Absolutely arrogant: The Defying Little Concubine

Chapter 612 [Flesh and flesh metaplasia, old mother appears]

Chapter 612 [Flesh and flesh metaplasia, old mother appears] (2)

"Little thing, don't run away, Uncle Wolf will teach you a lesson!"

The White Wolf King's angry voice echoed in Wusheng Hall, but before he could make a move, he was stopped by Huo Yunma.

"Sister, why did you stop me and let me teach this little thing who doesn't know how to respect the old and respect the virtuous!" the white wolf said kingly. "You are so big, how can you be as knowledgeable as a child." Huoyun glanced at it contemptuously. It seemed that he liked the little thing very much, and he was determined to protect it.

The white wolf king was both tasteful and unwilling, he looked at the little thing viciously, determined to pay attention to the opportunity to make him look good, so that he could understand that wolves are not so easy to bully.

"Okay, stop making trouble, everyone should hurry up and find a way to get out!"

Meng Xiaodie said, keeping all the unwillingness of the White Wolf King in his stomach, and then a group of several people quickly searched the entire Wusheng Hall.

Soon, they came to the portal again.

"The difficulty of love can be passed, and there is no life in a desperate situation"

Looking at the couplets on both sides of the door, everyone felt differently this time. Meng Xiaodie slapped it on the word "love", and the door opened slowly.

She entered the door first, and the little thing was sitting on her shoulder, with a pair of black eyes, looking around curiously, and everyone followed.

Entering the portal is a long stone ladder. Everyone climbed up the stairs, ascended to a height of about ten feet, passed through an arch, and entered another place.

This is also a large hall, equally empty, but compared to the previous one, it is much smaller, about tens of feet in radius.

"There's a stone statue over there!"

Suddenly the White Wolf King exclaimed, and saw a stone statue standing in the middle of the hall. This stone statue was more than three feet high, with six arms, and a thick python wrapped around its shoulder. The python's head protruded from its right shoulder. The left half of the stone statue's face is as clean as a mirror, a combination of beauty and elegance, while the right half of the face is ferocious and terrifying, the embodiment of evil and ugliness.


In the Valley of the Unborn, the war is still going on.

The rain of blood was still falling, more than a dozen people sat cross-legged on the ground, internal force shot out continuously from their palms and fingers, and hit the small stone pagoda, but the fire of true essence turned weaker and weaker.

"No, the flame on the stone tower is extinguished!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen people sitting cross-legged spat out a mouthful of blood, and their expressions froze instantly, and the stone pagoda that was urged by them also fell to the ground with a thud.Moreover, the fiery breath on Wusheng Hall is fading, and the crimson color on it is slowly dimming.

The Holy Son of Wusheng looked at the Wusheng Hall and the stone pagoda, and frowned. Looking at the situation, he knew that there must be an accident in the Wusheng Hall, and the people inside resolved the true flame of passion.

"Look, the flames in the hall have gone out."

I don't know who yelled, which immediately aroused cheers from the court.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness!"

The imperial court immediately cheered that this kind of crisis could be resolved by Yang Gan, and their confidence suddenly rose.

"Be happy now, isn't it too early!"

Shengzi Wusheng snorted coldly, he grabbed forward with one hand, and the folding fan that flew out of the circle immediately returned to his hand, and then he swept his figure, and appeared in front of the small stone tower, with a wave of his hand, the stone tower fell in the palm of his hand, He felt it with his heart for a moment, and said: "It turns out that I have entered in front of the old mother's stone statue, so let you know how powerful my old mother is!"

(End of this chapter)

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