Chapter 545 Three Elements (22)

Zhou Fan stepped into Yuxu Palace, looked at Patriarch Yuxu, cupped his hands and saluted, and said, "Master!"

"Well, it seems that you have accepted it!" Patriarch Yuxu nodded and said.

"Figured out?"

Zhou Fan smiled wryly: "Even if I didn't figure it out, the old man still has to let me 'figure it out'!"

"You kid, you're really a good boy!" Patriarch Yuxu scolded with a smile.

"But this is also your chance. Since the beginning of that accident, Sanyuan was incomplete, and only this 'Final Yan' is left intact. If you can make up Sanyuan, it will be a great achievement!"

Trinity is the grandest and most rooted concept of the universe from non-existence to existence, the cause of all effects, and then from existence to non-existence.

Mingji Xuantongyuan symbolizes the "foundation of existence" and "root of the great way" from scratch.

The mixed hole is too empty, which symbolizes 'nothing', 'opening up', 'cause and effect', the beginning of everything, the cause of all effects.

Red gangsters are too elementless, symbolizing 'from existence to nothing', the end of everything.

Sanyuan is invisible to the eye, invisible to the observer, but it exists in reality, seemingly real but not real, real illusion but not illusion.

Zhou Fan was also silent for a while when he heard the words.

He naturally knew what the accident Master was talking about, and also learned about an unknown history.

The path of practice in this world, no matter which one it is, is to evolve to a higher level.

And the heavens in the universe are created by an existence in the endless and infinite chaos, whose realm is higher than the Daluo realm by an unknown amount, in order to verify the higher realm.

What the end result will be, no one knows.

However, in the endless and infinite chaos, it is rumored that this existence has fallen in the process of verifying the realm, which has attracted the covetousness of many powerhouses who have closed the timeline.

At that time, it was still a prehistoric universe and heavens, with no spirits, and no spiritual herbs and immortal medicines everywhere.

Some are just barren, desolate...

Only the innate sage conceived by the way of heaven is born from time to time, helping the way of heaven to maintain the stability of the world.

The truth of history has been buried under the long river of time, and the only certainty is that a group of coveted people will die with the innate god, including those innate god embryos that have not yet been fully conceived.

All of them were instinctively mobilized by Heavenly Dao to deal with those foreign people with malicious intentions.

And this is the truth of the ancient times, the truth of the innate divine 'sleeping', and the truth of why Zhou Fan wondered why the God of the Boundless Blood Sea died.

Everything, from the beginning of the ancient times, ended at the price of the "slumber" of the innate sacred collective.

As for the future history, it is impossible to know even if Zhou Fan has already become a gangster and is too worthless.

In addition to not being the end of the world at this moment and lacking in strength, it is also because there is a great terror in it.

For example, when Zhou Fan was swimming against the long river of time before, when he entered the long river of time from Xianqin and went down the river, the dam he saw, and the several dams in the deeper distance... the energy emitted by it, Isolate time and space, block fate, arbitrarily arbitrarily time, and intercept the flow to form a 'dam'.

The dam alone blocked Zhou Fan's sight, and even felt a little tingling, preventing him from knowing it.

Vaguely, pictures flashed before Zhou Fan's eyes, but in the next moment, they were all forgotten.

This situation made Zhou Fan a little terrified, knowing that what he saw must be related to some taboo.

Yuxu Palace does not mention the dialogue between master and apprentice for the time being.


In Dongshengzhou Daxia, Xiangzhou, somewhere in Huiyang Prefecture.

The mountains near and far, layer upon layer, patchwork.Against the backdrop of the blue sky, the forested mountain peaks are verdant and green, which is very beautiful.

Pieces of mountain forests are lush and verdant.Does it show a wide lake, the lake is as smooth as a mirror, and as clear as jade.

The mountain wind blows, the air is fresh and sweet, and the elegant and quiet scenery makes people feel refreshed and lingering.

Pairs of chaffinches are flying in the air, and the birdsong is bursting, which is pleasant to the ear.

Wisps of multicolored sunlight penetrated the layers of leaves and fell on the ground, forming a dazzling golden spot that moved with the wind.

With the shaking of the branches and leaves, the heavy light and shadow are constantly changing, just like the stars in the sky, shining brightly.

Among the colorful green trees and flowers, there are white walls and black tiles.The pavilions, terraces and pavilions are indistinct among Zhu Cui, showing their appearance slightly.

"My lord, is there anything special about this village?"

At this moment, on top of a mountain, a group of people stood, watching the building from a distance.

One of them looked at the white-faced man in blue with an expressionless expression on his face.

"It turns out that it's been spinning around right under my nose!"

The white-faced man in blue felt the throbbing from the very root of his blood, and his expression seemed to be a smile, which not only made the people behind him feel cold.


In a courtyard, an old voice sounded.

"The world is so big that it is almost boundless. Like Chongyang City, it is impossible to count. My children, there are many more than you think."

"Grandpa Shun, are there more stars in the sky?" A voice full of childlike innocence sounded.

"Why are there so many little brats? Don't you want to listen again!" In the courtyard, an old man with white hair dancing wildly like a wild lion blew his beard and stared.

"Yes, we want to listen to the stories of practitioners!" A group of children whose maximum was no more than ten years old said in unison. Obviously, it was an agreement.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man's face froze for a moment, then he held the broken gourd in his hand, put a sip of strong wine into his mouth, and continued to talk with his usual expression.

"Okay, then today, I will tell you about a legendary genius of my human race!"

"In other words, 1000 years ago, monsters were rampant at that time, especially in villages like ours, people like you were always in danger of being swallowed by monsters."

Speaking of this, the old man made a strange face and acted like a threat, which made a group of children exclaim in surprise, and they all leaned back.

Looking at a group of children turned upside down, the white-haired old man was out of breath with a smile.


When he became interested, he raised his head and swallowed another mouthful of strong wine, his face flushed, and he didn't care about the eyes of those children. He used the gourd in his hand as a gavel, and slapped it heavily on the table, drooling and road:
"At that time, a young man came down the mountain after finishing his studies. He saw monsters rampant, and killed countless monsters with his sword... After that, he became invincible at the same level..."

Perhaps Zhou Fan never imagined that his past experience would be edited into a book.

It's just that it's been a thousand years, and there are some gaps.

It is because of some reasons that I dare not involve too much.

"Wow oh oh!"

Those children who listened intently let out bursts of exclamations of admiration, and didn't care about the behavior of the old man just now. They seemed to be immersed in the story told by the old man, substituting themselves into it.

 I don’t want to say anything more after writing it now, it will affect your reading experience, I will add more updates today, as for how many more, I don’t know.

(End of this chapter)

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