Chapter 166
Because I don't know how many chapters I can add today.

So I will write the end of the year.

There are a lot of dumb words (it seems that you are more accepting of this name) I don’t want to say, because it is too negative, and it will affect everyone’s bad mood after going to work and school all day.

But if I don't explain some things, everyone will think I'm being lazy.

He majored in mechanical engineering, and his grades in science were not bad, but his Chinese was hard to describe.

I often fail in Chinese. I almost got full marks in chemistry back then, but I deducted one point because of a typo.

Before breaking your hand in the college entrance examination (don't think too much about the fracture), the key classes of key schools in the city were in the top ten, and after breaking your hand, you were counting down to the top ten
At that time, I was very irritable, and I recognized this achievement, but I didn't expect that my subsequent mentality would affect my future life.

Because of his skills and grades, his mentality changed, and Gao Fu only went to a junior college later.

At that time, I was a little conceited, thinking that school was not important, and my ability was enough.

Facts have proved that the school is still very important (geniuses can ignore it.) The first-class scholarship of the school every year (only 7, 800, and once there was a tripartite scholarship with 1200).

But what's the use, the internship is still assigned to that kind of garbage factory, and the salary for 14 years is 1400.

Thinking about it now, I still feel a little resentful. At that time, I still had to work night shifts, and the day and night were reversed. I still rented a house by myself, hey.

For a school with good social resources, the university may be very good, but for a school with no resources, the social atmosphere will be extremely strong. This time, Damo has truly experienced it.

Looking back, I found that the most beautiful youth I had spent in key high school branch schools.

Later, I learned some things by myself, and then I went to do it. I didn't notice that the shortcomings were exposed before, but it was still the mentality.

But in fact, it is the world-weary plot that Damu had when he was a child.

As long as there is no progress, you will be irritable and give up on yourself, giving up one job after another that is okay, which will also plant the seeds of disaster for the future.

It’s been three years since I’ve been going around in circles, and I can’t say that I haven’t made any progress, at least I’ve gained some experience, and then I’m thinking about going to a big city.
At this time, Damu had to admit that he was a mediocre person who had worked very hard but failed to achieve anything.

A little digressed to pull back.

So staying up late has a big impact on me, even bigger than the average person, but I can't write anything until late at night.

I often can’t write for a few hours during the day, and spend two hours at night to get out.

But after staying up all night, I feel uncomfortable in various ways, and the codeword time is delayed again and again. When the state is not good, a bad cycle is formed, so the amount of updates is unstable.

emmm... It feels like it's still not on the topic, it's more like an excuse to delay the update.

In short, 2019 is coming to an end, I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day in advance, and hope this book can play a positive role in everyone's positive face of life.

I am dumbfounded to code words ヾ(=ω=)o
(Accidentally charge for 1000 words in this chapter, and no charge for 2000 words in the next chapter.)

After this book is finished, there will be a new book. If you don’t sign a contract, it shouldn’t be too long.

There is also a reader group in the book introduction. If you have anything to do, go to the group to find me. I may not read book reviews often in the future.

Damu is a person who is easily influenced. Although he refuses to admit defeat, he will consider the other party's point of view in his heart, so he can't dialectically listen to readers' opinions (so he deleted the comment when he saw something wrong). Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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