Monster Catching Daddy

Chapter 332 People's hearts are unpredictable

Chapter 332 People's hearts are unpredictable (4500 words second update)

Shen Chong and Zhao Ya led two other employees from the technical department to work overtime on their own initiative, leaving a few shift workers in the company.

After all, Fang Shiyue is not idle, so she left first when she got off work in the afternoon.

Tonight, she has a dinner party, and she said that the four copyright-related companies had been introduced by the leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture, and wanted to talk to the person in charge of Stone Hammer Technology about how to solve the copyright issue.

Shen Chong became interested as soon as he heard it, and wanted to stay in the company to solve the server system in one go, and wanted to see the big scene.

But the fat girl held him down, "They should have made an appointment alone for this kind of thing, but if they made an appointment together, they probably have reached a consensus in advance. Today's meal is a Hongmen banquet, so I will just deal with it. Even if there is a stalemate , and you, the real boss, have the bottom line, so things still need to be discussed. But if you get off in person first, your temper will probably throw the table on the spot, and then you can only see the court."

Shen Chong nodded again and again, for this reason.

This world is different from his previous life. The reason why the level of entertainment is so high is inseparable from the fact that the national policy attaches great importance to copyright.

Even if the lawsuit is equally difficult to fight, the copyright owner has many countermeasures against the infringer.

Freezing funds, opening a sales ban on the spot after filing a case, or negotiating with the music association to block all channels, in short, there are ten thousand ways to disgust people.

Because of this, Fat Girl deliberately lowered the shipment of version 2.1 in the first two limited releases, just not wanting to overly stimulate the four companies and the Music Association.

Of course, she is also deliberately controlling sales, creating a situation where supply exceeds demand.

Even if the supply is opened up or [-] sets are sold at a time, it may not be able to buy more, but it will make people see the decline.

Now the rhythm is just right, even if you don't have to buy it, the popularity of Tuning King 2.1 will not decrease.

The gradual emergence of high-quality music works labeled as Tuning King on a large scale on the market continues to build momentum for Tuning King.

The more you can't buy it, the more anticipation will be in the hearts of those small studios and independent creators who failed to grab it due to boycotts or slow-handed snap-ups.

Fang Shiyue's move is not only for marketing, but also a compromise that has to be made under the current situation. As for whether it is right or wrong, the answer can only be obtained through time.

Entrepreneurship is impossible to control everything, you can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

Fortunately, the popular version priced at 1888 has been sold at an average rate of 1500 sets per day, which is already an unattainable turnover for many small and medium-sized enterprises.

At present, both industry insiders and people who eat melons have maintained a high degree of attention to Stone Hammer Technology.

Everyone is waiting for the next big move of Stone Hammer Technology, or maybe someone knocks it over with a hammer.

But one thing is certain, even if Stone Hammer Technology really kneels down, the boss of this company will not go bankrupt.

Although Shen's Tuning King is suspected of copyright infringement, its own realm and level are extremely high. Regardless of whether you accept it or not, it represents the next generation of music production.

It is not a pioneer in the digitalization of music production, but it is a master. It is more useful than any previous arrangement software, with more complete functions and a higher degree of AI intelligence.

This may seem like a little bit of progress, but it is the core element that completely differentiates it from similar products on the market, just like the difference between a mobile phone from a feature phone to a smart phone era.

Since you can make calls and send text messages, why are smartphones overwhelmingly replacing functional phones?
Because smartphones can not only make calls, but also do many things.

Now the limelight in the music association is changing, and some die-hard conservatives have vowed before that they will never touch this stupid software even if they can no longer write new songs and starve to death.

However, as soon as version 2.1 was released, others rushed to send it to them. After they tried it out for themselves, these people's tone immediately took a 180-degree turn.

"It's very useful!"

Therefore, with the core technology in hand, Stone Hammer Technology will not really die, the difference is just how much money the boss surnamed Shen behind the company can make.

Either they will rise to the top and become a new Internet star entrepreneur, or they will succumb to the pressure of all parties and be forced to give up their shares to cash out, bow to the existing order of the market, obediently cut meat to the giants, and give up profits.

These two are probably the difference between earning one billion and tens of billions.

In fact, when Shen Chong and Lu Ming discussed this matter before, they had the latter idea.

He is not afraid of lawsuits. Lawsuits cannot make him bankrupt, but only make him and the copyright company disgust each other.

He just wants to deliberately jump in front of the giant, find an appropriate time to introduce funds from the Internet giant, and let the giant resolve the copyright lawsuit. This is the so-called financing.

But now that Tuning King is blowing up the Internet, Stone Hammer Technology has earned 2.5 million yuan in less than ten days, and he has got a powerful champion, Fat Girl, and his strategy has changed again.

Fat Girl firmly opposes easy transfer of shares, unless it is really a last resort, she will never give up shares easily during the rising period.

