky? Don't people of my age still carry it on their backs? You are used to it!"

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and went back to the inner room.

Xiao Dabao sat on the chair without saying a word, with his head down, he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Cui Xinghua opened her mouth, unable to speak.

After what happened last year, Xiao Qiang didn't listen to her much.

Everyone in this family has a bad temper now, and Cui Xinghua is not happy either.

She threw the medicinal wine bottle on the table, and sat on a chair beside her cursingly: "Look at your father's temper now!"

After throwing it away, she hurriedly picked up the porcelain bottle and looked at it distressedly.Don't break it, it's all bought with money!

The bottle was fine, Cui Xinghua put her mind at ease and put the things away again.

"Your mother-in-law is the same. It's difficult for her family, and her own man has to work hard outside. She doesn't know that she loves you."

After complaining about the old man, Cui Xinghua began to complain about her daughter-in-law in front of her son.

"She doesn't do anything at home all day long, and she doesn't know how to use some money to supplement the family. Let her spend two copper coins to buy meat for our family to eat. It's like trying to cut her meat. Pick and search."

It hasn't been a day or two since Cui Xinghua coveted the dowry that Mrs. Xu brought over, and she paid attention to it when she married her.

It's a pity that Mrs. Xu is not a fool, she takes the dowry money seriously.When I was happy, I took out some to send Cui Xinghua away.

If she wants to count all kinds of "crimes" of her daughter-in-law, Cui Xinghua has a lot of things to tell her son.

Xiao Dabao was impatient to hear his mother talk about these trivial matters in the family, so he got up and interrupted her: "Mom, I'm going back to sleep."

"Huh? I haven't finished yet."

"I'm tired of carrying goods for a day."

Hearing her son shouting that she was tired, Cui Xinghua pulled him to talk: "Then Dabao, go back to the house and lie down. You are doing hard work, and mother will cook meat for you tomorrow night!"

Xiao Dabao responded dispensably, and turned back to the East Chamber.

He lay back on the bed after a quick rinse and slept on his side with his eyes closed.

Mrs. Xu waited for him in the room for a long time, but fell asleep when he came back.

Mrs. Xu asked, "Mother stayed with you for a long time, what did you say?"


Xiao Dabao didn't have much interest in the plain-looking daughter-in-law his mother asked him to marry, and he seldom chatted with her when he returned to the house.

The room was silent, except for the shallow breathing of the two of them.

Xu opened her eyes and looked at the top of the bed. After a while, she moved her small hands to climb up Xiao Dabao's waist, and slowly moved forward.

Xiao Dabao frowned, and moved away again.

He pulled Xu's hand away, and calmly said: "Go to bed early, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Xu's face was flushed, and she turned her back to him in anger.

You stupid idiot!
Xiao Dabao pretended not to know what happened to his wife behind him, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Cui Xinghua dragged Mrs. Xu to talk about her son's hard work.

When Xu married in, she also wanted to live with Xiao Dabao.

After hearing this, she still took more than 20 coins for Cui Xinghua to buy meat: "Brother Dabao."

Cui Xinghua is not too little, so take your time.

When Xiao Dabao came back in the evening, Mrs. Xu also understood his soft words, and gave him half a tael of silver for him to spend outside.

Xiao Dabao refused to accept it at first, but Mrs. Xu persuaded him not to panic if he had money in his pocket... After giving him enough face, Xiao Dabao accepted it, and the two spent a tender and harmonious night together.

After that, Mrs. Xu continued to supplement Xiao Dabao privately from time to time, and Xiao Dabao was more gentle and talkative to her than before.

Except for the daughter-in-law, the family gradually had some savings. Cui Xinghua secretly gave him some copper coins when she saw her son working hard, and asked him to buy some food by himself in the city.

As for the money Xiao Dabao earned by carrying goods at the wharf, Cui Xinghua didn't want it either, and let him keep it himself.

On the pier, this was still his son after all, watching Xiao Dabao work slowly, he seemed tired and thin.Afterwards, Xiao Qiang asked him to rest and go back earlier, so that he could do an extra hour of work without waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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