My wife was reborn before me

Chapter 234 The Third Silver Bracelet

Chapter 234 The Third Silver Bracelet

Zhu Le looked at Yang Yang and the others nervously, not knowing whether to answer the call or not.

Yang Yang also lazily unraveled, pulled the suitcase, and took the lead to leave.

"Zhu Le has to go back to pack her luggage, let's go."

After saying this, Yang Yang and his party left.

Zhu Le, who was left behind, picked up his mobile phone and connected the call.

On the other end of the phone, Zhu Mama called and asked Zhu Le if they would drive to pick him up.

Zhu Le turned to look at the school gate that was already blocked by various parents' private cars, and replied.

"no need."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Le hung up the phone and saw that besides the parents who took their children away, there were many men and women walking together.

He couldn't help but looked up at the sky and sighed:

"When will my spring come?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, two figures walked out from the girls' dormitory building, one of which made Zhu Le's head shrink, and hid behind the flower bed in desperation.

After Ko Ni and Miao Shui walked out of the school gate together, Zhu Le came out from behind the flower bed.

Even he himself wondered, what is he guilty of?
Is it because he is too afraid of Miaoshui?
Zhu Le thought that it would not work for her to go on like this.

"Lao Yang said that the way to overcome fear is to face it directly, or..."

A bold idea was born in Zhu Le's mind, but it was quickly denied by himself.

"Everyone who is alive is afraid of death, and who can really overcome it. After death, they can't come back to life."

Muttering, Zhu Le walked back to the dormitory by himself.


The Labor Day holiday is no better than the Spring Festival, and not everyone has a holiday.

For example, Qian Ma, who is the executive chef, returned to the hotel one day in advance to prepare for the surge in the number of people during the festival.

It is impossible for Yang's father and Yang's mother to let go of their own shop. They gave themselves a holiday last year, and if they were placed in a big company, they could overdraw all their annual leave for three years.

So even though it was the May Day holiday, Yang's father and Yang's mother did not return home.

Part of the reason is because Yang Yang knew that he could earn money by himself, so he rented a house outside the school.

There is also a teacher who is also a father and a friend to help take care of him, completely letting go of his hands and feet, and doing business outside.

Moreover, Yang Yang now not only has a pair of parents, Xu's father and Xu's mother also watched him grow up, and Yang Yang and Xu Yan have married abroad, so they can help and decide everything.

To paraphrase Father Yang's joke, unless Yang Yang and the others want a child, they can come back whenever they want, and they won't come back if they don't.

"Jianhua, I'm really convinced by Lao Yang and the others. How dare they lie to us, Xu Yan, to get married, just to let us be their babysitters." Xu's mother was chanting in the kitchen of Yang Yang's house, but her tone couldn't be heard. Too much resentment.

More of a whine.

"Come on, you. At the beginning, I didn't help take care of Yang Yang, but you whispered to me for half a month, saying that it would be nice to have a boy as Yanyan's brother."

"Now? The children only need us to take care of them for a few days a year. Are you still not happy? You women."

Dad Xu said with a sigh while washing the yam in his hand.

Xu's mother was unwilling, buttocked Xu's father, grabbed the yam in his hand, drove him aside, took out a plane and peeled the washed yam.

"Can the situation be the same? We are marrying our daughters, and we will follow Yang Yang for most of our lives. What's wrong with giving them time to take care of them?"

Father Xu washed his hands and answered the conversation:

"You also said that you have time. Do they seem to have time?"

"If you think about it this way, when you finish all your busy work now, when Yang Yang and Yanyan have children in the future, won't you be able to free up more time to take care of the children?"

"Go ahead, do you think there will be an end to making money? Comparing your heart, the boss of your company suddenly doesn't care about anything. Will your company be run off by other competitors?"

Mama Xu finished peeling the yam with her hands, and she didn't forget to take a piece of kitchen paper to put on her hand, she grabbed the yam and put it on the cutting board to start cutting. During the process, she gave Papa Xu a blank look.

Faced with Mama Xu's verbal offensive, Papa Xu had no choice but to surrender, "Okay, you are right, I can't say no to you."

"At that time, the bigger the stall, the more people will have to support them, and they will have families."

"Hmph, it's good to know." Xu's mother wrinkled her nose at Xu's father.

This time, Dad Xu was teased.

Dad Xu just took a sip of water, walked over and put his arms around Mom Xu's waist.

"My wife, do you think that since my daughter's lifelong affairs have been resolved, we don't have any worries since Lao Yang's family knows all about it. Why don't we ask for another one, and at most we can pay a fine."

"Old and unorthodox."

Mama Xu didn't buy into Papa Xu's sudden tenderness at all.

She grabbed Dad Xu's hand and stuffed the kitchen knife into his hand.

"Do you think that if you give birth to a child, you will be fined and you will be done. You don't have to care about the child's care, education, and physical and psychological development?"

"Comrade Jianhua, times have changed now, raising a child is not as easy as you think."