Absorbing new capital has only one purpose. When the company's development reaches the double bottleneck of capital and market, it needs to use foreign capital to cross the bottleneck, otherwise it is giving money to others!

Shen Chong was in a cold sweat when he heard that, Fat Girl's understanding of business and the market was more than one level higher than Fatty Lu's.

Therefore, the path really has to be changed.

If the former Shen Chong had to deal with these things, the unpredictable public opinion trends on the Internet alone would be enough to make him one head and two heads.

But now Fang Shiyue has helped him carry it, and he has handled it better than himself. Under this situation, the company can maintain its steady development and firmly grasp the release rhythm of version 2.1.

He can't.

She is very happy now, the fat girl took two male employees of the company to socialize outside, while Mr. Shen himself focused on the technical field comfortably, happily typing on the keyboard at a very fast speed in the office.

Zhao Ya and the other two members of the technical department were stunned.

I knew Mr. Shen was good at writing codes, but after witnessing it with their own eyes, everyone realized their innocence.

He is so powerful beyond imagination!

Can this be called writing code?

It's like playing the piano!
No, just looking at the operations on his fingers, it's like he's playing the piano randomly, he's ravaging the keyboard!

But looking at the letters and words that jumped out like musical notes on the screen, he was definitely not playing randomly.

So strict logic!

Flawless and impeccable!
What's even more frightening is the speed of his thinking. This doesn't seem like a logic conceived on the spur of the moment, but something he had already planned in his mind.

He is not writing the code now, it is more like writing silently!
But this is obviously impossible. Writing from dictation is more exaggerated than writing now. Who can remember it?

In fact, Zhao Ya and the others really guessed right, Shen Chong's spiritual source enhancement is invincible memory rather than quick thinking, let alone perfect logic.

There is only one reason why he is so vigorous now, he is really writing silently.

When deciding on the company's commercial server system, he made preparations early on. After exploring at home for a while, he conceived in his mind how to change it in advance.

This is all his painstaking effort, how can you say no to it, let alone other people's may not be better than his.

I have to outsource or let others intervene in my specialties, Shen Chong's arrogance as a technical nerd is intolerable.

So he originally planned to handle it in the company by himself, but deliberately let Zhao Ya stay, just to let her see how awesome your boss is!
Well now, he's really smitten, and he's rocking and cumming.

Slowly, the two employees who took the initiative to work overtime gradually felt tired just from reading and analyzing the code, their thinking speed gradually failed to keep up, and they all retreated.

Zhao Ya could keep up, Shen Chong just kept writing his own, and didn't even notice that there were two people missing behind him.

As time went by, his overall idea gradually unfolded.

Zhao Ya, who has already seen many commercial server systems, gradually understands how powerful they are.

Boss Shen is really strong, so strong.

He's not bragging, he did leave room for improvement early on.

No, this is not a simple improvement, but a complete transformation of the original system!

Faced with a larger commercial server, his newly improved system takes almost all emergency situations into account. It is not only stable, but also responds quickly when a certain unit has a problem, and redistributes performance spontaneously!

He even divides the original system functions into multiple parts, and maintains the ability of perfect allocation and backup on the data storage side.

This is not over yet, there are many open embedded interfaces in his database function, which can add or subtract functions at any time.

But while reserving these embedded interfaces, he has maintained the synergy and closure of the overall system.

There are such terrifying technical experts in this world!
I have become a ridiculous and ignorant frog in a well.

Unknowingly, it reached one o'clock in the morning, and as Shen Chong typed the last line of compilation instructions, it was announced that work was over.

Installation, commissioning, and trial operation start all in one.

The indicator lights on the unit lighted up almost at the same time, and the loading progress of the graphical interface on the main monitor quickly increased from 1% to 100%, and entered the window interface, officially announcing that the commercial server of Stone Hammer Technology was put into operation.

Shen Chong stretched his waist, a little sleepy from overworking his brain.

He glanced at Zhao Ya, who was still very excited, and wanted to explain that he would test the bug tomorrow. After confirming that there was no problem, he would close the company's official website for half an hour the day after tomorrow and switch to this side.

But over there, Zhao Ya was already sitting on the console in front of the main monitor, and turned on the testing machine next to her.

"I'll test it now."

Zhao Ya said.

Brother Shen rolled his eyes and complained in his heart. Sister Zhao still doesn't give up. She wants to pick bones from my egg and find a bug?

Impossible, wash up and sleep.

He really misunderstood Zhao Ya, how could Sister Zhao have so many dirty thoughts in her heart, it was simply that her fighting spirit and passion were already boiling.

But she felt extremely ashamed. If she couldn't personally participate and make her due contribution, she would be ashamed to stay in this company.

"Okay, then I'll go upstairs to the office and sleep for a while. Sister Zhao, don't force yourself. Go to bed early when you are tired. If you have anything to do, ask the staff on duty at the company at the door."

Shen Chong didn't talk nonsense, and went upstairs directly.

