Absolutely arrogant: The Defying Little Concubine

Chapter 599 [The counterattack of the remnants of Wushengjiao]

Chapter 599 [The counterattack of the remnants of Wushengjiao] (2)

Three southern provinces.

In a deep mountain cave, a faint light ignited.

"Boss, news came from Yujing City that I, Feng Sha, must leave Yang Qian's life in the south." One person said.

The leader nodded, and said: "Now that the imperial army is in the Wusheng Valley, and Yang Qian and other masters are all trapped in the Wusheng Hall, this is an excellent opportunity to inform all members of the Fengsha team in the south to put down what they are doing." If you want to do anything, rush to Wusheng Valley, and do everything possible to prevent Yang Gan from getting out."



In the three southern provinces, the situation is surging.

Rows of white doves and falcons flew high into the sky, galloping like horses on the ground, and the sound of horseshoes shattered the silence.

"The Lifeless Valley has been wiped out!"

On the long street, a wind believer galloped wildly, yelling as he rode his horse. People on both sides of the street stood along the side of the street. It is deep admiration and envy.

"What? The Wusheng Valley was picked?"

"This is too powerful. Is this still a human being? It's unbelievable for one person to pick eighteen points. Now that Wu Shenggu has been picked, how did she do it?"

"You don't know. The imperial court dispatched [-] troops to encircle and suppress Wusheng Valley. The court army and this heroine worked together to take down Wusheng Valley in one fell swoop."

"Haha... It's good to wipe out... Let's see how they will do evil in the future."

"Hush! Don't be so loud. I heard that although the Wusheng Valley has been selected, the Wusheng Cult has not been completely wiped out. It is said that the masters of the imperial court have been trapped, and the Wusheng Cult's branch churches and helmsmen have been killed. Going to help the Wusheng Valley, and wanting to seize their holy land, it's hard to say what the outcome of this battle will be!"

"Ah, how did this happen? What about the heroine? How is she?"

"It is said that she is also trapped. Now the imperial court is desperately trying to rescue them, while the Wushenggu side wants to retake Wushenggu before they are rescued. It seems that a big battle is inevitable."

Everyone was discussing and telling the news they heard for everyone to know.


Thirty miles away from Wusheng Valley, a large number of Wusheng Cultists gathered here.

The flags here are waving, and there are at least tens of thousands of people, all of them are believers gathered from all over the Wusheng Cult. They shout slogans and want to take back their holy land.

Yao Yongbo, head of the Chaozhou branch, and Gong Sunsheng, head of the Luzhou branch, were sitting in a simple tent, talking in low voices.

"It's only half a day away from the Sacred Valley. When will we launch an attack?" Yao Yongbo asked. "Don't worry, although our number is not smaller than the imperial army, after all, we have not undergone strict training, and we are inferior to them in terms of combat effectiveness. If we fight recklessly, we will definitely suffer losses. Now the Holy Son has contacted the allied forces. If we can invite Wu Shengqiang Those who come forward to help will definitely be able to win in one fell swoop." Gongsun Sheng said.


Among the vast mountains, a white figure appeared in the vast mountains.

"I have no life to teach the holy son, please see the old man from the previous court." When he came to a mountain, the man in white stopped and shouted loudly, and the voice spread far away.

In the middle of the mountain, an old man with white hair and white eyebrows opened his eyes, he pondered for a moment and said, "Please come in!" If someone from the Marquis of Wuwen was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was the one who was hovering over the Marquis back then. The old man with white eyebrows is a strong martial artist.

"I've seen Senior Baimei!"

Under the guidance of the crowd, the man in white entered this mountainside, facing a martial sage powerhouse like the old man with white eyebrows, he also behaved neither humble nor overbearing, and bowed his hands calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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