My wife was reborn before me

Chapter 157 Wandering on the verge of being frightened to death and strangling to death

Chapter 157 Wandering on the verge of being frightened to death and strangling to death
"Hey? Hey! Hey... you child." The dormitory manager watched helplessly as Yang Yang squeezed in and ran all the way to the dormitory.

Looking back at the door of the dormitory, the dormitory uncle couldn't help showing an intriguing smile.

Stretching out his hand and closing the door, the housekeeper looked proudly at the direction Yang Yang left.

What's the use of being anxious, if you don't tell me what to take, I'll see how you go out later.

Humming a ditty from his own era, shaking the key in his hand, the housekeeper returned to his duty room.

That night, Yang Yang had agreed with Xu Yan in advance that he would run for student representative.

It's been half a month since he was with his wife, so he couldn't just go there smelling bad.

So his purpose of going back to the dormitory is very simple, just to take a shower.

Ten minutes later, Yang Yang came out of the shower, only to find that the door of the dormitory building had been closed.

Yang Yang glanced at the dormitory supervisor's duty room and found that the dorm supervisor was not there, so he simply ran to the second floor of the dormitory building and jumped off the balcony grabbing the edge.

At this time, the uncle who had just finished heating his own dinner happened to see this scene.

The dormitory manager hurried to the window to watch Yang Yang run away, making sure he was not injured, and couldn't help sighing: "The child's way is really wild now!"

Finally, Yang Yang stepped on the bell and came to the classroom.

When Xu Feng saw that Yang Yang had changed his clothes, he couldn't help the difference, "Have you taken a bath?"

"Yeah." Yang Yang didn't deny it either.

"What are you going to do?" Zhu Le has already regained his energy, and can't wait to come over and gossip.

"It's nothing, I'll go on a date with my wife later." Yang Yang picked up his phone while speaking, and directly texted Xu Yan to leave a message.

Yang Yang: Don't forget, what I said last time, if you become a student representative, you can text me back.

Xu Yan: Oh.

Seeing Yang Yang texting, Xu Feng tacitly turned his head out of the window to see if the teacher had come.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Jiang Taohai just walked in from the outside.

He was about to remind Yang Yang, but found that Yang Yang had already put away his phone.

So fast?
When Xu Feng was a little surprised, Jiang Taohai had already started talking:

"In the past half month, everyone has worked hard. In principle, schools should not engage in rankings, but in order for everyone to know their own level, this Friday will post the results after the rankings.

At the parent meeting next month, your parents will see it. "

As soon as Jiang Tao said this, he wailed all over the place.

"No, you can't do this."

"I beg the teacher to be a person."

"It's time for my dad to say that again."


"The money I spent on you is exchanged for red notes, and the pile is higher than yours. Why don't you live up to it?"


"Teacher, my parents are not free, can I let my sister come?"

"Teacher, can I let my brother come over?"

"Teacher, can I come here with my uncle in my arms?"

"The one just born in your relative's house? Then you have to bring diapers."

After the wailing, there were all kinds of weird reasons and excuses.

Jiang Taohai was sweating coldly on his forehead, but he still said calmly: "If your parents are not at home, you can have other relatives come, but they must be adults and older than you."

After finishing his sentence, regardless of the reaction below, Jiang Taohai picked up the chalk on the podium, "One more thing, the school will hold a student representative meeting later, and we are asked to elect student representatives.

"Now whoever wants to be can raise their hands, and then everyone votes."

"Just go to a meeting, nothing else, don't be nervous."

Jiang Taohai explained to this point, and began to click on the blackboard, wanting to urge everyone.

"Me!" Yang Yang raised his hand.

"A total of two people are needed, is there anyone else?" Jiang Taohai was a little surprised, but continued to urge.

"And me." Seeing that Yang Yang had raised his hand, Gong Li simply followed suit.

"The squad leader can't go this time." Jiang Taohai shook his head at Gong Li.

Now, the people in the class began to discuss.

"What is this operation?"

"I'm afraid it's not the separation of powers."

"I also feel that the monitor cannot represent us."

"I'm afraid you're trying to create dissension. What's wrong with our macho squad leader? He can attack with push, and defend with close proximity."

"Fuck off, I'm serious. The class leader can't represent the bottom class. He has to think about the whole class and needs to see the overall situation. The student representative should start from the student's own point of view. It is necessary to let a student who has no official position be the representative. .”

At first, everyone thought that the class committee was elected, but Jiang Tao's words immediately started a heated discussion.

Both Jiang Taohai and Yang Yang were sweating.

This is to force the palace.

Yang Yang couldn't help but glanced at Gong Li.

Can you do it? Everyone seems to criticize you.

Gong Li turned around and gave Yang Yang a hard look.

At the end of the discussion, Lin Jiajia, who usually does not speak, was called by name.

"Me?" Lin Jiajia stood up blankly.

"Don't be nervous, just go to a random meeting." Jiang Taohai looked at his phone, he was short of time, and simply reassured Lin Jiajia and began to vote.

"First of all, Yang Yang, everyone voted with a show of hands, 1, 2, 3,... more than half, pass." Jiang Taohai simply counted.

The same happened to Lin Jiajia afterwards.

The student representatives were decided hastily in this way.

Yang Yang didn't find it strange either. Originally, the student representatives had little influence on the class, and the teachers in the class had never been taken seriously.

Basically, it is just to subdivide the responsibilities of the monitor in junior high school.

The official statement is to reduce the burden on the monitor and better listen to the suggestions of the students at the bottom.

Maybe the headmaster came up with the idea out of brainstorming. Yang Yang has never seen it in other schools.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, one of the two evening self-study sessions had passed.

Yang Yang also led Lin Jiajia and left the classroom.

Lin Jiajia kept silent all the way, silently following behind Yang Yang.

You could tell she was a little nervous.

Until she saw Xu Yan who had also left the classroom, she immediately greeted her excitedly.

"Xu Yan, are you also a student representative?" Lin Jiajia looked at Xu Yan excitedly.

However, Xu Yan was not very happy.

Looking at Yang Yang's eyes, there is a sense of sight of 'I treat you as my husband, but you want to date my girlfriend'.

"It's none of my business." Yang Yang shrugged, then took Xu Yan's hand, and changed the topic:

"The day after tomorrow we will go to the city gymnasium to play a game, don't go home, come to the city to watch me play, okay?"

"Okay." Xu Yan nodded without hesitation.

Xu Yan wanted to share with Yang Yang about the best-selling female channel in her book.

But thinking that Yang Yang's book was signed half a month ago, and now he doesn't even have a recommendation, he is afraid of hurting his husband's self-esteem.

So I changed the subject, "How did you do in the midterm exam? I heard from other students privately that someone is planning to make the general list of the branch school and the headquarters."

"I know. In the past, people from the branch school and the headquarters would do this." Yang Yang said indifferently. It was because of this that he made the bet with Qi Zhen.

What's the point of competing among a bunch of underachievers? To compare is to compare those self-righteous people in the department, and let them know that the real winner is the last laugh.

"I also heard that in the city..." Yang Yang started a new topic.

The two walked out of the teaching building with one word at a time.

Lin Jiajia stood behind with a dull expression.

Who am I and where am I?why should i be the student representative

It was already 9 o'clock, and many places around the teaching building were pitch black.

Lin Jiajia suddenly remembered that she didn't know where the school's Great Hall of Ten Thousand People was, so she gritted her teeth and went after Yang Yang and Xu Yan in small steps.

It's better to be fed to death by dog ​​food than to be scared to death alone when you get lost at night.

(End of this chapter)

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