Princess, stop being a demon

Chapter 75. Chapter 76. Xue is Sad

Chapter 75 76. Huixue is Sad

Compared with jumping about to cry without tears, Huixue is relaxed. If it weren't for the clothes clinging to his back and wet hair, no one would have known that he just ran back and forth dozens of times to Buzhou Mountain. .

Naturally, there was no way to participate in the class in the morning. Mu Linge frowned slightly. He didn't know who was leading the class. At this time, all the students in the classroom ran to jump and compete with Huixue. Looking at the empty classroom where there were only ten people left, Mu Linge calmed down for a while, and listened carefully to the teacher's brother's explanation.

This class is about the basic knowledge of the Nine Realms, as well as the different cultivation methods and taboos of each realm. Mu Linge listened carefully. The roll of white cloth on the table had written many crooked words eloquently. In the textbook, As usual, I gave her the key points and things that she was interested in.

I think it was because there were too many people absent, which caused the senior teacher to lose interest. He skipped and talked for half the class, and most of the students who stayed behind seemed to be distracted by the cheering shouts from not far away. , Then threw the textbook and announced that get out of class was over.

Ai Mu walked up to Mu Lingge's side, looked down at the words she wrote on the cloth, and couldn't recognize them for a long time, so she was very interested, "Student Mu, what are you writing?"

"Of course it's words!" Mu Linge pouted, "Could it be that I'm drawing?"

"Uh," Ai Mu looked again, and finally confirmed that he really didn't recognize it, so he humbly asked for advice: "Then, Mr. Mu, which country's characters are these?" It looks like a string of talismans, which is more or less the same.

"I created it myself!" She smiled all over her face, "This is called shorthand, understand?"

"Then what do these mean?"

"It means," she rolled her eyes, "Oh, you don't understand even if I tell you, it's just notes!" How would she explain that it came from tens of thousands of years later in simplified Chinese characters or the tadpole characters from the other side of the sea? ?

Chonghua looked over with one eye, the corner of his mouth lightened, and he hummed slightly, "I don't know what to say!"

Mu Linge stood up immediately, and said displeasedly: "Student Chonghua, can you speak more politely? What do you mean I don't know what to say? Why don't you say that you have long hair and little knowledge? One or two can only be used to a limited extent. How ignorant is it to look at the infinite future without the knowledge of the world!"

Chonghua's eyes were slightly annoyed, "Who is ignorant?"

"Of course you are ignorant!" Mu Linge was not polite at all, and pointed out the ground in front of a dozen classmates, "Let me ask you, do you know what is on the other side of the mountain? The other side of the sky What is it?"

"Mountain, sky!" The words were simple and shocking, and Chonghua answered without thinking.

"Nonsense!" Mu Linge decided to teach this arrogant guy a good lesson, "Who doesn't know that the other side of the mountain is still the mountain, and the other side of the sky is still the sky. I mean, what kind of people are there on the other side of the mountain?" people? What do they live on now? Is there chaos? Is anyone hungry?"

"I don't know what to say!" Another four words, Chonghua said that he couldn't communicate.

"I know you can't answer!" Mu Linge raised his eyebrows, "So, you great gods in the future, don't think that you can know everything and be omnipotent if you become a god. The 5000-year culture is extensive and profound, and there are still many things you don’t know!”

(End of this chapter)

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