Book of the Heavens

Chapter 227 Zhuge Liang's Discussion on the Balance of the Universe

Chapter 227 Zhuge Liang's Discussion on the Balance of the Universe
"It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not, but that you've thought wrong from the beginning, so it's impossible to achieve the balance of the universe anyway." Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said, "To give a somewhat vulgar example, there was once a Because people’s excrement was not handled well, the local administrators issued regulations to prohibit anyone from excreting. Then it didn’t take long for that place to turn from a bustling city to a ruin.”

Thanos was taken aback when he heard the words, frowned and said, "How stupid are you to forbid others to excrete?"

Although his strength is very strong, he is a relatively strong "Father God" level among the true gods, and when he holds the six-gem infinite glove, he is even comparable to a golden fairy, but the most basic food, drink and lazard are still required.

Manwei God is different from the Eastern Immortal who cultivated Bigu. In many ways, they are not separated from the mortal Fan Tao.

Because it is necessary and essential, in the eyes of Thanos, the prohibition of excretion is simply an unreasonable and stupid regulation, which is so stupid.

He really couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in a place where excretion was not allowed.

"But now, you are doing the same thing." Zhuge Liang said: "Because the resources of the universe are over-consumed, you made the decision to wipe out half of the human race in the universe. Isn't it the same as prohibiting excretion? Your original intention to protect the resources of the universe is just to Let life not perish due to the exhaustion of resources, but the behavior you do is destroying life, don’t you think it’s a bit of a waste of money?”

Hearing this, Thanos was not persuaded, but shook his head and said, "I'm different. I help people because they don't know how to restrain themselves. If they agree with my ideas and take the initiative to wipe out half of mankind, Infinity War will never start! "

After all, he is one of the overlords in the universe. Thanos' belief is very firm, and he will not be shaken by a few words.

The reason why he was a little shaken before was only because he found that the Infinity Gauntlet had not achieved his goal, and his mind was a little weak due to disappointment.After all, if even the Infinity Gauntlet can't achieve "cosmic balance", he really can't think of anything else that can be achieved.

But after waking up, especially after realizing that there was a problem with the Infinity Gauntlet, he reacted.

Therefore, his thinking gradually became paranoid and became unreasonable again.

Even this time, like in the plot of Avengers 4, he had the idea of ​​destroying all life and recreating the world, and he didn't just think about it, but really wanted to do it.

I have to say that Thanos' ambition is really lofty, and his heart is "fraternity".

However, isn't his approach exactly the same as the "fate" in the zombie world and the original Kunlun god in the soul ferry?
The same extermination of the world, the same re-creation of life, the difference is that fate and Kunlun God have both succeeded, but Thanos has not succeeded.

"A wrong concept, how can people agree?" Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "If you want me to say, instead of destroying human beings, you might as well eliminate the ability of human beings to occupy resources. For example, snap your fingers so that all life in the universe is no longer Being able to eat will save a lot of resources, which is much more effective than destroying half of the human race in the universe."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, and then said: "Or, if we turn all life into immovable stones, won't this prevent us from encroaching on resources and never perish?"

Obviously, he is just talking nonsense now, and what he said is more extreme than Thanos' thoughts.

However, when Thanos heard the words, he thought seriously: "What you said makes sense. Human beings don't seem to be hopeless. If I deprive them of the ability to occupy resources and then distribute them reasonably, wouldn't it be Will there be no more tragedies of the perishing of the Titan Star Eternal Clan?"

As soon as these words came out, even Zhuge Liang was speechless for a while.

He suddenly discovered that Thanos's brain was not paranoid at all, but broken, flooded, the brain was eaten by dogs, half of the brain, a tendon, and a string missing... But everything that can be thought of can describe the human brain If there is a problem, it seems that it can be applied to Thanos.

"To be honest, Kong Ming, if you can convince him, it will be great." Yang Hao said.

Thanos' paranoia, he has now seen it.

"It's a bit troublesome to persuade, but it's okay to be reasonable. I'll have a good talk with him." Zhuge Liang said, waving his feather fan, and said with a smile: "Giant Spirit God, come, let's clear up all the small miscellaneous fish first."

Following the sound, a breath that made Thanos' hairs stand on end burst out suddenly.

However, the aura was so huge that no one could be seen at all.

"Among the man-made gods, is there a giant spirit god who has reached the ultimate power?" Yang Hao showed an interested look.

Zhuge Liang had never seen the man-made gods in the world where they evolved into real gods. At first, everyone thought that the limit of man-made gods was the level of the Heavenly Father, which was similar to that of ordinary true gods.However, after the Athena incident, everyone knew that after 2000 years of development in the "Three Kingdoms", the water was much deeper than everyone imagined.

Not to mention anything else, the strength of the man-made god alone is not the level of "Godfather God" that everyone thinks.

Because Zhuge Liang controls those "heavenly soldiers and generals", he is sure to challenge the "Da Luo Tianxian", if he has not transcended the long river of time himself, and cannot create soldiers who are also transcending the long river of time, he would even dare to compete with the "Da Luo Xuanxian" .

Athena, who has become a golden fairy, once used the World Tree to smuggle into the world where Zhuge Liang was, and tried the fighting power of artificial gods.

In the end result, she exhausted all her strength to barely make a draw.

And whether Zhuge Liang used all his strength, no one knows, anyway, Yang Hao doesn't believe that he was "lucky" in a tie.

"Do you want to do it? I look down on the guy who can't argue with others and uses violence to solve the problem." Thanos said with contempt.

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "I won't fight with you, I just sent my men to clean up your miscellaneous soldiers, so as not to let them continue to wreak havoc."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, manifesting a distant picture.

Because of the butterfly effect of Yang Hao's arrival, the Infinity Stones are not in the hands of the Avengers. Thanos and the Avengers did not fight directly, but Obsidian will destroy the Kingdom of the Dark Elf, and it will still be against the Nine Kingdoms. Geographical location, the five generals started a war with Asgard on Earth.

The current battle situation is very anxious, and neither of the two parties can do anything to the other, but when it becomes anxious, the earth suffers.

Whether it is weapons or strength, the two parties have caused great damage to the earth - according to statistics, the collision of the two strong men has caused a super earthquake of about 30 magnitudes. If the earth was not sent by Yang Hao to Athena The seal was applied, and at this time I am afraid that it has been torn apart.

This is far greater than the movement during Infinity War in the reunion plot.

"I sense the breath of your men, but where are they?" Thanos said.

He sensed the breath of the giant spirit god, but he didn't see anyone.

"Yeah, what about people?" Yang Hao also said, "I heard from Athena that the giant spirits are so big that they can be seen even thousands of miles away. Why can't I see them?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "You saw it, but you didn't pay attention."

Then, he pointed to the deep sky above.There, a part of the void is particularly dark, like dark clouds, but how can there be dark clouds in the universe?

That's a person, I don't know how big a person is!
(End of this chapter)

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