Silence Valkyrie

Chapter 549 The will to wake up

Chapter 549 The will to wake up

"I don't like her at all, so what else can she do other than scare people with the forbidden artifact Crystal Orchid!"

When it comes to his opponent, Sun and Yingqi don't fight each other.

But thinking of the power of the forbidden artifact, she finally snorted and said: "Anyway, it is her ability to make the forbidden artifact recognize her as the master, at least my old lady can't beat her now."

"However, Crystal Orchid's consumption of the host is not just for fun. She must not live as long as my old lady. Moreover, after my old lady advances to Wuzun in the future, she can be ignored!"

Sun Yuying said a lot angrily, and then remembered that Sun Yixi was her cousin after all, and it seemed inappropriate to slander her cousin in front of Zhang Shan, an outsider.

Zhang Shan had come to his senses at this time, he said with a smile: "So you two have conflicts, it's interesting, I've heard of her these days, but I haven't had a chance to meet her."

After a pause, he suddenly asked suspiciously: "Well, why did she appear here? It seems that she is still here to observe me?"

"Who knows why she's crazy, maybe she's bored."

Sun Yuying curled her lips and said, she naturally couldn't tell about the conflict between Xisuiyuan and Sun Yixi. Sun Yixi regarded Zhang Shan as her boyfriend at that time, and she seemed to be planning to snatch it away.

The void ship was ready, and it took off after Zhang Shan boarded the ship. Zhang Shan couldn't delay any longer. After saying goodbye to Sun Yuying again, he stepped into the cabin door, went to the seat inside and sat down.

This void ship deserves to be of military grade. With a slight shock, it quickly soared into the air, climbed to the high altitude in an instant, and then broke through the void passage, and shuttled towards the Holy Demon Battlefield.

Zhang Shan buried his body in the soft seat, and the experiences of these days flashed through his mind like a lantern, and they all stayed in the sanctuary.

The void ship travels through the void, looking out from the porthole, there is only endless darkness.

There is no alternation of day and night, and you can occasionally see flashes of lightning in the dark void, appearing and disappearing instantly.

Zhang Shan took the opportunity to take a nap. When he felt a slight vibration and woke up, the void ship had landed in Weiyang City on the Holy Demon Battlefield.

This city, the second largest transportation hub connecting the sanctuary and the holy battlefield, is a bustling scene.

After Zhang Shan bid farewell to the personnel of the Sun Clan, he did not plan to stay in Weiyang, but sent a letter to Nan Ruoli via the military communication agency in Weiyang.

Then he hired a land speeder in the city and let it carry him to the front line.

His destination was not Jiuyuan City, but he planned to go to Sun Clan's base in the Holy Demon Battlefield first.

Zhang Shan intends to replenish a batch of supplies and supplies there before entering the crisis-ridden Sun Clan war zone.

On the land speeder, Zhang Shan was resting with his eyes closed, thinking about the next specific action plan by the way.

The performance of this land speeder is quite good, it should be a new model, its speed is much faster than the speed speed of the previous land speeder, and the bumps of the hull can hardly be felt.

After considering the action plan, Zhang Shan began to stop observing and enter concentration again, and began to comprehend his own martial arts skills, and unconsciously fell into a state of ecstasy.

I don't know how long it took, when the captain came over and was about to report to him, he felt something and woke up from the trance.

The captain said that there were only a few hundred miles left to the destination base, and it would take about an hour to arrive.

Zhang Shan nodded, stretched one limb, and got up and moved a few times. This is the last section of the journey. This time the trip went very smoothly without any accidents.

The captain was about to return to the control room, and then the entire land speeder suddenly shook violently for no reason.

Zhang Shan reacted very quickly, grabbed the handrail in an instant, and stood firmly on the floor, but the captain was thrown out by surprise, hit the bulkhead and fell to the ground, his head was knocked out. I got a big bag.

The captain was not an ordinary person either. He reacted quickly and thought he was being attacked at the first moment. Regardless of the flesh and blood wounds on his head, he jumped up and rushed into the control room, changing the automatic driving to manual driving.

And Zhang Shan didn't care about the captain, he flashed to the porthole and looked out, and then his whole body shook violently.

The sky, which was clear before, is now filled with rolling dark clouds, and behind the dark clouds, the familiar aura of Huo Dou is continuously gushing out.

Zhang Shan was suspicious in his heart, he had participated in bloody battles for a long time, and he was very familiar with the legal domain that had been shrouded in the sky by Fudou, and those tumbling dark clouds were part of his legal domain.

But not long before that, the Expeditionary Headquarters issued a message saying that Fudou's legal domain showed signs of weakening and shrinking.

But looking at the situation at this time, there is a weakening there, and it is simply a crazy skyrocketing!

Zhang Shan felt that the ground was vibrating at the same time, and those areas in the sky seemed to be expanding.

And that kind of will to fight is also sweeping across the sky and the earth from time to time, as if chasing some prey.

And this kind of celestial power, compared to the two times it had appeared before, is several times stronger this time. Now that Zhang Shan has entered the realm of Guiyuan, he also feels unbearable.

At this time, Zhang Shan felt that his own actions were a little difficult. This was because Fudou hadn't targeted him. If he was locked by his consciousness, he might not be able to move at all.

Zhang Shan has become numb to this, the will to fight against disasters he has been exposed to several times before, but compared with this time, it is simply a world of difference.

Zhang Shan faintly understood that the will that Fudou appeared at that time should be the unconscious reaction in his deep sleep, and the will now is the embodiment of Fudou waking up and starting to move.

Just when this idea appeared in his mind, an extremely cold and indifferent will swept across the land speeder, filling every corner of the cabin instantly.

But Zhang Shan only felt that his whole body was immersed in an absolute zero environment, and he lost consciousness all over his body in an instant, and fell straight to the ground.

Zhang Shan felt that every pore of his body was controlled by it. Just when this will was about to penetrate into his sea of ​​souls, Bei Wuhun issued a light mask, covering the core part of his sea of ​​souls, isolating The prying of the will of disaster fighting.

In a trance, Huo Dou's will suddenly went away, just as suddenly when he came.

After Fu Douzhi left, Zhang Shan's body gradually regained consciousness, he stood up slowly, and staggered to the cockpit.

He felt that the land speeder was still moving forward, but its direction was twisted, as if the driver was drunk, and it would definitely cause accidents if it continued like this.

In the cockpit, the two crew members fell to the ground with blood from all seven orifices, and it seemed that the ominous situation might be fatal, while the captain fell stiffly on the floor under the steering wheel, but he was still breathing.

Zhang Shan staggered and rushed to the console, turned off the power of the scurrying land speeder, and stopped it.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Zhang Shan felt that he had almost recovered, so he pointed at the captain's forehead and injected a piece of real energy to protect his soul sea and help him recover.

After a while, the captain came back with clear eyes, and seemed to be out of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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