Ultraman's Dark Bond

Chapter 86 In order not to lose again

Chapter 86 In order not to lose again
Back home, Yunhui drank a glass of water with trembling hands.From the current date, it can be seen that time has returned to the past. Although this is quite incredible for him, Qianyue's reaction to him has more or less confirmed this point.

And the current timeline is the time period when he was preparing to take refuge in the research institute after receiving the assassination order.

Then the things experienced in the middle and everything that happened have become painful memories that only belong to Yunhui because they never existed.Nothing happened. Although it was not a bad thing, Yun Hui, who had already left a deep impression, still couldn't accept it in a short time.

At 23:31 in the evening, the night was getting darker, in a building in the downtown area of ​​the city.

The unbearable memories began to torment Yunhui's dream like a nightmare, and every moment of the heavy blow seemed to reappear.

When he was shot by a dozen soldiers with guns inside the defense force; when he was locked in an unknown dark altar and was intimidated by countless pairs of bloodthirsty fierce eyes; and when he got the ultimate darkness and dark Zaki battle!
"Light, light." He made a small voice.

At this time, the door was opened with a "squeak", and a figure opened the door a small crack, revealing half of its head.

She whispered worriedly: "Yunhui?"

Then, under the crazy laugh of the white-faced clown, the countless dark thorns turned into reality, piercing through the sinful demon god Fitamundo, flashed in Yun Hui's mind!
"No!" Yun Hui quickly opened his eyes, obviously awakened by the nightmare.The feeling of powerlessness seemed to be experienced again, and he even let out a cry because of it.

"Yunhui? Have you had a nightmare?"

Hearing the sound, Yunhui looked sideways and saw Qianyue sitting by the bed.

She comforted a little naively: "Don't be afraid~ With Qianyue here, no one can hurt Yunhui."

This sentence is surprisingly touching.Yun Hui felt that his eyes were covered with mist again, but in order not to be noticed, he looked away again.

"Huh?" There was no response, Qianyue's eyes turned Yunhui's face twice, and then said: "If Yunhui is afraid of having nightmares again, then Qianyue should stay and protect Yunhui!"

Saying that, Qianyue got into bed and slept next to Yunhui.

Ah. Yun Hui was a little surprised by her behavior, "Ke Ke, is this really okay?"

"Don't Yunhui like it?"

"D-Of course not." Yun Hui said, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the scenery outside the window. Although the bright moon was hanging in the sky, it still unknowingly began to drizzle, just like before.

To be honest, in line with the lingering fear of the nightmare just now, just the sight of the rain made Yunhui feel a little scared.

And now there is only one person who can make him feel warm. Although it is a bit dramatic, Yun Hui still couldn't help but feel moved.Turning his gaze to Qianyue, this idiot has already fallen asleep.

Maybe before, Yunhui would think of going to other places, but now he only thinks of one thing—cherishing what is in front of him is better than anything else.

So, Yun Hui hugged her sideways.

Because Qianyue was wearing a thin nightdress at this time.For Yunhui, the feeling is quite good.

In the moment of hugging her, those painful memories seemed to be dissipated like an hourglass, and fell into such a rare and deep sleep, Yun Hui hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time, he must have been very tired.

However, before Yun Hui fell asleep, he secretly thought of something.

That said. The cult is still there, and Faust, that clown, and even Dark Zaki haven't been defeated
too terrifying
Even at that time, the erupting terrifying power still only severely damaged Upesa and Dark Zaki. From this, it can be guessed that the level of the sinful demon god may be at the same level as Dark Zaki!And it seems that it hasn't shown its true colors yet, it was just caught off guard by myself
As the priest of the cult, he has the terrifying power to defeat Ultraman and kill the fellow sinner, the demon god Fitamundo. Wait, this statement is a bit sloppy.

If it is said that Fitamondo can fight against one without being injured and without any fear, but who should deal with other cult groups?What's more, there is also the dark Zaki hidden in the dark field G
The oppressive feeling like a tide seemed to rush towards Yunhui imperceptibly, making him feel extremely suffocated.

But he never wanted to, and he would never sit still and wait for the tragedy to happen again.

Thinking of this, the corners of Yunhui's mouth couldn't help but twitched in an imperceptible arc.

Things are interesting just because they're so hopeless, aren't they?Now that the development of the situation has been known in advance, nothing is impossible.

Leo, Eddie.

Every time I was the one who was saved, now... it's my turn to save!
Then this world will be rewritten by me!
(End of this chapter)

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