Chapter 329
The next day, a notice posted outside the mayor's mansion caused a sensation in Jiaoye Town.

"The Huoyun Gang is finished, and now the Cangtian Society will take over Jiaoye Town..."

"Hey, it says the city entry tax will be cancelled?"

"And the transaction tax exemption for this year?"

"Is this true? How could this heaven do this?"

A group of people gathered in front of the bulletin board were discussing, and most of them were skeptical.

Those gangs occupying a town are originally for the purpose of obtaining resources and property, but now one of them has given up such interests, it is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

Zhang Shan didn't bother to pay attention to the townspeople's reaction. He was looking at the map on the wall in the study, thinking about the next move.

And the captains sat at the table, waiting for his decision.

Around Jiaoye Town, there are two groups of robbers active, guarding two trade routes leading to the outside of Jiaoye Town.

The passage to the north leading to Pine Forest Town is controlled by a group of Red Scorpion Thieves, and the passage leading west to Yuanshui Town is controlled by the Black Wind Thieves.

"Which one are we going to deal with?" Fang Yiru asked from the side.

"Let's get rid of the Black Wind Group first. These people have been rampant recently. They have already attacked three caravans coming to Jiaoye Town in the past month."

Zhang Shan thought about it and said: "The population of Yuanshui Town is relatively large, and there is a commercial road leading to Pingyuan City behind it. Our next step is to control Yuanshui Town."

"President, let me take someone to search for the whereabouts of the Black Wind Group. After finding them, let the large army go and destroy them." Zhu Hanjiang stood up and said.

In order to conceal the identities of their own group, everyone unanimously decided that from now on, except for their titles, they will all be addressed as brothers, and the previous titles such as senior brother and junior brother cannot be used.

"We don't need to take the initiative to search, as long as we follow the caravan, they will automatically come to the door."

Zhang Shan smiled and said: "Ge Xu, isn't there a caravan that wants to leave, but the guards are not enough and have been dragging on? You can contact them and tell them that the guards in the town are willing to escort them to Yuanshui Town for free."

According to Ge Xu, when a caravan came to Jiaoye Town, it encountered a small group of robbers from the Black Wind Pirates. Although it arrived safely, it also lost a lot of manpower. Enough goods, but has not been able to make the trip.

"It's lucky that the surname Zhou is able to let us be their guards this time." Ge Xu muttered and stood up, and immediately went out to make contact.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Shan personally led the team, took half of the staff, pretended to be members of the caravan, and followed the caravan on the road.

This caravan is from the Zhou family, a big family in the east. This is the first time they have come to Jiaoye Town to purchase spirit grass and various monster materials.

The Luanyun Mountain Range is the largest mountain range on the mainland. The forest in the mountain range is extremely wide. There are many monsters and treasures in it, and there are countless treasures. It has attracted many adventure teams from the mainland to hunt for treasures here.

Therefore, many small towns close to the mountains are the places where the adventure team is born and harvested, and Jiaoye Town is one of them.

This time, the Zhou family's caravan bought a large amount of raw materials, transported them back to the family's resident Fuyang City, and then sold them to the prosperous places in the east through the channels they mastered.

However, in the chaotic land, all kinds of robbers and robbers appear and disappear. Without strong force, it is impossible to take the goods out.

This time when the Zhou family came to Jiaoye Town, they were attacked by black wind bandits three hundred miles away from Jiaoye Town, and lost a large number of people. They were worried about how to return to Yuanshui Town safely.

As long as they pass Yuanshui Town, they have a little friendship with the gangsters there, and they can pass the customs with a little goods, unlike in

In the evening, the caravan set up camp on a small hillside, which was more than 100 miles away from Jiaoye Town.

Soon, steward Zhou of the caravan respectfully invited Zhang Shan to have a meal, and Zhang Shan did not refuse.

Manager Zhou's name is Zhou An. He is in his 40s and has no talent for cultivation.

However, he is indeed a good hand in business. Since he was 20 years old, he has been appointed by the Zhou family as the steward of a caravan, and he has gone to various parts of the mainland to do business, with rich experience.

Zhou An is quite talkative and good at observing words and demeanor.

Seeing that Zhang Shan was very interested in the local conditions and customs of various parts of the mainland, he picked up what he liked and introduced the situation of various places to Zhang Shan during the meeting.

He spends almost every year doing business in various places, and he is well-informed. Taking this opportunity, Zhang Shan quietly asked him for various news, especially the situation in the human region in the east.

"The refining level in this continent is relatively low, and there is no spirit boat for transportation. If the host wants to earn spirit stones, you can make a lot of money with your elementary refining level."

Ling'er was talking with Zhang Shan in the soul sea while listening to Zhou Guanshi's words.

"Also, your way of making puppets is probably unique here."

From Guanshi Zhou's words, we can understand that the Chixiao Continent has no less powerful people than the Sky Continent.

However, it is far inferior to the Sky Continent in terms of making tools, so the spirit boats that are more common in the Sky Continent are extremely rare here, and at most they can refine some spirit formation carriages.

Therefore, in terms of transportation, horse-drawn carriages are basically used to transport goods.

The same is true in terms of formations. The formation masters of Scarlet Sky Continent basically focus on teleportation formations, and the level of formations in aspects such as attack and defense is very low.

"Refining is a way to make money. You can try it when the time comes. Let's forget about the mechanism puppets for now. We are relatively weak now. Exposing this thing will definitely arouse the suspicion of the strong natives. That is the way to die." Zhang Shan is very clear about this understanding.

"Well, after your power grows, you can use the small spirit boat, and the Liangyi Star Shuttle Ship must not be exposed." Ling'er agreed.

"When I master the land of chaos, it doesn't matter what I want to do then." Zhang Shan smiled.

"The territory here is vast and there are many forces. It is not so difficult to unify all of them."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

After night fell, Zhang Shan bid farewell to Guanshi Zhou, and went back to his team's camp to rest, without talking all night.

Jiaoye Town is about [-] miles away from Yuanshui Town, and according to the speed of the caravan, it can take up to five days to arrive.

Three days later, I passed the hilly terrain along the way and entered a flat grassland.

When the caravan came to Jiaoye Town, it was in this grassland that they encountered the Black Wind Pirates.

Therefore, when they entered this grassland, all members of the Zhou family looked serious and vigilant.They all woke up with 12 points of spirit.

Zhou An drove his mount to Zhang Shan's side, and said a little uneasy: "President Zhang, this is where we met the group of people who killed thousands of knives last time, I hope this time we will have better luck."

Zhang Shan switched from Xiaobing's vision, smiled and said: "It's really lucky, those black wind bandits are here again."

(End of this chapter)

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