After Xu Ma finished speaking, she broke Dad Xu's hand, came out of his arms, took out a piece of beef from the refrigerator and threw it on the marble countertop next to the cutting board.

"I'm going to make beef stew with yam at night. You cut up the beef."

Father Xu tapped the beef with a knife, and ice shards fell from it.

He said with some embarrassment: "Honey, this beef is still hard."

"You don't know how to soak it in hot water, and you can also remove the bloodshot by the way."

"Okay, since my wife has said it."

Father Xu had no choice but to soak the beef in water first.

After a while, there was the sound of opening the door.

"It must be that Yang Yang and Yanyan are back, I'll open the door."

Mama Xu, who was picking leeks just now, heard the voice, her face immediately lit up with joy, and she hurried to open the door.

Dad Xu, who was cutting ginger and garlic, couldn't help laughing at his wife's back.

I was complaining just now, but in the end I just heard the voice, so I am so happy.

When Xu Ma rushed to the door, Yang Yang had already opened the door and entered.

He is used to the situation when his parents are not at home when he comes home.

Mama Xu who suddenly appeared caught him a little off guard.

He opened his mouth and said something.


"Hey! Let's go. You must be very tired after taking the car all the way." Madam Xu agreed naturally, and dragged Yang Yang and the others to the living room.

"Put your luggage in the living room first, go upstairs to rest for a while, and you can have dinner later."

Yang Yang was a little dazed, he was dragged all the way to the living room by Xu Ma, and only then did he think about what he wanted to ask.

"Mom, how could it be you, Comrade Yang and Ms. Wu?"

"Did mother-in-law and father-in-law go on a trip again?"

Xu Yan was still discussing with Yang Yang on the bus back, whether to go out to play during the May Day holiday.

"They're all busy, doing business, and the busier they get during the holidays, you have to understand that." Mother Xu explained in a pleasant manner.

"Yo, Ms. Ni, that's not what you said just now." Unwilling to be lonely, Dad Xu immediately spoke up.

"Go away, it's all your business." Xu's mother gave Xu's father a disgusted look, and then told him to be honest.

Looking at the situation, Yang Yang knew what his parents were thinking.

Without saying much, I rolled up my sleeves and wanted to go to the kitchen.

"Dad, I'll help with what we have for dinner tonight."

"Farewell, our big star, you'd better take your kitten upstairs to rest."

Father Xu turned his face to Yang Yang and shook his hands, signaling him not to enter the kitchen.

Mama Xu was more straightforward, and hurled Yang Yang upstairs.

This made Yang Yang a little embarrassed. Xu's father and Xu's mother had never been so polite to him when they got married before.

When Yang Yang came to the room upstairs, Xu Yan was already in the closet and started to pick out what clothes to wear after taking a shower.

"Honey, have our parents always been like this? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"There's something wrong. My parents have always been like this. Why do you think your wife couldn't cook when she first married you? It's because she didn't have a chance."

Yang Yang sat on the bed and looked at Xu Yan who was looking for clothes in the closet, "Really? Then why every time I accompanied you home before, they asked me to help in the kitchen."

"You are so narrow-minded. Didn't I move out with you at that time? My dad was considering whether you took good care of me."

"Then I've taken good care of you."

"For the first two years, it's okay. For the next five years, I'm not going to take care of you father and daughter."

Xu Yan gave Yang Yang a look, then walked towards the bathroom with the chosen clothes.

Yang Yang frantically followed, but was turned away.

"Hey, wife, let's wash together." Yang Yang said without giving up.

"I'm here as my aunt." Xu Yan snapped back.

Yang Yang's face drooped instantly, but just as he sat on the bed, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He ran over and slapped on the bathroom door again.

"Didn't you say that my aunt doesn't want to take a bath?"

"If you don't take a bath, you won't stink to death. I can't wipe it with a towel."

"Honey, I think..."

"No, you don't want to."


Yang Yang looked at his hands depressedly, and finally decided to find a suit of clothes and take a shower in another room to reduce the fire.

While picking up clothes, Yang Yang suddenly noticed a small basket at the bottom of his closet.

It was full of things like baby bellybands and a pair of old-fashioned small silver bracelets.

Seeing these things, Yang Yang couldn't help feeling kind.

Temporarily giving up the idea of ​​finding things, Yang Yang squatted down and began to look through these things one by one.

"Yang Yang, are you still outside?" Xu Yan, who was alone in the bathroom, couldn't bear the loneliness and shouted to the outside.

"Here, what's the matter?" Yang Yang picked up the silver bracelet, and suddenly became childish, trying to see if he could put it on now.

"This May Day, let's not go out to play at all, just stay at home and write novels."

"By the way, I can also prepare papers for the debate competition."

"There's nothing to prepare for that. It's just a school warm-up match. It's meaningless to win. I'll leave it to you."

"You really don't want to win that much?"

"As a human being, don't be so determined to win or lose, otherwise the more you gain, the more you lose."

Yang Yang tried several times but couldn't fit the silver bracelet into his wrist, so he had to give up in the end.

