Ultraman's Dark Bond

Chapter 43 A Successful Experiment

Chapter 43 A Successful Experiment


Under the gloomy light, a young man screamed in fright, and beside him was a pool of dirty blood——that was another dead person.

"Help, help!" The young man took three steps in parallel, and ran away quickly in an ugly running posture.

"Hee hee." The girl in the black dress had no intention of chasing and killing her, but looked at the blood on the ground and laughed badly, "That distorted expression of being overly frightened is really wonderful, ahaha."

Only kill one and let the other go on purpose.The reason is simple, because from the moment she exposed her wildness, fear was implanted in that young man's heart like magic, and it will never go away.He will live under the shadow of this time forever until he goes crazy.

In the laboratory, the experiment of the research institute ushered in failure again, and another Arakunai died in the experiment.

An assistant gritted his teeth and patted the host with his hand, "Damn it, Dr. Chuan. Seeing that fewer and fewer live alien beasts have been caught, if this continues, even if the experiment is successful, it will be meaningless."

Dr. Chuan pushed his glasses, thoughtfully.

And the other scientists who were watching couldn't help talking, and one of them came out and asked the doctor: "Didn't the previous plan say that the experiment should not be carried out until the dark "carrier" is caught? It shouldn't be a slowdown now." Slow down?"

Suddenly, the doctor gave him a cold look, "The action announced above has been changed long ago. Do you think the demon "Fallen" is easy to mess with? Capture? Joke, if it can be done, why should the defense forces wait so long? ?And we are not sure that we can control her with our technological level. If something happens, not to mention our lives, even the entire research institute will be in danger. So, after a rigorous analysis, the above The final action taken is to eliminate it to prevent future troubles."

"Yes?" The staff member was puzzled, "Didn't you promise that guest before?"

"You don't have to worry about it, I think he will understand afterwards, and this is the arrangement of the senior staff, we just obey the order."

"Understood." The person backed away.

The doctor turned his gaze back to the operating system, and thought to himself: I heard that the alien beast uses human fear as energy, it is really scary.This method is of course useless.Damn, there must be other ways, for sure
"That's right." He had a flash of inspiration, and immediately said to the staff: "Try using that cosmic cell!"

"But isn't that a banned chemical?"

"So what? Maybe cooperating with Ebolon cells can really come in handy?"


"Ka Ka Ka Ka -" the sound of electric current staggered continuously, followed by the injection of Ebolon cells.

Finally, several alien beasts were successfully transformed, and the dead alien beasts were also reawakened, and at the same time, their brains were also mechanized by them, and the high-end consciousness controlled by them was input.

"Hahaha, it succeeded! It succeeded! The first group of alien beasts belonging to humans was finally born, haha——!"

Seeing the energetic Arakuna standing up again, Dr. Chuan suddenly lost his usual demeanor and laughed wildly.

He managed to stop his smile, pushed down his glasses, and a reflection flashed across the lens, "No, since we have found the right method. We still need more alien beasts. Yes, more. In this way even You don’t even need to pay attention to giants, hehe, I’m such a genius.”

In the market, Xinye is picking out all kinds of things.Then wrap it in a gift box, it seems that the injuries caused by Gregorian and THEONE last time have improved.

Soon, he looked at the bought and packaged gifts in his hands, and said to himself: "It's almost time to go and see what's going on at the institute."

After finishing speaking, he had just walked a few steps when he was overwhelmed by the sudden terrifying atmosphere, and his movements were forcibly suspended because of this.

In fact, nothing happened, but a girl happened to appear in front.

She was wearing a black short dress that didn't reach her knees. Her pretty face and her white jade legs were exposed, which made people couldn't help but take a few more glances.

But what really caught Xinye's attention was the black fingerless gloves on her hands.

Just when the girl in the black dress approached the new night for a while, the evolution trustee in her pocket flickered strongly.

But Xin Ye froze in place, motionless like a stone statue.

Until the girl passed him by without a word, nothing strange happened.

Unknowingly, dense cold sweat broke out on Xin Ye's forehead.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: It's actually a nightmare.

Is this let off?
(End of this chapter)

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