Silence Valkyrie

Chapter 241 Birthmark on Finger

Chapter 241 Birthmark on Finger

From Boss Ma's memory, I learned that the Eagle Guard is a secret department of the second prince's secret organization, similar to the secret hall of Wentianzong.

The number of Eagle Guards is unknown, and the highest position of Eagle Guards is the commander, followed by the general banner and stall head.

Boss Ma's real name is Ma Yifei, and he belongs to the Eagle Guard, and his position is the general banner.

As for the Pegasus Club, it was a task that Ma Yifei accepted.

The most important purpose of organizing a gangster, inquiring about news, and collecting intelligence is to make money for Yingwei through the method of gangsters eating gangsters.

After all, to do something, money is indispensable.

After so many years of activity, the Pegasus Society has provided Eagle Guard with a substantial amount of funding.

The leader of the Eagle Guard is named Luo Jiusi, who used to be the entourage of the second prince Cang Xingliang, and was later ordered to form the Eagle Guard to do some difficult things for Cang Xingliang.

For example, spying on officials and forces, assassinating political opponents, and so on.

Zhang Shan quickly read those memories of Ma Yifei.

But Ma Yifei's soul was desperately resisting, making some memories extremely incoherent and intermittent.

Zhang Shan punches him from time to time, which makes Ma Yifei's spirit suffer from pain and relax, so that he can use his soul searching technique.

Soon after, traces of blood began to flow out of Ma Yifei's seven orifices, which was a manifestation of brain trauma.

I guess he won't last long.

Zhang Shan increased the intensity of his soul power, and went deeper into Poshi Ma Yifei's soul sea.

Zhang Shan was shocked by a memory.

It was Luo Jiusi, the leader of the Eagle Guards, and he was raising his hands and saying something.

Zhang Shan noticed a light white birthmark the size of a peanut on the little finger of his left hand.

And this kind of birthmark, Zhang Shan has seen it in Gan's memory fragments, that is, the masked man who once took over the head with Qian also has an identical birthmark on his hand.

Just when Zhang Shan wanted to search for information about Luo Jiusi in Ma Yifei's memory.

There was a muffled snap.

Ma Yifei's seven orifices spurted blood wildly, Zhang Shan shook his head and withdrew his consciousness.

The general flag of the Eagle Guard finally couldn't take it anymore, his mind was blown into a mess, and he died.

Zhang Shan stood up slowly.

"Could it be that this Luo Jiushi is the boss who makes one-way contact?"

There was a huge wave in his heart. If the birthmark with the same shape and color appeared on the hands of two people, the chance of this was too small.

"The boss who did it must be this Luo Jiushi."

He made up his mind.

So, here comes the question, does the second prince Cang Xingliang know that Luo Jiushi is from the Palace of Past Rebirth?

"Or, Cang Xingliang is also a member of the Palace of Death?"

Zhang Shan couldn't help flashing this idea in his mind.

Yingwei is the second prince's most secret subordinate, and he must have won his trust.

And the person who is the leader of this Anbu must be a loyal subordinate to Cang Xingliang. If Cang Xingliang doesn't know Luo Jiushi's identity, it absolutely doesn't make sense.

Ma Yifei was banned in his soul, so Luo Jiushi, shouldn't he also have a contract with Cang Xingliang in this regard?
Therefore, if Luo Jiushi is really from the Palace of Past Rebirth, then Cang Xingliang must be inseparable from the Palace of Past Rebirth.

Either it is a cooperative relationship, or he is simply a magician.

However, the majestic prince of the Holy Dynasty turned out to be a demon cultivator?If it gets out, there will be an uproar.

Zhang Shan thought for a while, and decided to write down the matter first, and then he must find time to find out the matter.

Turning his head, he found that the battle on Megatron's side had also ended.

The two trap wolves had already been torn apart by Megatron.

This is also expected, with a difference of one rank, Megatron has no reason to be overwhelmed.

"Serena, well done!"

Zhang Shan smiled and gave it a thumbs up, and then put Megatron back into the Sumeru Ring.

"Okay, now it's time for a big sweep."

Zhang Shan laughed. When he heard that Ma Yifei asked him to come to the main helm to get the spirit stone, he thought it might be a trap.

But now that money is tight and spirit stones are urgently needed, I have to take a risk.

At that time, he also made up his mind to kill Ma Yifei and run away if something went wrong.

However, everything went smoothly, but the trap that Ma Yifei relied on did not pose a threat to him.

The warehouse is very large and there are many things.

Zhang Shan didn't have time to pick and choose, whether it was boxes, bottles, or rings, they all swept into the spiritual space with a single brain.

Together with those armor bows and crossbows are no exception.

After a while, the warehouse of the Pegasus Club was emptied by Zhang Shan.

Smiling in satisfaction, he opened the door of the warehouse with a jade token, then activated the few fire symbols he found on the shelf just now and threw them into the warehouse.

The fire blazed up, Zhang Shan walked out of the warehouse, and the door closed automatically again, cutting off the heat wave in the warehouse.

Zhang Shan returned from the original road and left the Silver Horse Casino without any surprises.

The street was crowded with people, and in front of many brothels on the street, there were soft voices soliciting clients from time to time.

"It seems that after coming to this world, my brother and I have been in brothels. If you have time, you should take a look."

Wanting to run into each other, Zhang Shan turned into an alley, and when he came out, he had changed his appearance again.

After leaving Lantian Street, Zhang Shan unfolded his movements and flew in the direction of Tiefu.

When he returned to his yard silently, it was already midnight, and the maidservants had already rested.

Zhang Shan quietly went to the bathhouse to clean up, and then returned to his room.

Can't wait to enter the spirit realm.

Ling'er was sitting on a pile of armor and counting things, with a smile on her face, obviously very satisfied with this harvest.

"How many spirit stones did you get in total?"

Zhang Shan was most concerned about this, and while he asked loudly, he jumped onto the pile of armor and sat down beside Linger.

"Basically they are all low-grade spirit stones, about 500 million in number, 1 yuan in middle-grade spirit stones, and none of high-grade spirit stones."

Ling'er has already counted the Lingshi and reported to him.

"That's only 600 yuan converted into high-grade spirit stones? That's enough for Xiaobing to last for half a year. If I want to use the Yuan Juyuan to practice, I can only practice for [-] hours."

Zhang Shan was a little dissatisfied.

"Do you think top-grade spirit stones are Chinese cabbage? For such a small gang, finding these is quite good."

With a blank look, he said.

"In the past, King Mo kept [-] high-grade spirit stones, but he didn't think there were too many of them. Now after walking around outside, he realized that there are really not many high-grade spirit stones. The merchants basically use middle-grade or even low-grade spirit stones to trade,"

Zhang Shan sighed and said, "Now it's not easy to earn high-grade spirit stones. According to this, I spent six thousand high-grade spirit stones for my sword. Did Master cheat me?"

"That's not true. Your sword can devour all kinds of rare ores to improve its quality. The price is really not expensive. Besides, the cost of a craftsman is not low. Why else would you be asked to learn crafting?"

"I don't feel like I have enough time. I still don't have a clue about the secret hall. There are some clues in the Palace of Rebirth, but it has something to do with the second prince. This matter is a bit difficult."

Thinking of this, Zhang Shan began to struggle again.

"Of course it's difficult for the host to do it alone, so you can ask someone to help you."

Ling'er blinked and said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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