Now that the data center has been established, the company has added a few more positions, and there must be someone on duty, otherwise the servers worth 3000 to [-] million will be stolen by thieves who don't understand farts, or they will be burned in a fire. There is nowhere to cry.

He ran to the general manager's office, put the chair down and slept until eight o'clock the next morning, when a faint voice came from his ear.

Opening his eyes, it was Zhao Ya with dark circles under his eyes.

"President Shen, are you awake?"

Shen Chong reluctantly sat up straight, then stood up the chair, and yawned, tears streaming down his face, "Sister Zhao, did you take the test all night?"

Zhao Ya nodded, "Yes."

The corners of Shen Chong's mouth twitched, he was a little speechless, he wanted to let her go today, but now it's hard to speak.

What the hell do you mean?
"I said, sister Zhao, why do you do this? The official website is still stable now, and there is no rush for this day."

Zhao Ya completely lost the unruly attitude of yesterday. At the age of 35, she scratched her head shyly like a child, "I can't help seeing Lie Xinxi. How should I describe it? It’s like playing a game for only one game and accidentally staying up until dawn.”

Shen Chong was slightly surprised, "Oh? How's it going? Did you find any bugs?"

Although he knew Zhao Ya's career experience before, but that was only on paper, but now he smelled something similar from her.

It seems that she is also obsessed with technology?
Zhao Ya shook her head heavily, "No! Not a single one! I was stunned! I have used all the testing methods, and Mr. Shen, your system has completely dealt with it!"

Shen Chong smiled, "Now you know how powerful you are? Sister Zhao, are you still resigning?"

Zhao Ya shook her head, "No way!"

Shen Chong smiled again, and then his face suddenly turned cold, "You don't want to resign, but I have a big opinion on you."

Zhao Ya showed embarrassment, pretended to be forced, and swallowed while crying.

"This...that...Mr. Shen, look at me..."

Shen Chong waved his hand and said: "I originally planned to let you leave directly, and I won't let you suffer. The travel expenses, resettlement expenses and lost work expenses that should be compensated are all indispensable to you. But, I am a little hesitant now, so I can only Said that you entered my observation period."

Shen Chong was a little unsure about paying attention, after all, Zhao Ya was hired by the fat girl, her abilities and experience were fine, but her personality didn't quite fit her.

He can accept the occasional once or twice when the employee confronts him, but he really doesn't want to encounter it all the time, it's annoying to death.

Zhao Ya looked even more embarrassed.

In a sense, she is a simple person, but she is more indulging in her own world and ignoring the feelings of others.

But now she is completely convinced, and she has seen another realm of programmers from Shen Chong, how she is willing to leave here.

But she has such a temperament, and she is really not very good at communicating and making people happy, so she doesn't know what to say at this time.

Shen Chong couldn't bear to see Zhao Ya, an elder sister, blushing and at a loss for what to say.

"Actually, it's not impossible to listen to other people's opinions in my company. But sister Zhao, you are also engaged in technology, so you should understand my feelings. Of course, people who are lower than me are not qualified to question me, let alone what I have already determined. The right decision."

Zhao Ya can be regarded as able to answer, "That's right."

Shen Chong said again: "As for people with a higher level than me? I don't think there are many such people in the world, and they won't be able to recruit my company for a while."

Zhao Ya thought carefully about Shen Chong's words, and actually agreed, "That's true."

She didn't think Shen Chong sounded like bragging at all!
Shen Chong continued to say in an old-fashioned way: "What happened yesterday, I hope, sister Zhao, you have a clear understanding of yourself. I approve of your work attitude and ability, but you need to change your temper."

He speaks without turning a corner.

Zhao Ya didn't turn the corner either, she accepted it, "Yes, I'll change."

Shen Chong waved his fingers, "No, sister Zhao, you can't change it."


"In this way, I will keep your manager's treatment and position, but your real power will be reduced to a senior engineer, and I will be directly responsible for the technical department. You can't make similar major decisions in the future. You must seek my opinion first. If I am not available If you deal with it, just put it on hold temporarily, and you can't interfere in personnel affairs, you can only be responsible for technical work. If you and I have conflicts of opinion, you must obey and approve of me unconditionally. Do you have any opinions?"

In fact, the conditions he raised were quite harsh. Zhao Ya had resigned several times before because of conflicts of ideas.

But now she also admits it!
Watching Zhao Ya go out without any grievances, Shen Chong himself was very surprised.

He touched his face, sister Zhao must have taken a liking to me!

He was about to look in the mirror to make sure he was handsome again, but he found that the place where the mirror used to hang in the room had been replaced with a large mural.

This is what the fat girl did.

The purchase report for the mural was not seen on the financial list, and she paid for it herself.

He couldn't help feeling a little distressed. The fat girl said that she didn't care about getting fat, but she didn't even want to look in the mirror.

People's hearts are really complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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