Chapter 379 [Collapse of Pursuit]

As the two exchanged glances, they suddenly felt the crypt tremble violently, and immediately the earth and rock cracked and fell, falling into the tumbling magma and instantly turning into ashes.

"I'm afraid this cave is about to collapse, let's leave quickly."

The two of them unfolded their bodies and fled along the exit. Both of them were extraordinary. Although they were flying at a leisurely pace, they were equally fast, and in the blink of an eye they took a fork into the grotto.

At this time, the entire grotto began to crack and collapse, large pieces of earth and rock fell down, and half of the mountainside fell down with a bang, Meng Xiaodie frowned, turned around and searched inside.

"Where is the exit?" Yang Qiandao, after saying that, he realized that Meng Xiaodie must be concerned about Su Lianhua and the others who came in together, his lips squirmed, but he followed Meng Xiaodie away without saying anything.

"Xiao Di! Where are you?"

Meng Xiaodie's speed was so fast, although she had to dodge the falling boulders, she still quickly arrived at the main hall where she stayed before. She looked at the empty main hall and called out loudly, but no one answered. At this moment, the whole The grotto collapsed and fell on her head.

"Miss, the lady is still inside, I want to wait for the lady to come with me!"

Xiao Di cried out in grief, struggling to refuse to leave the grotto with Su Lianhua and the others, but at this moment the essence in her body was sealed up again, she couldn't resist at all, and was dragged forward.

Outside the barren village grotto, Mao Adi and others waited anxiously. Zhang Qian led people into the grotto to find His Royal Highness, but there was no news so far, and the rumbling noise in the grotto made them feel unstable outside, and suddenly became more anxious .

"No, we can't wait any longer, let's go in and look for it too." Adi Mao said, just as they were about to go in, they saw Zhang Qian and others coming out. Their eyes lit up and then dimmed, because they didn't see His Highness the Crown Prince. , you don’t need to ask to know that you haven’t found it.

"I'll go in and look for it again!" Zhang Qian said, turned around and was about to turn back, before he could enter, he heard footsteps, everyone rushed to meet them, and saw Su Lianhua Xiaodi and others walking out one by one.

"Is it just you guys? Is there anyone else in there? Where's Ms. Meng?" Zhang Qian asked.Xiao Di cried aloud when he heard this, and wanted to go inside to find it.

The ground trembled violently, and a huge boulder weighing hundreds of thousands of kilograms crashed down, sealing the entrance of the grotto, cutting off everyone's eyes and hope.

It is an ordinary cave, it is extremely difficult to survive if it is sealed inside like this, let alone this strange and strange barren village grotto, the hearts of everyone suddenly become cold.


Xiao Di cried out in grief, and rushed to the entrance of the grotto, trying to dig a way out with both hands together.

There was a constant rumble in the grotto, and then everyone felt their feet lighten, and the entire barren mountain sank several feet, which completely cut off everyone's thoughts.

Xiao Di knelt on the ground, tears falling silently, she knew that this time the young lady must be in danger.

Su Lianhua stared blankly at the grotto, dumbfounded, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart: Is this God's punishment for me, Su Lianhua, for finally letting me meet a woman I like, but let her leave me before I have time to start a relationship? And go...

Zhang Qian and the others also had cold hands and feet. His Highness the Crown Prince was crushed into the grotto, and the future emperor of Daqian was buried in the grotto. The young man felt bitter, surrounded by an invisible sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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