Is Dr. Gao remarried today?

Chapter 233 Jiang An, Wait For Me

Chapter 233 Jiang An, Wait For Me

Chapter 229 Jiang An, Wait For Me
The three played in the playground all day, and when they returned in the evening, Yan Yan was so tired that he fell asleep in Jiang An's arms, and it was nightfall when Gao Chuan drove Jiang An home.

The woman gently put the child on the seat, and when she opened the door and got out of the car, she found that Gao Chuan was already waiting for her below, and when she saw that she was about to skip him and go upstairs, she called to stop her.

"Jiang An."

The man called her, and walked slowly in front of Jiang An, his tall figure covering the light above her head.

"I know you're still blaming me," Gao Chuan looked down at her, his dull voice fell, cool and soft.

"Before, I didn't do well. I didn't know how to love others, which made you wronged."

When Jiang An heard the man suddenly mentioning the previous incident, his expression suddenly sank, and a sense of loss that had fallen to the bottom came to his heart.

"You said that you longed for ordinary love and marriage. From now on, I will learn it slowly." The man's eyes fell on her, his expression was dull but full of sincerity.

In the past, he was too egoistic, always thinking that Jiang An was still standing there waiting for him, but in fact he was the one who stayed there all the time.

He couldn't let go at all.

Because he loves Jiang An, I'm afraid this love is deeper than he imagined.

In this relationship, after all, it was because of his dullness and self-righteousness that Jiang An chose to leave in disappointment.

Now he finally understands that love is not as simple as he imagined.

Love means respecting each other and valuing each other.

Rather than brutally plundering and bluntly binding.

From this moment on, for her, he will slowly learn, learn how to pursue a person, learn how to care for a person.

He will make Jiang An return to him willingly.

Or rather, falling in love with him again.

"Jiang An, wait for me."

Gao Chuan's words drifted into Jiang An's ears along with the breeze, and the woman raised her head to look at the bottomless eyes in front of her, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

She used to think that her heart was dead and she would never fall in love with anyone again.

But at this moment, the heart seemed to break out of the shackles again, and the flowers that should have withered broke the ground again.

"It's getting late, go up to rest early, see you tomorrow." Gao Chuan didn't want her to respond to him now, he would try his best to get close to her again.

But this time, slowly, step by step.


At the beginning of a new week, Jiang An went back to work in the hospital.

Because it was her turn to be on the night shift, and it was already the early morning of the next day when she returned home. The woman who hadn't closed her eyes almost all night yawned all the way, thinking about her little bed at home.

When she returned to the apartment building, she saw a truck parked at the door from a distance, and when she wanted to go around, she found a familiar face.

It was the secretary who brought her things that morning.

She couldn't help being taken aback, the man had already seen her when she was wondering, and even took the initiative to greet her, still full of formulaic words: "Good morning, Miss Jiang."

Jiang An watched the group of people moving around, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but he didn't bother to question him, so he simply greeted the man and went upstairs.

Probably because of being too tired, she fell asleep almost lying on the bed, and didn't think about this matter again.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Jiang An woke up and looked at the time to go to the kitchen to make something to eat. Suddenly, he found that the refrigerator was almost empty, so he changed his clothes and planned to go shopping in a supermarket not far from the apartment.

The sky outside is approaching evening, the heat is gradually fading, a round of red sun hangs in the sky, and there are patches of orange clouds floating around.

Jiang An took the key and was about to go out. After a few steps down the stairs, he saw Gao Chuan who was climbing up step by step. In the narrow corridor, the two were taken aback when they saw each other.

Jiang An didn't intend to stop to say hello to him, and just about to leave, the man grabbed her arm first, raised the bag in his other hand to signal her, and said softly: "I packed the wontons, do you want to go?" eat?"

The two stayed in place. Jiang An stood on the upper steps, looking at the man from a rare angle of looking down. Under the bridge of his straight nose was a pair of thin lips like water. When he looked up, he looked a little tired.

"No need." She hurriedly shook off his hand, and immediately went downstairs after refusing.

Gao Chuan turned his head to look at the back of the woman running away in a panic, the corners of his eyes drooped, and his black eyes were covered with a trace of disappointment.

After Jiang An walked out of the apartment, he stopped slowly, looked back and found that the man hadn't followed before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now when she met Gao Chuan, she already understood something, and it must be the same as what she guessed in her heart this morning.

Gao Chuan moved in, for her.

Only then did she suddenly realize what the man meant by "see you tomorrow" last night.


After being rejected by Jiang An, Gao Chuan went upstairs alone.

He worked hard to rent the house here, which is located above Jiang An's house.

The man had never lived in this kind of bachelor apartment before, and the space of one bedroom and one living room was really cramped compared to the villa he lived in before.

Originally, he was going to move here in person in the morning, but because of a temporary meeting in the company, he called the secretary to do it for him. He didn't expect that he would be busy all day.

It's rare that he didn't have a schedule tonight, so he took a long detour from the company to buy Jiang An's favorite wonton before.

It's a pity that women don't seem to appreciate it.

He entered the door and put the bag of wontons on the table, walked to the living room and began to pack his luggage.

He didn't move too many things, and Secretary Chen also responsibly helped him arrange daily necessities and some necessary furniture. The man took out a few clothes he often wore from the suitcase, and hung them up one by one. in the closet.

After finishing everything, the man looked out the window and found that it was already dark. He took out his notebook and walked to the living room to start dealing with work matters.

The work tasks in the company are not easy. As the vice president, he has a lot of things to do, and he often has to work overtime in the company, which is almost the same as in the hospital before.

Gao Yu has advised him many times not to work so hard and let himself relax, but with his workaholic style, he often can't rest for a few days in a year.

In the past few years when Jiang An was away, his life returned to the dullness before. He went out early and returned late every day, living a life alone. It seemed that only the daily work schedule could make him temporarily numb himself and stop thinking about her.

But today is different, he will try to allocate his time and energy to Jiang An.

They have a long way to go.

 Change the cover, don't delete it if you guys look familiar~
(End of this chapter)

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