Chapter 266 [The road is uneven] (3)

The old sugar man desperately hugged the man's leg, not letting him leave, but the other party's strength was too great, he felt that his arm was about to be torn off, but he still couldn't stop the man from leaving, his heart sank At the bottom of the valley, she fell into deep despair, and there was no light in her eyes.

Just when he was in despair, Xiao Di suddenly stood up and shouted, which made him feel like he was enjoying the music, and saw hope again. He knew that finally there was a good-hearted person who was willing to help him, and suddenly there was a strong force in his hand, hugging him Hold that person and don't let go.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Di, seeing her image, they couldn't help being a little surprised.Although Xiao Di's whole body was considered clean, it was full of patches. No matter how she looked at it, she was not a person of status, and her timid face also revealed that she was not an expert. Come out to stand out, everyone shook their heads.

When the two Xiaozhu gang heard that someone was coming out, their hearts skipped a beat. This is Yujing City, where all kinds of dignitaries are entangled. It is impossible to guarantee that there are some big figures who can't understand their behavior, but looking back, when they saw Xiao Di, their hearts were full Suddenly loose.

"Little girl, don't meddle in other people's business, and be careful not to burn yourself!" The man slightly taller on the left threatened.

"You two majestic men, who have hands and feet and don't want to support yourself, are you not ashamed to snatch money from an old man in the street? Is there any law?" Xiao Di stood on the street, accusing loudly, filled with righteous indignation Stern words.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect that she, a weak woman, would have such courage. Some people showed admiration, thinking that no matter what the outcome, at least courage is commendable. Of course, some people curled their lips, thinking that she was overthinking herself and reasoning with these people , that is playing the piano to a cow, and you will soon be hit with a bloody head.

"Little girl, it's not your turn to teach my brothers a lesson, get out of here if you're sensible, otherwise, I'll beat you up too." The slightly taller man on the left rolled up his sleeves, and was about to step forward to teach Xiao Di a lesson.

He was held back by the slightly shorter person on the right. This person was short and fat, with a small nose and small eyes. At this moment, his eyes greedily looked at Xiao Di, and he said with a lewd smile: "Little girl, I was told by our Eighth Master, If you don't like it, you can talk to our Eighth Master."

"Who is your eighth master? Where is it?" Xiao Di asked.

"It's right in front of Juyun Building. If you have the guts, follow along." A sinister look flashed across the eyes of the short man. Although Xiao Di was young, he was a beauty, which made his heart itch, and he wanted to Use her kindness and inexperience to deceive her away and satisfy his desire.

Xiao Di didn't know anything about this person's dirty thoughts, and she showed a thoughtful look.

"Oh, poor little girl, she is about to fall into the jaws of a tiger." Someone shook his head and sighed softly.

"Little girl..." Someone wanted to remind her, but when the tall man stared at her, she immediately fell silent and swallowed the rest of the words.

Meng Xiaodie sneered, these two people really don't know how to live and die, they dare to play Xiao Di's idea.

Xiao Di was not stupid, he noticed everyone's reaction, and reacted immediately, his face was flushed with anger, and he stopped talking nonsense to the two of them, and directly stretched out his hand, saying: "Hurry up and return the money, otherwise, be careful I will hit you!" You guys, I know martial arts!"

Xiao Di's words made the two of them startled for a moment, and then burst into laughter, unable to straighten their backs. This weak little girl like a flower actually threatened them.

(End of this chapter)

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