Silence Valkyrie

Chapter 390 Maggots with Bones

Chapter 390 Maggots with Bones
Duanmuke is a name resounding throughout Beiyang Kingdom and surrounding countries.

Of course, his prestige is also circulating in the chaotic land bordering Beiyang Kingdom.

He is a martial artist of the ninth level of Xuanwu, but his fame and respect are far higher than that of ordinary martial saints.

This is not only because he is the prince of the Beiyang Kingdom, but also the invincible commander of the Beiyang Army.

So far, in the confrontation between the two countries, the army under his command has never been defeated.

However, it is absolutely unexpected that such a prince and famous general should appear in a chaotic place and command the Galewind Merchant Guild's encirclement and suppression troops.

Duanmuke is actually related to the Galewind Chamber of Commerce. If this news gets out, it will definitely cause an uproar in Beiyang.

Now, the ever-victorious commander of Beiyang Kingdom, after fighting with his two maids for [-] rounds, began to arrange the next battle instructions.

While drawing casually on the rune map on the wall of the carriage, he gave orders one by one. The adjutant standing by the window quickly contacted the various troops and directed the battle of the encirclement and suppression troops.

If Zhang Shan sees the route he drew on the map, he will be surprised, because that is the direction he intends to travel next.

In the area marked on the map, there are more than a dozen arrows moving, and a red star indicating Zhang Shan's location, and the line drawn behind it indicates his latest moving direction.

From these lines, it can be seen that Zhang Shan's movement does not seem to have any rules at all, but under the constant pressure of Duanmuke's mobilized army, Zhang Shan's room for movement has been greatly restrained, and the choices he can make Not many.

However, the area they are in now has complex terrain, and it is a place where trade routes meet. The probability of encountering various caravans is very high, which actually caused a lot of trouble for Haifeng's encirclement and suppression troops.

Zhang Shan can use high prices to lure some neutral chambers of commerce to provide him with supplies, but the Galewind chamber of commerce cannot take over all the forces in one pot, thus giving the enemy troops a chance to breathe.

Another battle situation was sent to Duanmuke's hands. This was the battle that just ended a quarter of an hour ago. 320 vs. 45, Zhang Shan once again broke out from the three encirclement and suppression teams with a loss rate of [-]:[-].

Duanmuke had a rough idea of ​​the combat strength of Zhang Shan's army. There were almost 300 fighters, of which [-] were at the junior level of Zhenwu, and the rest were at the advanced level of Lingwu.

Of course, after the previous battle, there should be only 450 people left.

However, the three squads of Haifeng just now were about 300, among which there were more than [-] fighters in the real martial arts realm, and the total number was three times that of the enemy. I don't understand.

Even though Zhang Shan is a warrior of the ninth level of Xuanwu, the other three encirclement and suppression teams have no opponents who can match him, so let him kill all directions.

However, this battle loss rate is still too high, and it has increased a lot from the previous situation of one to four or five.

If Duanmuke led his own army against Gale's encirclement and suppression troops, it would not be difficult to achieve this effect of annihilating the enemy.

But Zhang Shan's troops only come from those slave fighters, and it took only two or three months to form them, so they shouldn't be able to compare with his well-trained Beiyang Army.

Therefore, Duanmuke was very surprised that Zhang Shan could achieve this level.

His tactics during this time were to constantly suppress Zhang Shan with a dense and flexible team, just like wolves in the field catching their prey. No small damage.

Then accumulate serious injuries with small injuries, and finally achieve the tactical goal of dragging down the enemy and annihilating them.

And if this kind of battle loss ratio is used, even if Zhang Shan's troops are finally annihilated, there must be very few of Gale's encirclement and suppression troops. This is obviously unacceptable.

At this time, the detailed statistical report on the death of the troops that he had ordered just now had been redone, and the adjutant had drawn up a chart and sent it to him.

On this chart, it is indicated that among the 320 people who died in battle, 150 six people died at the hands of Zhang Shan, and among them, the commanders of the three teams and officers above the squad leader were included.

"It turns out that this person is powerful in battle, and he immediately implemented the beheading tactic, so that our team was leaderless, leading to a rapid defeat."

Duanmuk frowned and tapped on the desk thinking.

If you want to prevent this from happening, you can't use a team of 500 people to carry out small-scale intensive biting tactics. You must gather more than 2000 people to form a large team.

However, if this is the case, with the current number of Gale Feng's encirclement and suppression troops around 6000, only three brigades can be synthesized, which is much less flexible, and the tactics similar to ambush from ten sides will be changed.

After the army's net-like tactics have been changed, there will be more gaps in the encirclement, and the opponent will have more room to maneuver.

But Duanmuk is quite confident in himself in this regard.

"Since you can't play easily, you should be more serious. You can be proud of me spending such brain power."

Thinking to himself, he began to draw on the map, modified the actions of each team, and then issued a series of orders.

It took some time to assemble a dozen teams into three. During this time, Haifeng stopped the non-stop harassing attacks, and Zhang Shan took a breather for a while.

However, the future direction of Zhang Shan's troops has been under the surveillance of Gale, and all information will be collected in the carriage a hundred miles away in the first place.

On the map, Haifeng's troops are moving towards the border of Beiyang country while gathering.

And Zhang Shan's marching route was faintly pointing directly in that direction. Their continuous detours and breakouts before were forming a snake shape that wanted to break through to the north.

If this continues, then Zhang Shan's troops will be encircled by the three large forces of Gale in a canyon on the northern border, and the final decisive battle may take place there.

Duanmuke suddenly frowned. Although Zhang Shan's troops clearly seemed to be fleeing to the north on the map, the final result was that they moved [-] li to the north.

But in this series of breakthroughs, they moved five hundred miles eastward unknowingly.

"It seems that they were blocked by our side, which made it unfavorable for them to break through to the north, but... does this kid plan to go east?"

Duanmuke muttered to himself.

After thinking for a while, he overturned his own thoughts: "Impossible to go east! Then... maybe, his real intention before was to consume our troops, even fighting to the last one? "

(End of this chapter)

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