"But since you have participated, you must be responsible to other people." Xu Yan found that her husband had been a little slack recently, and couldn't help but want to whip him with a small leather whip.

"Responsible, I must be responsible. When the official competition is over, I will do my best, so you will always be satisfied."

"My wife, come out after washing. I found that my mother put my childhood things in my closet. In addition to a pair of silver bracelets, there is a third silver bracelet under the clothes. I can't figure it out. Now, did I have three hands before?"

"Pfft~, that's not certain. You might have had three hands when you were a child, but you chopped off one of them later."

Xu Yan couldn't help laughing in the bathroom, and not long after answering, she opened the door and came out.

I saw Yang Yang still working on the silver bracelet.

"Is the silver bracelet so beautiful? I'm fascinated." Xu Yan walked over and kicked Yang Yang, and then sat down beside him.

"Wait a minute, do you see if it's your name?" Yang Yang brought the silver bracelet he was researching in front of Xu Yan.

"Huh? Is there any? Let me see." Xu Yan took the silver bracelet and looked carefully that it really had her name on it.

"Tell me the truth, besides kissing me forcefully when you were young, did you also steal my bracelet?" Xu Yan's expression suddenly became serious.

Yang Yang couldn't help being embarrassed, how could he remember such things.

He hasn't worn a bracelet or anything like that since he can remember.

"I'll calculate the prices back then. You should be in prison for a few years." Seeing Yang Yang's expression, Xu Yan's eyes flickered with cunning, and she began to count earnestly with her fingers.

"I've already been imprisoned for life, so I'll be locked up here, don't forget." Yang Yang grinned bitterly, and nodded to his wife's chest and heart.

But Xu Yan shot it down with disgust, "You walked in voluntarily, it doesn't count."

"Well... If you really want to know, go ask your parents." Yang Yang pulled Xu Yan up and walked downstairs.

Dad Xu had already finished cooking his specialty dishes, and handed over the rest of the battlefield to Mom Xu. He sat alone at the dining table, drinking tea slowly, watching Mom Xu busy in the kitchen.

There were already several steaming dishes on the table.

As soon as he saw Xu Yan and Yang Yang coming down, he immediately asked them to sit down and eat.

"Come on, we'll have to wait a little longer for dinner, but you can try my handicraft first, and I'll get you chopsticks."

"So rich tonight? Are these few dishes not enough? Mom, why don't you be busy, let's have dinner now." As soon as Xu Yan saw that the dishes on the table were all her favorites, she couldn't wait to run all over the table before reaching out to grab it.

"Ah! You're already married, why are you still so dishonest?" Dad Xu saw it, took a few steps at a time, and touched the back of Xu Yan's hand with chopsticks.

"Even if you have a baby and become a mother, I'm still your daughter." Xu Yan put a piece of braised pork into her mouth, licked her fingers a few times with her pink tongue, and did not forget to refute Father Xu's words.

This reminded Yang Yang of the moment when Xiao Yu was born, Xu Yan finally didn't have to be taboo, and let go of her greedy cat.

"Dad, can you see if this is the silver bracelet from Yanyan's childhood?" Yang Yang took the opportunity to help Xu Yan hold the chopsticks and handed the silver bracelet to Dad Xu.

"Yo, where did you find it? I remember that Yanyan lost one and cried for a long time when she was a child."

"I remember running out when it was raining heavily that day, but got caught in the rain and got a fever, leaving the root of the disease."

Father Xu held the silver bracelet in his hand and looked at it, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

While talking, Xu Ma came over with two dishes.

"It's time for dinner, let's do it for today, I went to the vegetable market after work, and I didn't buy any fresh vegetables."

Xu's father handed the silver bracelet to Xu's mother for her to see.

"It's true that these silver bracelets belong to Yanyan, but they don't seem to be the pair she lost before."

Xu Ma took the silver bracelet, looked at it for a long time, and said something that made everyone puzzled.

 Damu is very grateful to those who have always supported me. I have been feeling unwell for the past few days, but I will recuperate as soon as possible to ensure stable and high-quality updates. I can only say that I am very sorry for the situation in the past few days.

  Although it’s not about not updating after playing, but I don’t want everyone to be affected by unexpected events in my novel, and I will try my best to reduce unstable updates like these few days in the future.

  Weekly reward list:
  'Daomi' tipped 2500 starting coins

  'Guoshi Wushuang haha' tipped 1000 starting coins

  'Yumotong' tipped 1000 starting coins

  'Uhkou' rewards 1000 starting coins

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  'WJ_Sun' rewards 600 starting coins

  'Wonderful Bamboo丨500' reward [-] starting coins

  'Young man Yang' rewarded 500 starting coins

  'Book friend 20200128003651539' tipped 500 starting coins

  'Big Rope Go Away' reward 500 starting coins

  'Missing the bear with righteousness and arrogance' rewards 300 starting coins

  'A small umbrella in the rain with light ripples' tipped 300 starting coins

  'Yuhuotong' rewards 100 starting coins

  'Faded Straw Hat,' reward 100 starting coins

  'Book Friends 20200125203514112' tipped 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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